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General Model.

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1 General Model

2 Chronic Stress factors
Moderators Personality – (MBTI) Coping, Hardiness, Attachment Stressors Life events (Holmes & Rahe) Daily hassles Chronic Stress factors Effects Strain (Cooper) Illness (groups – including control group – hospital personnel)

3 Demographic and Biographic Data

4 Summary of Demographic data by sample groups
Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Control group N 55 188 211 Male 55% 36% Female 45% 64% Single 14.8% 6.3% 2.6% Married 72.8% 75.3% 83.8% Divorced 3.7% 8.6% 9.0% Widowed 9.8% 4.6% Age (mean) 51 58 52 # of Child. (mean) 2.1 2.4 2.5 Educ. (mean years) 12.67 11.74 Income (mean, NIS) 4722 4433 4038

5 Continue with more demographic data Skip to Research Data Results

6 Gender

7 Marital Status

8 Number of Children

9 Medical History

10 In your opinion, what is the reason you got diabetes?

11 Education

12 Income

13 Research Data Results

14 Behavioral Stress

15 Physiological Stress

16 Chronic Sources of stress Means

17 Chronic sources of stress by groups
Stress source Groups Diabetes Type 1 Type 2 Control group Work demands 28.9 20.1 24.7 Family demands 18.6 20.2 32.2 Financial status 25.9 27.2 32.3 Children 17.3 17.9 17.2 Intimate relationships 9.5 8.7 7.5 Social relationships 7.6 6.5 5.6 Health 37.1 41.8 35.6 Caring for elderly parents 9.8 13.7 24.2 National security situation 13.2 22.7 Balancing work and family demands 11.9 11.8

18 Statistical differences b/w means of sources of stress
Stress source Mean differences (t) Groups compared Control & Type 1 Control & Type 2 Type 1 & Type 2 Work -1.24 1.28 2.25* Family 2.35* 3.54** .11 Financial status 1.76 2.37* .39 Children 2.26* 3.75** .21 Intimate relationships -.24 .73 .92 Social relationships -1.87 .84 .82 Health -1.08 -1.99* -.20 Caring for elderly parents 1.32 3.12** .85 National security situation .86 1.44 .14 Balancing work and family demands -.22 1.96* 1.70

19 MBTI Personality Types

20 Temperament and disease

21 Percentages of MBTI types by groups
Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Control group SJ 67.3% 65.2% 51.7.0% SP 18.2% 17.9% 21.8% NT 12.7% 10.3% 16.6% NF 1.8% 6.5% 10.0%

22 Differences in percentages of MBTI Types: Comparing our data with US data
Groups compared: Type 2 and US Control group Conclusion SJ 57.85** % of type 2 is higher SP 31.44** % of US control group is higher NT .488 no difference NF 5.23*

23 Differences in percentages of MBTI Types: Comparing our data with US data
Groups compared: Type 1 and US Control group Conclusion SJ 18.84** % of type 1 is higher SP 8.70** % of US control group is higher NT .047 no difference NF 5.27*

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