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July 2016 AETC Program E-Learn Committee Call:

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Presentation on theme: "July 2016 AETC Program E-Learn Committee Call:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adobe Connect Update Craig Wean Adobe Connect & Captivate Prime Account Manager
July 2016 AETC Program E-Learn Committee Call: July 19, 2016, 1-2 PM ET

2 Learning Objectives Provide an overview of Adobe Connect 9.5.4
Program bugs/issues that have been addressed New breakout room features Review descriptions and best practices for popular features like: Room layouts Custom pods Uploading media Closed captioning options Adobe Presenter Creating events and seminar rooms

3 Presenter Craig Wean is a graduate of SUNY Fredonia with degrees in Marketing and Sport Management. He’s a Team Lead at Clarix Technologies and manages Adobe Connect and Captivate Prime accounts for commercial, federal, non-profit and educational clients. He’s been with Clarix since Fun facts about Craig: he is a huge sports fan (especially for Duke basketball, the Buffalo Bills and New York Yankees) and he is related to John Lund, a movie star from the 50s (Google him).

4 Craig Wean

5 Questions?

6 More Questions? Craig Wean:
Sign up for Adobe Connect Customer Training sessions

7 Next E-learn call Sept 13 or Sept 20, 2016 (tentative) Proposed ideas:
Follow-up to July E-Learn call or, Review of new technologies in use at the AETCs Recommendations, comments, thoughts - contact Judy Collins at

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