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Upcoming Events Cathedral Kitchen (Camden, NJ) Relay for Life

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Presentation on theme: "Upcoming Events Cathedral Kitchen (Camden, NJ) Relay for Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre Allied Health

2 Upcoming Events Cathedral Kitchen (Camden, NJ) Relay for Life
Saturdays 11:30-1:30 2/6 3/5 4/2 Relay for Life 6pm-6am Rec Center 4/8

3 National Wellness Institute Club Guest Speaker:
Victoria Lawton, Physical Therapy Gradate Assistant Wednesday, February 17th 5:00-6:00 pm James Hall 2101 Cardinal Village BINGO night Friday March 11th 6:00-7:00 pm No general club meeting that day Volunteering at Camden County Animal Shelter & Q&A with Physician Assistant Student: TBA

4 General Club Meetings February 26th April 8th April 22nd

5 Open Positions Secretary SGA Senator
Responsibilities: Club attendance records, meeting minutes, and record of any activities/fundraisers Create sign up sheets on Google Drive and share with members SGA Senator Responsibilities: attend all SGA Senate meetings Due: Friday, February 19th (extended 1 week) Pre Allied Health mailbox in the SGA Office in the Student Center

6 Questions? Please feel free to ask one of our e-board members!
Thanks for coming!

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