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Dance robot as a tool for implementation of micro-programming

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1 Dance robot as a tool for implementation of micro-programming
Eli Kolberg, PhD School of Engineering Bar-Ilan University Irene Kipnis, MA Ohel-Shem High School

2 Robot Control In a robotics system, a microprocessor or microcontroller implements the digital control We consider a robotics system as a composition of control and operational units (CU and OU) (Baranov, 1994; Levin et al., 2004) The operational unit of the robot contains performing building blocks such as motors, sensors, lamps, manipulators, etc The control unit , e.g. a micro-controller , implements the algorithm of the system’s behavior A control unit receives information from the operational unit and produces the sequence of control signals that leads to executing desired operations by the operational unit

3 Micro-Programming Micro-programming design builds a bridge between the standard theories of logic systems (hardware (sometimes called design)) and of sequential programming (software) The idea behind it is based on the equivalence between a hardware logic system and a software based micro program

4 Micro-Programming At the mathematical level this equivalence rests on the concept of the algorithm It is exhibited by means of binary decision tree Such tree can represent any combinational algorithm It can be implemented either in hardware (FSM –Finite State Machine) or in equivalent software (ASM – Algorithmic State Machine)

5 Micro-Programming Let micro-operation be an elementary step of processing in the operational unit of a robotics system The control unit receives binary signals (world state) arriving form the operational unit The set of binary signals sent by the control unit to the operational unit is the set of microoperations affecting the OU’s behavior

6 Micro-Programming The goal of the CU is the generation of a sequence of signals Y, distributed in time The functioning of the OU is dictated by this sequence Control design process involves three stages: The specifications or initial description of the system’s functioning The translation of this description or specifications into a formal notation or model - like flow chart , etc. The actual implementation of the controlling system

7 Basic Paradigms In this model a particular set of constructs were chosen and arranged as follows:

8 Basic Paradigms Mioducer and Levin (1996) establish the distinction between two basic paradigms: programming (or software oriented) and design (or hardware oriented) Each paradigm has three levels: The conceptual approach used for defining control Its formal model or representational notation Commonly used implementation means This framework will be demonstrated using dance robot participated in RoboCupJunior 2008 competition

9 Implementation Isabella and Adam

10 Implementation The robot functions are described here: 1
Straight line navigation driving in forward direction 2 Straight line navigation driving in backward direction 3 Robot line following 4 Pivot on spot right rotation 5 Pivot on spot left rotation 6 Wide angle right turn 7 Wide angle left turn 8 Identifying other robot 9 Driving joint motors to a desired angle 10 Driving joint motors to a desired speed 11 Obstacle avoidance 12 Border line escape 13 Interrupt system for speed and position control

11 Implementation The x inputs (some) are described here: x Description 1
Obstacle proximity detected in front 2 x2 Border line detected by sensor under the robot 3 x3 90 robot turn detected 4 x4 180 robot turn detected 5 x5 Left motor stop detected 6 x6 Right motor stop detected 7 x7 Left motor rotate in medium speed 8 x8 Right motor rotate in medium speed 9 x9 Right motor rotates forward 10 x10 Right motor rotates backwards 11 x11 Left motor rotates forward 12 x12 Left motor rotates backwards 13 x13 Right motor rotates a distance of 100cm 14 x14 Left motor rotates a distance of 100cm

12 Implementation The y micro operations (some) are described here: y
Description 1 y1 Turn on right motor 2 y2 Turn on left motor 3 y3 Rotate forward right motor 4 y4 Rotate forward left motor 5 y5 Rotate backward right motor 6 y6 Rotate backward left motor 7 y7 Stop right motor 8 y8 Stop left motor 9 y9 Rotate right motor at medium speed 10 y10 Rotate left motor at medium speed

13 Implementation The Y micro instructions (some) are described here: Y
y’s Description 1 Y1 y1,y2,y3,y4,y9,y10 Move robot forward with medium speed 2 Y2 y1,y2,y5,y6,y9,y10 Move robot backward with medium speed 3 Y3 y1,y2,y4,y5,y9,y10 Rotate robot with right pivot turn (CW) with nominal speed 4 Y4 y1,y2,y3,y6,y9,y10 Rotate robot with left pivot turn (CCW) with nominal speed 5 Y5 y2,y4,y7,y10 Rotate robot with right wide pivot turn (CW) around right wheel with medium speed 6 Y6 y1,y3,y8,y9 Rotate robot with left wide pivot turn (CCW) around left wheel with medium speed 7 Y7 y7,y8 Robot stop

14 Implementation We will present here one of the robot’s control algorithms It implements functions no. 11&12 in the function table, namely: border line escape and obstacle avoidance In this case, when the robot encounters a border line, it has to stop, turn 180 degrees and drive forward 100 cm, check obstacle proximity in front of the robot and avoid it

15 ASM of Robot Escape from Border Line and obstacle avoidance

16 FSM of the robot’s escape from border line and obstacle avoidance
Y(am,as) X(am,as) as am h Y1 1 a2 a1 Y0 x42 2 Y7Y3 a3 3 x4 4 Y7Y1 a4 5 x1x13 6 x1 a5 7 x3 8 a6 9 x13 10 Y7Y4 a7 11 12 13

17 illustration movie

18 We would like to thank you for your time and will be happy to answer any questions you might have

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