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Production ad Quality control of RPCs for the CMS muon barrel system

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1 Production ad Quality control of RPCs for the CMS muon barrel system
Davide Piccolo – INFN Napoli Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

2 RPCs in the CMS experiment
RPCs are used as muon trigger both in barrel and endcap system 5 Wheels 12 sectors per wheel 6 RPC station per sector 8/7 chamber per sector RPCs Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

3 RPCs as trigger detector
LAYOUT Pattern of fired strips is compared to predefined patterns corresponding to specific Pt Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

4 RPC chamber layout Forward UP Backward UP Forward Down Backward Down
RB chambers (2 double gaps per chamber) RB chambers (2 double gaps per chamber) RB2 60 chambers (2 double gaps per chamber) + 60 chambers (3 double gaps per chamber) RB chambers (2 double gaps per chamber) Forward UP Backward UP Forward Down Backward Down Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

5 Chamber production Several steps are involved in the
CERN ISR PanPla Pavia Sofia Bari GT HT: Napoli Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

6 Chamber production Backelite is produced At PanPla factory
Pavia PanPla factory Backelite production and QC Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

7 Chamber production General Tecnica Bari GT Single gaps and
Double gaps produced at General Tecnica factory General Tecnica Bari Single gap GT Double gap Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

8 Chamber production Chamber assembly Sofia Bari GT HT: Napoli
RB1 assebled at HT (napoli) RB2 assembled in Bari and GT RB3 assembled in Sofia RB4 assembled in GT Sofia Chamber assembly Bari GT HT: Napoli Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

9 Chamber test (phase I) Cosmic ray test Pavia Sofia Bari
RB1 tested in Pavia RB2/RB4 tested in Bari RB3 tested in Sofia Pavia Sofia Cosmic ray test Bari Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

10 Chamber test (phase II)
CERN ISR Pavia Sofia Bari Chamber tested arrive at CERN. A final test is done before insatll chambers. Big effort has been done to increase Quality Control before final installation Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

11 Bachelite production and QC
Bachelite sheets are produced at PanPla factory. Production and QC are under the control of the Pavia group ADC resolution: 12 bit python strength: 70 kg readout electrode diameter : 5 cm 9 measurement points humidity and temperature monitored Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

12 Bachelite production (.. Continue)
Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

13 Bachelite resistivity distribution
Accepted bachelite plates Between 1 and •cm bachelite resitivity accepted Resitivity precision Resistivity is corrected for temperature dependency according to: (T)/(20) = e (T-20)/7.8 Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

14 Bakelite coupling in RPCs
Resistivity Difference Between gap electrodes Bachelite plates with similar resistivity are coupled together Average Resistivity of gap electrodes Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

15 Single gap production Critical issues:
Spacers gluing problem has been solved washing and brushing bachelite surface with dimethylketon Oiling - good quality, rpcs are opened one per sample to check quality of the surfaces Single gaps are produced at General tecnica Produced 1655 Accepted 1082 Rejected 283 Under test 265 Spare/on wait 25 Total to install 2040 Accepted 1082 Accepted/To install 53.04 % Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

16 Quality control of single gaps
SG assembled by GT Gas leakage test Control the gap “bubbles” in 30 s Overpressure test Reach an inside overpressure of 20 mbar: check if spacers or frame detach GT connects the HV wire ... The SG type (Right/Left) is assigned Bring the SG at 9500V and measure the current: reject if I > 5 A Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

17 Pressure test and leak test
Single gap QC results Rejections Pressure test and leak test 188 66 % HV test 95 34 % Rejected sg cut Overpressure (mbar) Spacers already detached Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

18 Double gap production Two single gaps are joined
together with strips running in the middle. Foto doppia gap DG production status Produced 501 Accepted 458 Rejected 15 Spare/On wait 3 Total to install 1020 Acceped 458 Accepted/to install 44.90 % Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

19 Double gaps Quality control
2 SG validated by previews step SG coupling Gas leakage test DG assembled by GT Control the gap “bubbles” in 30 s Bring the DG at 9500V and measure the current: reject if I > 5 A per single gap Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

20 Critical issues on double gaps
Discharges: in some DG, a discharge between the gap edge and the copper ground plane has been found (mostly on the side were solderings with the termination resistors are made). This was evident at a later stage, when DG had already been included in Chambers. An additional “C” made of PET has been added; Average current absorbed by a SG (in DG) before PET: kV Average current absorbed by a SG (in DG) after PET: kV Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

21 Chamber production Preloaded bars mantain RPCs in the mechanical
2 Double gaps (3 for RB2-3) are Coupled in a mechanical framework Preloaded bars mantain RPCs in the mechanical framework Chamber is dressed with front end boards, cables, gas tubes and cooling pipes Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

22 Chamber assembly QC Status of production:
Double gaps inventory Chambers assembled in several sites: RB1 in HT near Napoli RB2 in Bari and now in GT RB3 in Sofia RB4 in GT Cooling system test Gas flow test LV system test Kapton-FEB connectivity test QC during assembly assembly Status of production: Chamber type assembled Assembled to install RB1 52 43 % RB2 45 37.5 % RB3 54 45 % RB4 14 12 % Check list filling HV test: I vs HV I vs time Noise rate strip by strip QC after assembly Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004 DB update

23 QC results at HT For each HV point Measure average and Rms of current
Chamber accepted if: < 5 A per gap, I not increasing in one hour (I) < 1 A per gap. For each HV point Measure average and Rms of current Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

24 Selection criteria on assembled chamber
Gas mixture used in assembling sites: C2H2F % Iso_C4H10 4 % Number of gaps cut Average current rms current Number of gaps cut Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

25 Problems during assembly
Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

26 Cosmics tests Final test with cosmic rays in Bari, Pavia, Sofia.
Pavia test site (5 slots) BARI test site (10 slots) SF6 ..…… 0.3 % I-C4H % C2H2F4 … 96.2 % Gas mixture Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

27 Test procedure gas flow @ 4 volumes/day per 24 hours
HV conditioning scan (1 KV/30 min) dark current vs HV measurement Take data with cosmic rays (gap UP, Down, both) Efficiency vs HV single rate vs HV cluster multiplicity vs HV monitor of T, P measure of stability: dark current vs time Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

28 Typical results Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

29 Efficiency distribution: summary
HV at maximum efficiency <> = 97 % Corrected For T and P 50 % Efficiency HV Double gap results Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

30 Test performances with tracking
RPCs under test can be used to reconstruct the cosmic track. (Bari test station) Shift due to geometry and sample purity Select tracks with at least 4 Layers (do not require layer under test) Work in progress Tracking No tracking Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

31 Dark current distribution
Current of 2 gaps cut Dark current at working voltage 9400 Volts Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

32 Noise rate distribution
cut Average single rate at 9400 V. Most of these rates are due to a single noisy channel. Chamber accepted Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

33 Cluster size distribution
No cut on cluster size: Trigger algorithm uses cluster baricenter Mean cluster size vs HV Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

34 Final test at CERN (ISR)
Chambers from Bari, Pavia, Sofia  CERN Chambers at ISR 116 Tested chambers 59 Under observation 1 Rejected 5 Storage/test area I vs. V Noise rate Cluster size Current stability for ~30 days Chambers suspicious have been monitored for > 1 month Test at ISR Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

35 Test at Cern up Down -total Forw Back Middle -total
Dark 9400 V. up Down -total mA Forw Back Middle -total Cluster 9400 V. Noise 9400 V. Hz/cm2 Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

36 Dark current stability
Suspicious chambers Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

37 Conclusions Production and quality certification of CMS RPC chambers
involve several steps. 1655 single gaps have been produced (total 2040) 165 chambers have been assembled (total 480) 116 are at moment at ISR 59 are ready to be installed Davide Piccolo - INFN Napoli SIENA maggio 2004

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