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LAS Diagnostic Timetable April May June July August

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Presentation on theme: "LAS Diagnostic Timetable April May June July August"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAS Diagnostic Timetable April May June July August 07. 14. 21. 28.
01. 07. 14. 21. 28. 05. 12. 19. 26. 02. 09. 16. 23. 30. 07. 14. 21. 28. 4. 11. 18. 25. Date Project initiation meeting (SHAs and PWC) 17 April 10am Project commencement 28 April Launch event for LAS 23 April LAS Trust site visit & interviews – 2 days Executives and Non Executives W/C 19, 26 May and 2 June Board self assessment completed W/C 9 June LTFM training session W/C 5 or 12 May W/C 26 May Commissioner workshop Board observation 20 May First submission of IBP, LTFM & gov. etc 22 May Review of first submissions by SHA & PWC 23, 27 May LTFM feedback 2 June IBP feedback 2 June Convergence meeting (trust & cmmr) W/C 9 June Second submission of IBP & LTFM 13 June Clarification meeting W/C 16 or 23 June Board to Board meeting with SHA W/C 7July Diagnostic report issued by SHA 21 July LAS develop action plan W/C 21 and 28 July LAS action plan submitted to SHA 31 July LAS action plan approved by SHA W/C 4 and 11 August Dates in bold red are confirmed. Dates in bold black are preferred dates Version 3, 7 May 2008

2 LAS Diagnostic detailed timetable
Workstream area Tasks included in workstream Dates Actions Outcomes and additional comments Trust site visit and interviews • Meet with a selection of the Executive and Non Executive Directors plus the governance leads. Meetings to be grouped • Initial list provided to Ashley Young on 30 April • Executive and Non Executive Directors the weeks commencing 19 May, 26 May and 2 June. LAS to organise meetings using list provided by GR on 30 April and liaise with the diagnostic team to agree dates. All exec interviews performed by 5 June. Board self assessment • NHS institute tool ideally to be used. • Executive and Non Executives to complete within a 2 week period. • The NHS Institute takes 4 weeks to process from start to finish. Diagnostic team to feedback results to the LAS Chair. • Profile document to be circulated for LAS to fill in w/c 5 May. • Results expected w/c 9 June. Feedback meeting with the Chair TBC. PwC to brief LAS on tool and instructions for use. PwC to provide the profile document for LAS to complete and send to the NHS Institute w/c 5 May. PwC to arrange meeting with the Chair to feedback. Board members complete the tool and NHS Institute report received and fed back to the Chair by mid June. LTFM training session • PwC expert to hold training with LAS to go through the model and discuss the potential areas of difficulty and uncertainty. Will also provide an opportunity for LAS to ask questions. PwC to be available to answer LTFM queries throughout the process. • As soon as possible. Preferably the w/c 5 or 12 May. PwC and LAS to agree a date for training. Trust is a position to be able to submit a good LTFM at the first submission. Commissioner workshop • Activity and commissioning arrangements templates to be filled out in advance by LAS and commissioners. Workshop with commissioners to discuss projected activity levels. Diagnostic team to also attend. • To understand how aligned the Trust and Commissioners are in respect of future activity projections. Diagnostic team also to meet separately with main commissioner. • Meeting in weeks commencing 26 May. LAS to take this forward and discuss with Richmond and Twickenham PCT about how to take this forward and agree a date. LAS to then liaise with diagnostic team. LAS to inform diagnostic team when they can contact lead and other commissioners to hold separate meetings. Better understanding of (i) activity and (ii) the degree of Strategic alignment between the Trust and Commissioner. Version 3, 7 May 2008

3 LAS Diagnostic detailed timetable
Workstream area Tasks included in workstream Dates Actions Outcomes and additional comments Board observation • Diagnostic team to observe the Trust Board in both the public and private part of the meeting. • 20 May LAS to provide diagnostic team with timings and papers for the meeting. To get a good understanding about how the Board is run. First submission of the LTFM (historic data only), SDS and self assessments (governance, external relationships, risk and service performance). • LAS to submit all documents to the diagnostic team. • 22 May • This has to be early in the process so the diagnostic team have time to review and feedback to the Trust before the second submission. LAS to keep diagnostic team updated on progress and any challenges/issues as they arise to ensure that the deadline is met. Documents demonstrate clarity about business strategy and how the Trust will achieve its targets/goals Review of the first submission by the SHA and PwC • The diagnostic team to review submissions and pull together comments in a log to feedback to LAS. • w/c 27 May and 2 June PwC to agree dates and locations for review Documents demonstrate clarity about business strategy and how the Trust will achieve its targets/goals. LTFM and IBP feedback • The diagnostic team to feedback to LAS using a findings log. • 2 June PwC to agree a feedback date with LAS. Issues are fed back and understood by the Trust Convergence meeting • LAS to meet commissioners to discuss any findings from the first submission feedback and broadly agree on a final position in respect of future activity levels. Diagnostic team also to be present in the meeting. • w/c 9 June • Has to be done before the 2nd submission to ensure that the SDS and LTFM are fully up to date. LAS to agree a date with commissioners for the convergence meeting. Better understanding of (i) activity and (ii) the degree of alignment between the Trust and Commissioner. Version 3, 7 May 2008

4 LAS Diagnostic detailed timetable
Workstream area Tasks included in workstream Dates Actions Outcomes and additional comments Second submission of the SDS and LTFM (full submission of the LTFM including future projections). • LAS to submit the revised SDS and full LTFM to the diagnostic team. • This submission will take into consideration the feedback received on the first submission and necessary amendments/adjustments will have been made. • 13 June Trust is a position to submit a good LTFM and SBS at the second submission. Documents demonstrate clarity about business strategy and how the Trust will achieve its targets/goals Clarification meeting • An opportunity for the diagnostic team to clarify areas in advance of the draft report being issued. To be attended by diagnostic team plus Damian Reid. LAS to determine who they want to attend the meeting. • w/c 16 June or 23 June LAS to determine who needs to attend this meeting from the Trust. Meeting held and all areas/point of fact clarified and agreed between the Trust and diagnostic team. Board to Board meeting • LAS mock Board to Board meeting with NHS London and Gareth Oakland (Partner from PwC). • Sometime the w/c 7 July. Very important that a date is agreed for this as soon as possible. LAS to get back to PwC with suggested dates. B2B panel members sufficiently briefed and date in diary for the w/c 7 July. Diagnostic report issued by the SHA • Report to be issued by the SHA to LAS. This can only be issued once all the work has been completed including the B2B. • w/c 21 July Reports produced and submitted by 21 July deadline. Trust to develop action plan • Trust to develop action plan in response to the report findings. • By 31 July Action plan drawn up in sufficient detail and action taken as soon as possible. SHA to approve action plan SHA to approve the plan and • Mid August Version 3, 7 May 2008

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