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Exposures of Candidate First Wall Materials

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1 Exposures of Candidate First Wall Materials
C.L. Olson, T.J. Tanaka, T.J. Renk, G.A. Rochau Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM R.R. Peterson Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM & University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin HAPL Program Workshop University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin September 24-25, 2003 Supported by NRL by the HAPL program by DOE NNSA DP Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

2 Regimes of FW Materials Response Studies for x-rays and ions
Ablation Depth (mm) Net Ablation No net ablation, but surface roughening F(J/cm2) Threshold for roughening Threshold for ablation Goal is to find and understand roughening threshold

3 Strategy for use of RHEPP and Z to test FW materials
Ion fluence for HAPL dry wall is an issue - present emphasis is to use ion beams on RHEPP (many shots) for extensive testing, and modeling with Bucky: test roughening phenomena in heated samples on RHEPP (many shots) examine potential mechanisms for roughening: surface stress/yield at below melt temperatures, strain-rate and grain size effects, etc. establish threshold for roughening X-ray fluence for HAPL dry wall does not appear to be an issue - but needs to be verified on Z use RHEPP/Bucky results to narrow list of candidate materials test best candidate materials on Z to verify threshold for roughening heater for 1000° C, new filtered Z spectra, schedule for HAPL shots on Z is all ready (next vu-graphs)

4 Layout for HAPL experiments on Z
Peak Diode Emission Temps Sample Field of View 17.8 cm Pinch Aperture 3mm tall x 8mm wide Shielding Box Z-Pinch Heater ~ 1000 C 51.2 cm 63.3 cm

5 Z-machine sample heater
Heater with sample holder clips and thermocouple Temperatures up to 1200°C 1 cm test diameter 4 samples/shot Fluence levels: 1 J/cm2 and up

6 Time-integrated spectrum on sample with
Calculated Z Spectrum for Nov. HAPL Experiments Time-integrated spectrum on sample with 8 mm Be + 1 mm CH filter <E> ~ 1100 eV F ~ 1 J/cm2 X-ray fluence at sample location is very uniform and  1 keV

7 Z Shot Schedule HAPL add-on shots HAPL add-on shots

8 Next Talks RHEPP experiments of candidate materials - Tim Renk
extensive list of materials tested (heated, many shots) (various forms of W; W25Re; Re; Cu; CFC Graphite; foams; C-C-W velvet; etc.) extensive list of results (effects of grain structure; ion species dependent roughening; deep-lying cracking; some samples unexpectedly survive amazingly well) BUCKY simulations of tungsten RHEPP experiments - Bob Peterson effects of initial sample temperature effects of ion species stress/yield effects for surface temperatures below melting

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