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World War II and its Aftermath

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1 World War II and its Aftermath 1931-1955
Chapter 29 Pages

2 From Appeasement to War

3 Aggression goes unchecked
Japan Overruns Manchuria (1931) and Eastern China (1937)

4 Aggression goes unchecked
League of Nations condemns aggression

5 Aggression goes unchecked
Japan withdraws from the League

6 Italy invades Ethiopia 1935
Ethiopian resisted with outdated weapons

7 Italy invades Ethiopia 1935
King Haile Selassie begged League for help

8 Italy invades Ethiopia 1935
League imposed sanctions

9 Italy invades Ethiopia 1935
Ethiopia surrendered in 1936


11 Italy’s expansion By 1940

12 Hitler Violates Treaty
Builds up military 1936 sends troops into DMZ Rhineland Western democracies denounced his moves, adopts policy of appeasement



15 Does appeasement work? Britain and France saw the nasty fascist governments as a defense against the bigger evil of communism Depression strapped democracies $ Adopted official policies of pacifism Disgust of WWI pushed governments to avoid war at any costs

16 Neutrality Acts Passed by US Congress
Forbade the sale of arms to any nation at war Outlawed loans to warring nations Prohibited Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations Avoid American involvement in any European war

17 Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
In the face of apparent weakness of UK, France, and US Japan, Germany, Italy form an alliance Purpose: Agreed to fight against Soviet communism Agreed to stay out of each other’s plans for territorial expansion


19 Spain collapses into Civil War
1931 monarch removed from power New democratic government set up Internal fighting among political parties ensued

20 Spain collapses into Civil War
1936 Conservative Francisco Franco led revolt Everybody jumps in- US, UK, Fr. Ger. It. USSR, etc Both sides commit unspeakable atrocities

21 Hitler, Mussolini back Franco
Hitler and Mussolini use Spain as a playground to test their new style of fighting- blitzkrieg Guernica, April 1937. German planes drop their load of bombs Swing low to machine gun any survivors Over 1000 civilians killed Prelude of what was to come…

22 Nationalist (Fascists) vs. …well everyone else

23 Picasso’s Guernica



26 Faces of Aggression Benito Mussolini Adolph Hitler

27 Faces of Aggression Tojo Hideki Francisco Franco

28 German Aggression continues…
All German people living under German space- “living space” Lebensraum Beginning to create Aryan race Germany had right to conquer Eastern Europe from the inferior Slavs “Nature is cruel…therefore we, too, may be cruel…I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin.” Hitler

29 Austria annexed 1938 Hitler engineers Anschluss- the union of Austria and Germany 1937 Hitler forced Austrian leader to appoint Nazi supporters into positions of power German troops were sent to preserve peace No international interference= success

30 Anschluss


32 Sudetenland. The Czech Crisis
Hitler demands that 3 million Germans living in Sudetenland be given autonomy Then demands that Sudetenland be annexed to Germany

33 Sudetenland. The Czech Crisis
Munich Conference held 9/38 UK and France caved to Hitler’s demands and force Czech to give land to Germany




37 “Peace for Our Time” Saved Czechoslovakia from destruction and Europe from Armageddon” Chamberlain told cheering crowds “You fools, why are they cheering” Daladier of France asked of the crowds “They had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor; they will have war.” Winston Churchill

38 Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
August 1939 World was stunned when Hitler and Stalin agreed to peaceful existence Secretly, the 2 agreed to not fight each other if one went to war Divided Poland and Eastern European among each other Based upon mutual need


40 Invasion of Poland One week after signing Nazi- Soviet Nonaggression Pact, Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939 September 3, 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany




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