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Technical Metamorphosis by Design

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1 Technical Metamorphosis by Design
Maaike Oldemans – Technical Services Librarian  Jennifer Kronenbitter- Associate Director of Libraries

2 SUNY Cortland Established in 1868 Location: Cortland, N.Y.
Public university, member of the State University of New York (SUNY) Residential college with 50 percent of undergraduate students living on campus 6,900 students (6,304 undergraduate, 596 graduate)

3 Information Resources
           Administrative Computing           Campus Technology Services           Information Resources           Library           Networking & Telecommunications           System Administration & Web services

4 Memorial Library Departments in Memorial Library Library
           The Help Center            Information Resources             Advisement & Transition             Assistive Technology & Test Administration Services

5 Memorial Library Vision
Memorial Library is an integral part of the SUNY Cortland academic community and supports the vision of diverse learning experiences by expanding the classroom experience with information, resources, technology and assistance in community oriented spaces.  Mission The mission of Memorial Library is to foster individual and collaborative research, learning, teaching, and scholarly creation, to enable our college community members to navigate the worlds of information and knowledge. 

6 Technical Services Technical Services
"Library operations concerned with the acquisition, organization (bibliographic control), physical processing, and maintenance of library collections, as opposed to the delivery of public services. Technical processing is performed "behind the scenes," usually in a technical services department."(Reitz, 1996). Technical Services Processes  "Ordering and claiming, cataloguing and classification; serials control; database and catalogue maintenance; marking of processed materials; shelving, housing and retrieval; binding and preservation; and budgeting and planning for these activities.” (Gorman, 1998). 

7 Departments Then @ Memorial Library
Bibliographic Services Acquisition, cataloging Collection Support Services Periodicals, Media, ILL, Stack Management, Binding   Archives Circulation - Reserves Library Systems

8 Changes in Bibliographic Services
Technological Advances Processing online Electronic resources Interlibrary Loan Budget cuts  Retirements Natural progression Unfilled positions

9 Changes in Library Services
Technological Advances ILL processes more efficient Online journals Databases Help Center - single service point Circulation Help Design Help Research Help Tech Help

10 Change Management Envision our future organization structure
Diagnosing our current organization structure Determining what is needed to move to what we would like Identify the stakeholders Identify steps to assure the change occurs and lasts

11 Our Future Organizational Structure
Vision of the Library Supports the vision of diverse learning experiences by expanding the classroom experience with information, resources, technology and assistance in community oriented spaces.  Improve communication between different departments to ensure patron's access to collection​. Make processes more efficient to benefit users.

12 Diagnosing our Organization Structure
Functionality of the different departments Bibliographic Services Collection Support Services ILL, Stack Management, Binding Circulation Reserves Preventing Silos Housed in different areas   Different supervisors 

13 Determining Needs Workflow improvement Reassignment of staff
New environment to improve efficiency

14 Identify the Stakeholders
Current staff and supervisors Library Director  Associate Provost of Information Resources 

15 Identify Steps Adjust physical environment
Merge staff in Collection Support Services & Bibliographic Services Blend different cultures Workflows Transition of staff to different tasks Rename department

16 Technical Services Today
9 cubicles  3 offices 

17 Technical Services Today
Systems Acquisition Cataloging ILL Archives Conservation Stack Management Periodicals Electronic Resources Reserves (back to Circulation)

18 Goals Balance traditional library services and emerging technologies to best serve the needs of students, faculty, staff, and community.  Collaboration with all departments within the library to ensure the seamless integration of services along with smooth communication.​ Continue to develop standards for cataloging, acquisitions and preservation of materials across the unit to include streamlined workflows.   Increase reliance on and establishment of collaborative work across the library .

19 Challenges and Opportunities
Cross training of staff across previously disconnected areas Understanding how the processes interconnect Staff Technical Services bi-weekly meetings Building Continual assessment of workflow

20 Lessons Learned People are key to a successful change, not technology.
"Technical Services need to continually examine what they are doing, what they need and how they do it". (Calhoun, 2003)

21 Bibliography Calhoun, K. (2003). Technology, productivity and change in library technical services. Library Collections, Acquisitions And Technical Services, Gorman, M. (1998). Technical services today and tomorrow. Englewood (Colorado: Libraries Unlimited. Reitz, J. M., Western Connecticut State University., & Libraries Unlimited, Inc. (1996). Online dictionary for library and information science: ODLIS. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.

22 Questions

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