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KLOE-2: Status report.

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1 KLOE-2: Status report

2 Overview Two major ongoing activities
Maintenance and upgrade of the KLOE apparatus, includes beam pipe and inner region gas system electronics (DC, calorimeter,trigger) L2 CPUs networking online farm computing power for data reconstruction storage system R&D for the new detector systems the gg-taggers the inner tracker the crystal calorimeters for the inner region the quadrupole instrumentation C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

3 Plan approval In June the part not already funded has been approved
In September plans for year 2009 have been reviewed They include, for step-0, or KLOE1.5: detector revision and refurbishment, setup and test of the new DAQ, revision and test of the Slow-Control, setup of a new storage system, roll-in operations, data taking The gg-tagger design will be ready in March. Funds available. Tagger will be reviewed in April. Three months for the realization Installation with the IR (LET) and the other works on DAFNE C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

4 KLOE-2 plans The other upgrades have been funded to complete the R&D phase and finalize the detector design. Inner tracker, end : test of the procedure for layer construction using CF cylinders and anode embedded test of the new (large area) GEM test and optimization of the readout system on the new devices TDR for the inner tracker – End of June 2009 Crystal calorimeters (CCALT): BTF test-beam : LYSO crystals from several manifacturers, SiPM coupling, readout system from LNF Electronic Service Quadrupole Instrumentation (QCALT): Test on a small prototype Detector design – End of August 2009 Realization of the module December 2009 C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

5 Beam pipe Work completed Interaction zone
Beam pipe with quadrupoles and QCAL extracted from KLOE Operation carried out middle of September alignment of insertion rails insertion of extraction shell connection to beam pipe Extraction Work completed C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

6 Beam pipe modification
Spherical Be beam pipe, 10 cm radius, to minimize Ks interactions Optimal sample for QM interference Internal to the sphere: 50 mm Be cylinder Preferred solution for connection with the new beam pipe: external part as it is, connected to the first quadrupole, QD0 internal cylinder connected to the new beam pipe with cone-shaped Al section C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

7 Beam-pipe supports C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

8 KLOE B-field correctors
Studies have been carried out by AD for three B-field intensities: 5.2, 4.5 and 3.0 kGauss A new correcting dipole after QF1 needed Compatible with KLOE DC, further detector upgrades, end-cap opening QD0 QF1s Bkloe=5.2 kG No dipole ∫Bdz=446Gm Y(m) C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

9 Summary of plans for the IR
Continuous cooperation with the AD established Milestones: Extraction of the IR from KLOE – Done Cut the central part – Dec08 Design of the connection part of the beam pipe ready – Dec08 Beam pipe available in May09 Design of the dipoles ready – Dec08 Dipoles available in summer 2009 Design of the Beam pipe mechanical support ready – Feb08 Planning compatible with KLOE roll-in in summer Beam pipe insertion – Sep09 Cryogenic system reconnection – Sep09 Start of Magnet cooling – Sep09 DAFNE commissioning with KLOE – Nov09 C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

10 Gas system Gas system reorganized To do list
Reallocation of external Gas storage racks control system on new PC - readout boards - ready Manual operation established new readout boards (and PC) purchased (spares) To do list Investigate if the gas flux can be reduced (gas analyzer) Investigate if the control scheme can be simplified Re-establish automatic procedure C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

11 Detector preparation DC: EMC Trigger continuing flushing with nitrogen
Crate cleaning FEE debugging with pulser system in summer: He-Isobutane flushing and debugging completion readout boards : spares in production Test stand for ADC/TDC EMC FEE and HV debugging Trigger Spares in production C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

12 DAQ L2 CPU (Motorola) have been ordered. Waiting for the delivery
FDDI Switch FDDI connection DFC Farm CPU VME + AUXbus Rock FEE crate RockM CBUS CPU Vic L2 crate L2 CPU (Motorola) have been ordered. Waiting for the delivery Online Farm (RM3). Waiting for installation Networking (RM3). Ordered. Slow Control: Porting of software on KLOESLOW (AIX) proceeds spare control boards refurbished during 2009 C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

13 Computing Upgrades New hardware has been bought and delivered:
2 fast servers for user analysis (fibm11,12 replacement) 100 cartridges + 4 TB disk space Offline farm power to be improved from 30 fb-1/day to 50 fb-1/day Purchase of 16 Power5+ CPU, 1.9 GHz, 16 GB RAM New servers being put on-line KRUNC (KLOE Run Control) 2 new DB servers new KLOESLOW Storage capability to be increased by 0.9 PB corresponding to 5 fb-1 at 175 TB/fb-1 (Raw + rec + dst + MCdst x 2) Upgrade of Library #2. From 6 to 12 new mount points with higher writing density 0.4 PB obtained writing at higher density the existing 2100 cartridges (from 300  500 GB) 0.5 PB obtained from 500 new cartridges of 1 TB C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

14 Storage system upgrade
DAS Disk system (30 TB) for data taking and data processing Storage capability to be increased by 0.9 PB corresponding to 5 fb-1 at 175 TB/fb-1 (Raw + rec + dst + MCdst x 2) Upgrade of Library #2. From old 6 to 12 new mount points 0.4 PB obtained writing at higher density the existing 2200 cartridges (from 300  500 GB) 0.5 PB obtained from 500 new cartridges of 1 TB New controller and ~50 TB of disk space for DSTs Funded EU bid starting in March C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

15 gg-physics with KLOE1.5 HET (450 MeV region) LET (200 MeV region)
The tagger for gg-physics can significantly improve the KLOE sensitivity helping in background reduction and giving the invariant mass Tagger system design will be reviewed in April (documentation ready in March) Electrons (positrons) in the high-energy range leave main orbit after the dipole Those of low-energy escape BP in the quadrupole region LET (200 MeV region) HET (450 MeV region) C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

16 Electron tracking DAFNE magnetic layout simulated with MAD and BDSIM
LET C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

17 Test beam at BTF to measure energy and time resolutions by end 2008
LET Detector QCALT LET Technology: PbWO + SiPM 3x10 crystals 5 cm thick (enough to contain shower due to high impact angle) 3x3 mm2 SiPM (2 for each crystal) ~2pe/MeV expected  σE/E = 5÷10% Test beam at BTF to measure energy and time resolutions by end 2008 C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

18 Test Beam at LNF PbWO LYSO SG Scionix Scio LFS
Built a crystal matrix in order to study the different LYSO-like options for CCALT and the PbWO for LET Energy resolution, time resolution, efficiency, spatial resolution to be measured and compared with simulation C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

19 HET positioning FEE detector
Tecnology: Si micro strip + plastic scintillator Dipole is used as a spectrometer Energy resolution depends on strip pitch (final design by March 2009) Possible placement in an accessible H-H’ flange after the dipoles FEE detector C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

20 Inner Tracker Numbers IT Proto 1.0 5 tracking layers
200x500 µm spatial resolution 700 mm active length from 150 to 250 mm radii 1.8% X0 total radiation length Technology: Cylindrical-GEM Inner Tracker Drift chamber IT Proto 1.0 Constructed in 2007 150 mm radius (Layer 1) x mm active length 650 µm pitch only along Z 192 ch equipped with CARIOCA 128 ch with GASTONE C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

21 2 (global) = 2 (GEM) + 2 (tracker)
Test beam results show triple-GEM efficiency as high as 99.6% spatial resolution of 200 mm with a readout pitch of 650 mm GEM residuals with respect to the track reconstructed by drift tubes (150 mm resolution) 2 (global) = 2 (GEM) + 2 (tracker) 2 (GEM) = 2502µm2 – 1402µm2  2002µm2 C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

22 Inner Tracker IT-CGEM Prototype 1.0 Next Prototypes Engineering work
Construction X-ray test Cosmic-ray test CERN-PS Next Prototypes 10x10 cm2 chamber to test XV-readout (RD51 at CERN) 50x70 cm2 chamber to test new large GEM foils Carbon-fiber cylinder for mechanical tests + anode construction procedure Engineering work Toolings for detector construction – from full-size prototype and ongoing R&D Mechanical structure for readout electronics Integration and installation system - started Simulations Gluing region electric field New GEM hole geometry Finite-elements mechanical simulations (ANSYS) Front-end Electronics GASTONE 16CH GASTONE 64CH (prototype by end of 2008) C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

23 FEE-HV-Detector Integration
carbon-fiber shell Study of a possible arrangement of HV-connectors, gas inlets, mechanical support for FEE boards FEE board kapton readout circuit ASIC fiberglass FEE support gas inlets/outlets signal connector HV connector C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008 23

24 QCALT: a Quad Calo with Tiles
Technology: Scintillator-tiles + WLS + SiPM 12 Wedges with 20 towers along Z Each tower with 5 layers of tiles (5x5x0.5 cm3) 3.5 mm Tungsten used as absorber to reduce space Total calorimeter depth 4.75 cm equivalent to 5.5 X0 Integrated design with IT 24 C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

25 Tile Calorimeter Fibers: Saint Gobain SC and MC, Kuraray SCSF81
Tiles: BC 404 and BC 408 3mm thick SiPM 400pixel 5mm thick SiPM 100pixel Plans: dec 08. QCALT small proto: 3 towers and 2 planes dec 09. Module 0 with final SiPM-Fiber connectors and proto final electronics (5xFEE amps + 3 VME SDSQ boards (HV supply + discr. + sum) 25 p.e. per MIP C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

26 Conclusions Dafne performance confirmed our plans for preparing KLOE to data taking The project has been completely funded, including the R&D activities for all of the detector upgrades We have started a close interaction with the AD for the IR We are also strongly motivated to install the gg-tagger during 2009. Technical Report on gg-tagger ready in March, reviewed in April by CSN1 We are thinking to organize sometimes in February-March an informal workshop to review and prioritize the physics objectives of the project. Suggestions are welcome. C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

27 Spares C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

28 Drift Chamber DC still kept with HV OFF. Continuous flushing of Nitrogen Survey of FEE channels (Pre,HV,ADS) to be done Trigger system CAEN HV system SY527 +A934AP ADS board Input Ampl. Analog Sum Disciminator Trigger Stage Control Suppli board ADC board TDC board Control board Pre board HV board Pre LVPS board Caffe board DAQ Production in progress of 1 equivalent full rack of ADS and CCC. Spare amps arriving C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

29 EMC FEE/HV 8 HV crates have “fan failure”. Cleaning in progress
Test-stand for TDC/ADC debugging ready Custom LV System ±6V 50 A ±5V Linear Low Noise power supply DAQ TDC board Monostable TAC A/D CTRL logic & interfaces Start Stop CAEN HV system SY527 +A932AP L0 trigger SDS board x 1 CFD DELAY LINE + Vth Dis. Adder Shaper BESSEL FILTER PM base HV divider PM PREAMP 50 Ω cable Trigger system DAQ ADC board V/I S/H CTRL logic & interfaces A/D + CCC board Test Pulser FEE Monitor & control THR setting Slow control interface L0 trigger Components for SDS,CCC and Power supply purchased C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

30 Trigger Spares in production: Trigger supervisor (Bari)
Calorimeter 4880 PM Drift Chamber 12582 PM Sum of EMC signals Digitization and Logic processing Multiplicity counting SDS PIZZA DISH PASTA Sum and digitization of DC signals Superlayer building DC Trigger Logic Final decision TORTA EMC trigger logic Synchronizer and Fan-out Trigger supervisor FIO T1 T2 T1ACK T2Y EMC TDC-ADC DC TDC DAQ ADS Suppli Pre Caffe Caffe Spares in production: Trigger supervisor (Bari) 3 Trigger distributors 2 TORTA 4-6 Trigger receivers C.Bloise - 37th Scientific Committee - LNF, December 1th, 2008

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