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Deep Heat Ultrasound & Diathermy

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1 Deep Heat Ultrasound & Diathermy

2 Frequency 3MHz 0-1cm 2 MHz 1-2 cm 1 MHz 2-3 cm 3 MHz 2 MHz 1MHz .5 cm

3 Transducer: Choose an area that is an appropriate size
no greater than 1.5 to 2 times the ERA Speed of rotation will vary the heat

4 Therapeutic Applications

5 US Application Time Continuous: A duty factor of 100% is needed to elevate tissue temperature to physiologically significant temperature ( degrees F) This results in a reduction of pain and muscle spasm as well as an increase in tissue extensibility and increase blood flow. Pulsing: the sound wave will decrease the depth of US delivery Current machines have % pulsed, thus you can modify depth of delivery

6 Application Techniques
Coupling Medium: US energy will not pass through the air or skin without the presence of a coupling medium. The ideal coupling medium should have the following qualities: High transmission and low absorption of US energy Exclude air, minimal air entrapment good impedance low drag coefficient good viscosity low salt content economical cost easy to use

7 Coupling Agents Gel Water Immersion
Bladder Method (water filled balloon) Phonophoresis

8 Application Techniques
The best medium is aqueous gel (different from electrical stim. gel) Water meets all of the criteria, good for irregular or small body parts (aqueous gels are mainly water) Biofreeze or Flex-all does not allow as great a healing effect Phonophoresis “jury still out”

9 Water Immersion Bath Use room temperature degassed water in a plastic treatment tub Do not use in a metal tank! The transducer should be applied in a moving technique as close as possible, but still remaining perpendicular to the treatment area. Precaution is advised when immersing the clinician’s hand into the water bath during treatment or when removing bubbles from the transducer's face since the dangers of long term exposure to US are not known at this time.

10 Stretching Stretching window is 3 minutes
After 3 minutes the tissues temperature drops past tissue extensibility

11 PreHeating Preheating should be a decision based on patient comfort
Research indicates that pre heating (HP, emersion) increased superficial heat temperatures significantly Deep tissues are unaffected

12 PreCooling Research has indicated that precooling retard increase of heat in the tissue Cooling may also anesthetize the area limiting sensation

13 Diathermy

14 Diathermy Uses energy similar to broadcast radio waves with shorter wavelength. Energy is alternating current lacking properties to depolarize motor sensory nerves Fiction caused by the movement6 of ions from the High Frequency electromagnetic energy causes heating

15 Diathermy Tissues with high water content (Fat, blood and muscle) are selectively heated at depth of 2-5cm. Local tissue temp. may reach 107ºF, but fat layer dissipated heat secondarily heating muscles Deep heating effects last longer than US due to large area heated

16 Delivery of Diathermy Pulsed Continuous Acute and subacute conditions
heating related to rations of time “on” and “off” Heating occurs when total amount of energy delivered is greater than 38 watts, below this receive non-thermal effects Continuous Mainly used For chronic injuries

17 Effect on Injury Response
Response similar to effects of heat Skin temp raises 4.3ºF Intra-articular temp raises 2.5 ºF Blood flow increases fibroblastic activity, collage deposition and new capillary growth stimulated muscle spasm is resuced by sedation of sensory and motor nerves local increase in cellular metabolic rate

18 Set-up and Application of Diathermy
Condenser and Induction Method will be demonstrated in lab General Prep. No metal (including removal of all rings, watches, hairpins etc.) Cover area with terrycloth towel to eliminate sweat Explain to patient warmth should be felt, but no unusual sensations

19 Diathermy Set-up Duration of Tx Indications 20-30 minutes 2 weeks
when using higher tx temp, decrease the duration of tx and apply on alternate days Indications Joint Inflammation Larger areas than US Fibrosis Myositis Subactue and Chronic Inflam. Oasteoarthritis

20 Diathermy Precautions
Physician's Prescription (some states) Never allow cables to touch (short circuit) Do not allow for perspiration Never allow direct contact with skin Excessive fat in area may overheat area Difficult to tx localized areas Overheating tissues may cause damage deep acing fat neurosis burning

21 Diathermy Contraindications
Sensory loss Pregnancy Cardiac pacemakers Areas of particular sensitivity epiphyseal plates genitals infection abdomen eyes and face Ischemic Areas Peripheral vascular disease Metal Implants Perspiration Tendency to hemorrage including menstration Cancer Fever

22 Dosage Parameters

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