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The Future of the Colorado River – Business as Usual or ???

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1 The Future of the Colorado River – Business as Usual or ???
August 18, 2017 Don Ostler Upper Colorado River Commission


3 WHO WE ARE Upper Colorado River Commission
- Interstate water administrative agency - Representation from States of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming and the US - Deals with apportionments to UB States - Deals with supply obligations to the LB States - Deals with delivery obligations to Mexico - Responsible for implementing curtailment of uses if required plus extraordinary drought notice Compact Administrative Duties

4 Business as Usual 1922-2001 Supply greater than demand
States and basins did their own thing – independent Compact interpretations less critical – no injury Mexico was not part of the picture Sometimes went to court The lower basin developed quicker – uses grew You might call this the “Mayberry” period

5 What happened along the way?
Experiences good and bad – we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two Average demand exceeded the average supply in both upper and lower basin uses grew/ UB shortage Severe drought - since 2000, 17 driest years on record Prolonged reservoir decline Basin study reality sets in – large supply/demand imbalance Compact interpretations have become important

6 Current Use Estimates MAF/ year
Upper Basin uses incl. reservoir evap. 4.0 - 4.5 Lower Basin mainstream uses 7.5 - 7.5 Lower Basin reservoir evap. 1.0 - 1.5 Lower Basin tributaries 2.0 - 2.5 Total Lower Basin 10.5 - 11.5 Subtotal 14.5 - 16.0 Add Mexico TOTAL 16.0 – 17.5

7 Hydrology comparison • 2000-2014 • 1988-2014 Basin Study CC
• GR • PH 12.3 LF 13.2 LF 13.7 LF 14.8 LF 12.7 LF CC –climate change GR – gage period NF PH – paleo-hydrology Data from Reclamation’s Naturalized Flows database

8 Lake Mead Elevation Since 2000
January 2000 1,225 91% Active Storage Structural 1,200 Deficit 1,175 1,150 12.52 MAF Release WY 2011 1,125 1,100 1,075 1,050 Hydrology 1,025 1,000 975 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 24 Month 2014 2015 2P0ro1j6ected 2017 2018 2019 2020 Lake Mead Elevation (EOM) Projected 24 Month 8.23 MAF Releases First Shortage Tier

9 Water Budget at Lake Mead
Inflow maf Release from Powell + side inflows Outflow maf Az, Ca, Nv, & Mx delivery + downstream gains and losses Mead evaporation and losses maf Balance maf Given basic apportionments in the Lower Basin, the allotment to Mexico, and an average release from Lake Powell, Lake Mead storage declines about 12 feet each year




DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN Weather modification Drought operations Demand management?


15 CRSP Drought Operations
Flaming Gorge Reservoir Blue Mesa Reservoir Navajo Reservoir Agree on triggers and operations to implement under emergency conditions to maintain minimum power pool elevation at Lake Powell By conserving water (temporarily) in Lake Powell or moving water available from upper CRSP facilities. Lake Powell

16 Combined efforts bend the curve

17 Demand Management Evaluate alternatives to facilitate temporary, voluntary, and compensated reductions in consumptive use through willing seller/willing buyer arrangements Examples - temporary or rotational fallowing, municipal conservation, interruptible supply agreements, deficit irrigation of crop land, system efficiencies, conservation, etc.

18 What will the future demand?


20 THE FUTURE Already moved from business as usual
LB DCP - a good first step Mexico participation is important Augmentation must occur in large scale Cooperation will become even more important The Compact must continue to be the foundation YOU AINT SEEN NOTHIN YET!




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