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REGIONAL ISSUES 2008 Discussions including 2007 Findings and Issues

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1 REGIONAL ISSUES 2008 Discussions including 2007 Findings and Issues

An opportunity to breakout into geographic regions to: Meet sit down with your jurisdiction’s neighbours Identify /discuss similar issues/problems and potential solutions An opportunity to then share regional issues/solutions with the entire group (select a presenter) A brief recap of the issues/discussions from last year and ask for examples of implemented solutions Timelines: 75 minutes for regional discussion 15 minutes for coffee 45 minutes for group discussion to present individual findings and issues to the entire group


4 Western Region - Recap Carriers and civilian vehicles going to Mexico to purchase cheaper fuel and bringing the fuel back across the border – not caring about tax, safety and environmental concerns. Canada same issues Carriers from Wyoming not actually based there due to not sales tax on commercial vehicles

5 Western Region - Recap Two tiered taxes in Arizona between the heavy vehicles and the light vehicles. Arizona stopping carriers without both decals and license, being told by the carriers that other jurisdictions have approved them. Other jurisdictions not honoring grace period for qualified carriers.

6 Midwest Region – Recap Closing Accounts
- If middle of year-what to do… - Affidavits, return credentials, etc - Unused decals and pieces of used ones Revoked Carriers - Notification to other jurisdictions-no response - Important to use clearinghouse for new applicants Penalties - $50 or 10%, which ever is higher - Waivers-one time vs. multiple - Reinstatement fees

7 Midwest Region – Recap Farmers-exemptions High MPG’s
Delinquent Returns Permitting Services Google-Street Maps

8 Southeast Region - Recap
Budget How are we going to continue to network? What affects has your state endured? DOT Lack of participation during legislation and support in regards to compliance/collections State Agencies Inconstancies with processes (IRP & IFTA) same section. Centralization of processes to assure no credentials are issued if carrier has suspended, inactive or revoked credential

9 Southeast Region - Recap
Training Lack of adequate training for Motor Carriers, DOT, Enforcement and local governments Enforcement Clearinghouse consistency and TACT (Ticketing Aggressive Cars & Trucks) Decals The need for identification/vehicle specific to assure compliance.

10 Northeast Region - Recap
Retail dyed fuel pumps: dyed fuel into propulsion tanks – can’t perform surveillance at all stations Staffing: flux of staff – re-org of staff – need to have dedicated inspections staff - fuel issues Paper trail – lack of trail to ensure that tax is being paid

11 Northeast Region - Recap
Communication between jurisdictions to be improved for inspections Inspections can’t issue Trip Permits on road Fraudulent decals

12 Northeast Region - Recap
Clearinghouse: not all jurisdictions in clearinghouse – not all juris. Entering decal info. Uniformity with decals & license Walk in service needs to be expanded in ON to many different locals – customer service

13 Northeast Region - Recap
Biodiesel: no violation provisions QC – legislation to be revised Manpower being taken from IFTA to cover Tobacco Sighting reports: not being utilized

14 Western Region - 2007 SSN v FEI number
Mexican Carriers - Bonding and CDL Mexican v US Operating Authority DOT# - Not always linking to IFTA Dyed Fuel Renewals/Grace Period - Jurisdictions not honoring Decals - Tracking by Decal Number's Trip Permits – Issuing electronically Borders - Not only Mexico/Canada

15 Midwest Region - 2007 Audit Selection - High KPL/MPG
Audit Requirements Alternative Motor Fuels – Biodiesel and ethanol Counterfeit Decals Citations for non compliance Decals – Placement and visibility (i.e., colored border) Farm Tags Government vehicles Special Mobilized Equipment Commercial zones

16 Northeast Region Roadside Enforcement - Misuse of dyed fuel – Katrina and IRS waiver Biodiesel – Taxation/reporting, ways to catch backyard manufacturers' and ways to determine % alternative fuel in tank Information exchange - Between Law Enforcement and IFTA (using CH and SAFER) Decals and Licenses - Not charging opens doors for base jurisdiction shopping Decals – Companies producing inferior decals, carriers ordering more decals then they need (decal fraud), incorporate IFTA & IRP identification (barcode) on TP license plate to eliminate decals, decal placement education Dyed diesel – IFTA & exempt usage, out of jurisdiction carriers using and how to enforce payment of fines Audit count – reduce for 3% or (1) include certain activities in audits (inspections) or (2) count each period as an audit Buses operating interjurisdictionally under multiple legal entities

17 Southeast Region - 2007 Hurricane Off highway fuel use
Early decal display – 2005/2006 December Non-pay Non-file licensees – Bond, Impound Split Tax rates – Rate change mid-quarter Lease issues Alternative fuels - Bio diesel and LPG/CNG Vehicle Specific Decals/License Standardized forms and manuals Enforcement

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