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Presentation on theme: "CLUSTER FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION ON PULSES"— Presentation transcript:

ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA CLUSTER FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION ON PULSES (BIHAR, JHARKHAND AND WEST BENGAL) ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata Salt Lake, Kolkata –

2 Physical Target of CFLD Pulses Physical Target of CFLD Pulses(Area ha)
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Physical Target of CFLD Pulses Crop/ Season Physical Target of CFLD Pulses(Area ha) Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Total Kharif Pigeon pea 660 560 80 1300 Black gram 50 200 230 480 Green gram 110 240 Horse gram Sub total 760 980 390 2130 Rabi Lentil 1060 350 1410 Chick pea 580 470 90 1140 Field pea 370 140 600 2010 3150 Summer 490 380 290 1160 40 30 210 530 520 320 1370 3300 2060 1290 6650

3 Physical achievement of CFLD Pulses 2016-17 Physical target (Area ha)
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Physical achievement of CFLD Pulses State Season Physical target (Area ha) Physical achievement (Area ha) Bihar Kharif 760 622 Rabi 2010 2040 Summer 530 Jharkhand 980 970 560 520 West Bengal 390 365 580 320 315.7 Total 6650 6502.7

4 State and crop wise varieties demonstrated under CFLD Pulses 2016-17
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA State and crop wise varieties demonstrated under CFLD Pulses Crops Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Pigeon pea Malaviya 13, NDA -1,2, LRG-41, BSMR-736 Asha, NDA 2, Malaviya 13 UPAS 120, Asha and Laxmi. Black gram (Kharif) Uttra, PU 30,31,Azad Urd 2, Meha & Birsa Urd 1, Shekhar 2 WBU 109(Sulata), WBU 108 (Sharda), PU 31 Green gram(Kharif) HUM-16 HUM 16, Pant Moong 5 ,IPM2-3 ,SML 668 Samrat Horse gram - Payur 2, Payur 1, Indra Kulth 1, Birsa Kulthi 1 Continued…

5 Crops Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Continued… Crops Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Lentil HUL-57,Arun, IPL-406 area not allotted Moitree(WBL-77) Chick pea BGM-547, GNG-1581 JAKI-9218, GNG-1581 JAKI-9218, Anuradaha Field pea HUDP-15, Malviya Matar-15, Prakash, HUDP-15 Rachna, Prakash, Vikash Green gram (Summer) SML-668,K-851 HUM-16,SML-668 PDM-84,Samrat Black gram(Summer) Azad Urad-1, Sekhar-2,Uttra Uttra Sarada(WBU 108), Goutam, Sulata (WBU 109), PU-30

6 Average yield of Kharif/Rabi/ Summer pulses crops (q/ha)
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Average yield of Kharif/Rabi/ Summer pulses crops (q/ha) Crop Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Pigeon pea 16.47 13.23 8.35 Black gram (Kharif) - 8.60 8.66 Green gram(Kharif) 9.01 6.06 Horse gram 7.2 Lentil 12.73 9.71 Chick pea 15.44 14.53 12.06 Field pea 14.78 15.5 12.31

7 Performance of Pulses in Coastal area under CFLD Pulses 2016-17
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Performance of Pulses in Coastal area under CFLD Pulses Name of KVK Crop Variety Demonstrated yield (q/ha) Control yield (q/ha) % increase in yield Narendrapur , South 24 Pgs Pigeon pea Laxmi (ICPL_85063) 11.6 10.5 10.46 Black gram WBU-108 8.17 5.2 57.1 Lentil WBL 77 (Moitree) 10.23 7.25 41.1 Nimpith, South 24 Pgs 6.47 6.15 Green gram GG PDM-139

8 Performance of Pulses Varieties
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Performance of Pulses Varieties State Crop Variety Average yield (q/ha) Local check (q/ha) % of yield increase State average (q/ha) Bihar Pigeon pea Malaviya 13 17.75 12.43 42.8 16.67 LRG-41 16.2 13.10 23.66 BSMR-736 13.51 12.1 11.7 Jharkhand NDA 2 14.9 10.34 44.10 10.42 14.15 10.6 33.5 West Bengal UPAS 120 12.2 7.5 62.7 14.32 Continued…

9 Performance of Pulses Varieties
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Performance of Pulses Varieties State Crop Variety Average yield (q/ha) Local check (q/ha) % of yield increase State average (q/ha) Jharkhand Green gram (Kharif) HUM 16 9.2 6 53.3 6.37 Pant Moong 5 9.88 7 41.15 West Bengal Samrat 8.16 7.31 10.1 8.43 Black gram (Kharif) PU 31 11.21 6.78 65.34 9.37 PU 30 10.8 4.88 48.6 Continued…

10 Performance of Pulses Varieties
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Performance of Pulses Varieties State Crop Variety Average yield (q/ha) Local check (q/ha) % of yield increase State average (q/ha) West Bengal Black gram (Kharif) WBU 109(Sulata) 9.56 6.33 51.03 6.66 WBU 108 (Sharda) 9.93 6.03 64.68 Jharkhand Horse gram Payur 2 7.2 4.2 59.5 6.51 Birsa Kulthi 1 9.7 5.7 58.5 Continued…

11 Performance of Pulses Varieties
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Performance of Pulses Varieties State Crop Variety Average yield (q/ha) Local check (q/ha) % of yield increase State average (q/ha) Bihar Lentil HUL-57 20.64 15.6 32.3 12.72 West Bengal WBL 77 (Moitree) 12.6 9.8 28.57 9.59 Chickpea BGM 547 15.1 11.1 36.03 11.47 JAKI-9218 14.73 10.87 35.5 Jharkhand 14 8.5 64.7 11.66 Mahamaya 8.65 6.75 28.1 11.75 12.75 11.3 12.83

12 State District Crop Maximum yield (q/ha) Variety
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Maximum yield of at farm level of Kharif/Rabi/Summer Pulses State District Crop Maximum yield (q/ha) Variety Bihar Aurangabad Pigeon pea 16.78 Malaviya-13 Arwal Green gram(Kharif) 10.9 HUM-16 Begusarai Lentil 20.64 HUL 57 Rohtas Chick pea 20.5 BGM-547 Munger Field pea 19.75 Malaviya Matar-15 Jharkhand Godda 19.7 NDA-2 Palamau Black gram (Kharif) 13.85 Birsa Urd-1 & Meha 12.25 SML668 Horse gram 11.5 Payur-1 Chatra 17.31 JAKI-9218 Gumla 18.27 Prakash West Bengal W. Midinapur 12.2 UPAS-120 11.4 Sarada Nadia Samrat Coochbehar 13.1 WBL-77 12.75 Jalpaiguri 15.3 HUDP-154

13 Technologies demonstrated in CFLD Pulses Main technologies followed
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Technologies demonstrated in CFLD Pulses Crop Main technologies followed Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Pigeon pea Seed treatment, line sowing ,use of bio fertilisers & use of bio-pesticides Use of bio fertilisers, Line sowing, Micronutrients and Pesticides Recommended Doses of Fertilizers, Sulphur, Micronutrients, Seed treatment with Rhizobium culture Black gram - INM & IPM Bio-fertilizers, PPC, Micro nutrients Green gram Varietial trial, Seed treatment with bio-fertilizer(Rhizobium) Line Sowing, Seed treatment (FIR-Method),INM(Micronutrients),IPM Biofertilizers , PPC, Micro- Nutrients Horse gram Varietal, INM,IPM Lentil Rhizobium culture, Zero-tillage varietal replacement, Paira cropping, INM, IPM Chick pea Varietal trial, use of bio fertilisers,INM, IPM Seed treatment, line sowing ,use of bio fertilisers Seed treatment, line sowing ,use of bio fertilisers, INM

14 Selling rates of different Pulses by farmers (year 2016-17)
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Selling rates of different Pulses by farmers (year ) State Crop Selling rate (Rs/Kg) Bihar & Jharkhand Pigeon pea 80-94 Black gram (Kharif) 70-90 Green gram(Kharif) 55-90 Lentil 50-75 Chick pea 45-55 Field pea West Bengal 48-60 80-120 65-80 40-50 42-55

15 Variety less than 10 year old
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Variety less than 10 years Crop Variety less than 10 year old Pigeon pea NDA-2 (2008) Black gram PU-31(2008) ,Sulata (WBU-109) (2008), SML 668(2007) Green gram Pant Moong 5(2009),HUM-16 Horse gram Birsa Kulthi -1(2006), Indira Kulthi-1 Lentil Moitree (WBL-77) (2008), KLS 09-3 Chick pea GNG-1581(2008), JG-14, BGM-547

16 Socio-economic impact parameter (seed) Seed Sold to farmer(kg)
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Socio-economic impact parameter (seed) Name of KVK Crop Total produce (kg) For seed purpose(kg) Seed Sold to farmer(kg) Sold to Organisation/ Others[NSC/KVK/State govt. office/Other office](kg) West Midnapur Pigeon Pea 12200 450 7360 4390 Nalanda 1480 40 600 840 Arwal 937 50 287 Purulia Green Gram 16000 1000 9200 5800 Ranchi 1125 100 120 905 Hazaribag 16436 1600 9900 4936 Uttar Dinajpur Black Gram 29700 1260 23160 5280 North 24 Pgs 15513 7757 6756 Hooghly 19200 1200 18000 Simdega Horse Gram 17980 1730 15270 980 Ramgarh 16800 1680 7500 7620 Birbhum Lentil 25340 1350 20240 3750 Aurangabad 22914 20750 814 Saraikela Chick Pea 380 280 Chatra 1731 160 1469 102 1450 80 170

17 Financial achievement of CFLD Pulses
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Financial achievement of CFLD Pulses State Season Financial target (in Lakh Rs) Financial achievement (Rs in lakh) Bihar Kharif 57.0 46.65 Rabi 150.75 153 Summer 39.75 Jharkhand 73.5 72.75 42 39 West Bengal 29.25 27.375 43.5 24 23.675 Total 498.75 487.7 Tech. Agent 38.4 ATARI 8.1 6.11 Grand Total 545.25 532.21

ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA SEED TREATMENT IN CHICKPEA JAKI IN JEHANABAD BIHAR Technology Cost of culti Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage Technology pacakage :Improved variety JAKI9218 and seeds treated with Fungicide (Carbendazim)+Insecticide (Chlorpyriphos)+Rhizobium Rs 20900/ha 16.2 Increase in overall productivity of the crop and net return Rs 1300/ha

ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA FOLIAR APPLICATION OF DAP -KHARIF REDGRAM (FALTA SOUTH 24 PARGANAS) Technology Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage Application of 2% DAP at and DAS, and 0.2% Boron on pre Flowering and post Flowering period, respectively (cost of technology Rs 1960/ha) 12.47 Seed yield was 18.8% higher over local check, profuse growth, bold seeded, 4 seeds per pod, 75 numbers of pods per plant, increased fruit setting

20 ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN KHARIF REDGRAM (BUDGBUDGE I ,SOUTH 24 PARGANAS) Technology Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage IPM (Hellilure Pheromone Trap and Yellow Sticky Trap 18 per ha) and need based spot application of novaluron+ 2 ml/lt (cost of tech 1700) 12.47 Seed yield was 16.8% higher over local check, less incidence of pod fly (Melanogromyzaobtusa), reduced (8.5%) infestation of pod borer (H. armigera); (6.25%) major threat to red gram.

ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA LINE SOWING OF RABI LENTIL ,SOUTH 24 PARGANAS Technology Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage Line sowing of seeds at 30 cm (R-R) X 10 cm (P-P) spacing (cost of technology Rs1600/ha) 9.25 Seed yield was 28% higher over local check, Test weight about 20.5 g

ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA ORGANIC CULTIVATION IN RABI LENTIL ,SOUTH 24 PARGANAS Technology Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage Organically growing lentil (seed treatment with panchagavya + spraying panchagavya) (cost of tech Rs 1400/ha) 11.2 About 53% higher seed yield obtained, 110 pods/ plant, 1.52 seeds/ pod and 7.5% Infestation of wilt and 7.45% infestation of Ascochyta lentis

23 ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA SEED TREATMENT WITH BIO FERTILIZERS IN RABI GREENGRAM SOUTH 24 PARGANAS Technology Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage Seed treatment with Pseudomonus (250 g for 4 kg seeds) and PSB (6 g for 1 kg seeds) (cost of tech Rs 800/ha) 12.2 33.7% higher yield over local check, bold seeded, 15.5% higher number of seeds/pod than local check, less pest incidence

24 Nitrogen fixation @ 20-30 kg / ha
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA SEED TREATMENT WITH BIO FERTILIZERS IN RABI GREENGRAM PU 31- NADIA DISTRICT Technology Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage Inoculation of seed with Rhizobium 1.5 kg / 22.5 kg of seed requiring for one hectare) 10.2 Nitrogen kg / ha Yield increase upto 34.2 %

25 Seed treatment (PSB Rhizobium)
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY PACKAGE FOR KHARIF PIGEONPEA NDA -2 IN GODDA, JHARKHAND Technology Area Seed yield (q/ha) Advantage Line Sowing Seed treatment (PSB Rhizobium) Micronutrient Pesticide 30.5 ha 19.65 Average yield recorded was q/ha in comparison to existing yield of q/ha. Hence the average increase in yield was 62.53% . The average net return was Rs /ha

26 Action Plan of CFLD Pulses 2017-18
ICAR -ATARI KOLKATA Action Plan of CFLD Pulses Crop/ Season Physical Target of CFLD Pulses(Area ha) Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Total Kharif Pigeon pea 660 582 60 1302 Black gram 320 340 720 Green gram 40 150 70 260 Horse gram 10 182 192 Sub total 770 1234 470 2474 Rabi Lentil 1090 440 1680 Chick pea 490 520 110 1120 Field pea 250 130 450 1830 800 620 3250 Summer 665 364 1349 50 20 715 404 1459 3315 2438 1430 7183



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