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Bell Ringer Who is in the image? What is happening to him? What do the buildings represent? Does anything else hold symbolic significance?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Who is in the image? What is happening to him? What do the buildings represent? Does anything else hold symbolic significance?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Who is in the image? What is happening to him? What do the buildings represent? Does anything else hold symbolic significance?

2 Latin American Revolutions
What caused revolution across Latin America?

3 Discontent in Latin America
Causes of the L.A. Revolutions Enlightenment American/French Revolutions Nationalism Resentment of colonial rule (esp. creoles) Napoleon’s invasion of Europe (distraction)

4 Discontent in Latin America
By the late 1700s, the revolutionary fever that gripped Western Europe had spread to Latin America. Most social classes were unhappy with their social/economic position. Creoles resented their second-class status. (important b/c they had money and power Mestizos and mulattoes were angry at being denied status, wealth, and power. Native Americans suffered economic misery. Enslaved Africans longed for freedom

5 Haitian Revolution In 1791 Toussaint L’Ouverture (a former slave) led slaves in revolt against the French By 1798, enslaved Haitians achieve their freedom Fought forces sent by the French, Spanish, and Britain Bloodiest of the revolutions that took place in the Americas

6 Haitian Revolution In 1802, Napoleon sent an army to recapture Haiti.
Napoleon’s forces were decimated by yellow fever, a disease which took a growing toll on the invaders Napoleon’s forces agreed to a truce, or temporary peace. In 1804, Haitian leaders declared independence. First and only slave revolt that results in the creation of an independent nation.

7 Struggle for Independence
Mexico Father Miguel Hidalgo led unsuccessful revolt. Led ragged armies of poor mestizos and Native Americans. Not supported by creoles Called for wide ranging social and political reform

8 Struggle for Independence
Rebels led by Agustín de Iturbide overthrew the Spanish viceroy - had the support of the creoles. Iturbide, a creole, spent years fighting Mexican revolutionaries but joined forces with them when a new regime took power in Spain. Declared himself emperor but was quickly overthrown -> established the Republic of Mexico

9 Struggle for Independence
Central America Spanish-ruled lands declared their independence in the early 1820s. Local leaders set up the United Provinces of Central America. The union soon fragmented into separate republics of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica. Central America Spanish-ruled lands declared their independence in the early 1820s. Local leaders set up the United Provinces of Central America. The union soon fragmented into separate republics of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica.

10 Struggle for Independence
South America Simon Bolívar, “The Liberator,” led an uprising (w/ creoles) that established a republic in Venezuela. He then captured Bogotá, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. In 1816, José de San Martín helped Argentina win freedom from Spain. He then joined forces with Bolívar. Bolívar tried to unite the liberated lands into a single nation called Gran Columbia - unsuccessful However, bitter rivalries made that dream impossible. Before long, Gran Columbia split into three independent countries: Venezuela, Columbia, and Ecuador.


12 Effects of Revolution End of colonial rule
Many separate nations rather than unified region Continued attempts w/ varied success to create stable political and economic systems

13 Essential Question What caused the revolutions in Latin America?

14 Review This social group led the way in the majority of Latin American revolutions.

15 Review Former slave who led an independence movement in Haiti.

16 Review Simon Bolívar, aka ________________, led an independence movement in South America.

17 Review What political factor in Europe made it difficult for Spain to control its empire in the Americas?

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