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Ten Reasons to Use South Carolina’s Surface Water Quantity Models

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1 Ten Reasons to Use South Carolina’s Surface Water Quantity Models
John Boyer, PE, BCEE September 14, 2016 2016 South Carolina Rural Water Association Annual Conference

2 Types of Water Quantity Models
Preface Types of Water Quantity Models Precipitation-Runoff Models Convert rainfall volume into runoff Example: HEC-HMS Hydraulic Models Characterize the flow and routing of water in the river system Example: HEC-RAS The focus of this presentation is on Water Allocation Models Water Allocation Models Calculate legally and/or physically available water in a river system Examples: OASIS, CHEOPS, RiverWare and SWAM

3 Simplified Water Allocation Model (SWAM)
Preface Simplified Water Allocation Model (SWAM) Developed in response to an increasing need for a desktop tool to facilitate regional and statewide water allocation analysis Calculates physically and legally available water, diversions, storage, consumption and return flows at user-defined nodes

4 Simplified Water Allocation Model (SWAM)
Preface Simplified Water Allocation Model (SWAM) Object-oriented tool Resides within Microsoft Excel Point and click setup and output access Objects Tributaries Discharges Reservoirs Municipal Industrial Golf Courses Power Plants Agriculture Instream Flow Recreational Pool Aquifer USGS Gage Interbasin Transfer Input Forms Water User Objects

5 Model Access and Training
Preface Model Access and Training Training will be offered once all eight models are complete Models will reside in the cloud (hosted virtual desktop) Consistent user experience Facilitates model improvements and updates Secure Users requesting access will be given their own account with designated storage

6 Ten reasons to use south Carolina’s surface water quantity models
South Carolina Rural Water Conference Ten reasons to use south Carolina’s surface water quantity models

7 Develop a better understanding of your river basin
#10 Develop a better understanding of your river basin

8 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.
Streamflow & Unimpaired Flow CONSOLIDATED DATA MODEL Withdrawals/ Demand Discharges/ Return Flow Reservoir Levels/ Bathymetry/ Rule Curves/ Operating Rules/ Evaporation/ Precipitation

9 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.

10 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.

11 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.

12 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.

13 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.

14 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.

15 10. Develop a better understanding of your river basin.

16 Evaluate surface water availability
#9 Evaluate surface water availability

17 9. Evaluate surface water availability
How much surface water is available on the main branch, major tributaries, and minor tributaries? How much water is available for instream uses? How much water is available in the growing season? How much water is available during a drought? How does a reservoir affect surface water availability? How do upstream discharges affect surface water availability?

18 9. Evaluate surface water availability
How do upstream discharges affect surface water availability?

19 9. Evaluate surface water availability
How do upstream discharges affect surface water availability?

20 9. Evaluate surface water availability
How do upstream discharges affect surface water availability?

21 9. Evaluate surface water availability
How do upstream discharges affect surface water availability?

22 Determine the likelihood of a water shortage
#8 Determine the likelihood of a water shortage

23 8. Determine the likelihood of a water shortage
Average Monthly Flows > 10 CFS 90% of the time < 10 CFS 10% of the time

24 #7 Test alternative water management strategies, new operating rules, and “what-if” scenarios

25 7. Test alternative water management strategies, new operating rules, and “what-if” scenarios
Does intake #1 provide a more reliable supply than intake #2? How will an increased minimum flow release impact reservoir levels during the summer? What if water supply demand throughout the basin increased by 40%?

26 7. Test alternative water management strategies, new operating rules, and “what-if” scenarios

27 7. Test alternative water management strategies, new operating rules, and “what-if” scenarios

28 Evaluate the impacts of future withdrawals on instream flow needs
#6 Evaluate the impacts of future withdrawals on instream flow needs

29 6. Evaluate the impacts of future withdrawals on instream flow needs

30 6. Evaluate the impacts of future withdrawals on instream flow needs

31 Evaluate interbasin transfers
#5 Evaluate interbasin transfers

32 5. Evaluate interbasin transfers
30 MGD Examples: Greenville Water’s export from the Savannah and the Saluda to the Broad Aiken Export from the Edisto to the Savannah Charleston Water System Export from Edisto to the Santee

33 #4 Support development of Drought Management Plans and evaluate the effectiveness of drought mitigation measures

34 4. Support development of Drought Management Plans and evaluate the effectiveness of drought mitigation measures What are appropriate reductions in water use given moderate, severe, and extreme drought conditions? What is the cumulative response in the river system if water use reduction goals are achieved by all users?

35 4. Support development of Drought Management Plans and evaluate the effectiveness of drought mitigation measures Catawba-Wateree basin example (Low Inflow Protocol)

36 4. Support development of Drought Management Plans and evaluate the effectiveness of drought mitigation measures Catawba-Wateree basin example (Low Inflow Protocol)

37 4. Support development of Drought Management Plans and evaluate the effectiveness of drought mitigation measures Catawba-Wateree basin example (Low Inflow Protocol)

38 Compare managed to natural flows
#3 Compare managed to natural flows

39 3. Compare managed flows to natural flows
Help understand cumulative impact of withdrawals, discharges, impoundments, and flow regulation Help understand the natural variability in flow within the system, which can be important in maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems Source: The Natural Flow Regime. N. Leroy Poff et al. Bioscience, Vol 47, No. 11

40 3. Compare managed flows to natural flows
Pacolet River

41 3. Compare managed flows to natural flows

42 Provide a scientific basis to make permitting decisions
#2 Provide a scientific basis to make permitting decisions

43 2. Provide a scientific basis to make permitting decisions

44 Support Basin, Regional and State Water Planning
#1 Support Basin, Regional and State Water Planning

45 1. Support Basin, Regional and State Water Planning
Demand Projections Basin Planning State Water Plan

46 Models Will Always Have Limitations
Models can’t incorporate all of the details of a river system Models must use approximations Water allocation models assume stationarity - the past is statistically the same as the future Models can be made more accurate, but at the expense of simplicity A good model is both as accurate as possible and as simple as possible

47 South Carolina Rural Water Association Annual Conference

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