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PLCS Data Model (The module hierarchy)
Application Protocol (AP) 239 – Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) PLCS Data Model (The module hierarchy)
PLCS development principles
Create a durable data model standard that can be extended/adapted over time without re-modelling or re-ballot Identify key generic concepts and relationships Extend/adapt by classification and ref data libraries Build on the PDM Schema and the STEP Modular Architecture Accommodate values that change over time Support multiple values for the same property Support back-tracking & audit Maintain unambiguous histories Activity, State, Product Structure Encourage move towards a “single source” of Assured Product and Support Information (APSI) Improved accuracy Reduce duplication Improved Configuration Management Aim: to enable optimisation of support through life PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
PLCS is a Modular STEP AP
ISO (AP239) Extensive re-use of PDM modules To bring compatibility with design/PDM tools Basic work order/work request process common to change in design Extended to provide Life cycle CM Full work management capability Condition based task triggers All modules feature two levels of model (ARM, MIM) and a mapping More work – but eased by XML based environment for modules development (stepmod. MIMs are based on common concepts used throughout STEP (Integrated Resources) Full harmonization achieved where needed by using common modules With CAD/PDM via PDM Modules and AP236 (214 based) With Requirement Tools via AP233 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
A Modular AP has two components:
Contents of Modular AP A Modular AP has two components: The Application Modules used by the AP An AP document PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
The Application Modules used by an Application Protocol:
The modules used by an AP provide the complete and unambiguous definition of the information model to be standardized The module hierarchy within each AP shall have a single root module - the AP Module The AP Module, and any subordinate module expected to support an implementation, shall include a long form EXPRESS of both ARM and MIM which resolve all EXPRESS 2 flexibilities (e.g. Select Types) and any conflicts or ambiguities in the EXPRESS rules inherited from lower modules. Such modules shall be called Implementation Modules The AP Module from one AP could be used as an Implementation Module within another AP Application Modules will be published initially as ISO Technical Specifications PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
The AP Document The AP Document serves four purposes:
It establishes the information model defined by the Application Modules as an International Standard It provides further information on how the information model defined by the modules could be of value to business users. It defines the Conformance Classes of the AP It provides additional views of the information model defined by the Application Modules to support implementation (by html based indexing). PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Conformance Classes in a Modular AP
The adoption of the modular architecture does not change the role, nature or use of conformance classes with STEP Conformance classes are defined in Section 6 of the AP Document (as now) Within a Modular AP, a conformance class may be defined in two ways: Either by declaring an Implementation Module to be a conformance class of the AP (in which case, every AO used by the Implementation Module shall be implemented by conforming applications) Or by declaring the Implementation Module upon which the conformance class is based and listing the Application Objects that shall be implemented (as in a traditional AP) Implementation shall be based on the specified subset of the relevant long form EXPRESS MIM. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Application protocol publication
The AP document will be published with its full set of Application Modules as a single HTML document The complete information model for standardization, as defined by the AP Module, will be will normatively referenced by the AP document The detailed contents of the AP document, including the options for defining Conformance Classes, were confirmed by TC184/SC4 in San Diego (Mar 03) Work is still needed to complete the XML architecture in STEPMOD to support the agreed contents (as of Mar 03) PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Conformance Classes and DEX
DEXs and Conformance Classes are equivalent concepts but have some minor differences Data Exchange Set (DEX) a PLCS, Inc. concept A defined sub set of AP239 against which an implementer may claim compliance Format set by PLCS, Inc rules Will include usage guidance A DEX could be published as a Conformance Class of AP239 IF: The DEX is presented using the approved format for a CC It is ready in time Note: It may be possible to publish the related Usage Guides in Section 6 of AP239, or as an Informative Annex (yet to be agreed by ISO) A DEX could be published independently (e.g. ODETTE) (or OASIS?) Will include link to Reference Data Conformance Class (CC) an ISO/TC184/SC4 concept A defined sub-set of an Application Protocol against which an implementer may claim compliance Format set by ISO rules Usage guidance (if any) is published separately Published in Section 6 of an Application Protocol, as declaration of application objects to be used PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
AP Documents, Modules and CC - Revised
AP2 CC5 Implementation module 4 (and AP Module for AP2) Implementation module 2 Implementation module 3 UoF module Foundation module AP2 doc AP1 doc ARM LF.exp MIM LF.exp AP2 CC2 AP2 CC4 AP1 CC2 AP2 CC1 AP2 CC3 Implementation module 1 (and AP Module for AP1) UoF module Foundation module Foundation module AP1 CC1 ARM LF.exp MIM LF.exp (PLCS note: for CC read DEX) PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Introduction Legend PDM module PDM UoF module Ap239 Foundation module
Ap239 UoF level module Ap239 Implementation module AP Module PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module: product_management_data
part and version identification part view definition product categorization product identification product identification assignment product version product version relationship product view definition PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module: document_management_data
document_and_version_identification document_assignment document_definition document_properties document_structure external_item_identification_assignment file_identification PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Enable “characterisation” of foundation modules
UoF module: management_resource_information management_resource_information alias identification approval certification contract date_time date_time_assignment identification_assignment multi_linguism_arm person organization person_organization_assignment project security_classification Enable “characterisation” of foundation modules PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module: ap239_management_resource_information
alias identification approval certification contract date_time date_time_assignment identification_assignment multi_linguism_arm person organization person_organization_assignment project security_classification class external_class classification_assignment attributre_classification Enables “characterisation” & classification via Ref Data PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module: ap239_properties
property_assignment product_view_definition_properties independent_property independent_property_representation value_with_unit measure_representation Extended_property_representation PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module: ap239_document_management
document_management_data ap239_management_resource_information ap239_properties Envelope Message Information-rights PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module – requirement_management
management_resource_information Requirement_identifcation_and version Requirement_view definition Requirement_view definition_relationship Requirement_assignment PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Implementation module: ap239_part_definition_information
ap239_management_resource_information product_as_individual product_management_data interface ap239_document_management interface_lifecycle State_definition ap239_properties State_observed requirement_management PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Implementation module: ap239_product_definition_information
product_breakdown system_breakdown assembly_structure zonal_breakdown part_definition_relationship hybrid_breakdwon product_replacement functional_breakdown product_view_definition_relationship physical_breakdown product_relationship attachment_slot ap239_part_definition_information PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
PLCS Core: Life Cycle PDM Capability (1)
PDM Schema already supports automated exchange of Part id and properties Associated documents and files (incl. CAx) Product structure Product (and doc) approval status This is already in production use by US Aerospace and Defence prime contractors (via AP203) German/Swedish/French Automotive sector (via AP214 cc6) EF2000 PDM partners .. A powerful and proven capability for Configuration Management of a complex product design PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
PLCS Core: Life Cycle PDM Capability (2)
AP239 has added: Classification, supported by external Reference data libraries Product_as_individual (planned and realized) Product breakdowns (system, physical, functional, zonal and hybrid) Attachment_slot Extended property capability Interfaces Message, Envelope (similar to ENGDAT) Information Rights Text base requirements (from AP233) … A powerful capability (yet to be proven) for Life Cycle Configuration Management of Assured Product and Support Information PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Activity basics (and characterised)
Activity_characterised Activity_method Activity_method_characterised work_order work_order_characterised work_request work_request_characterised ap239_management_resource_information PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Foundation modules: Activity Extensions
Activity_method Activity_method_implementation Scheme Task_specification State_observed Work_output State_definiton Condition PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module: Resource_management
Location Required_resource requirement_management Location_assignment Resource_item ap239_product_definition_information Type_of_person Value_with_unit Organisation_Type Qualifications Position_in_organisation Experience PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
UoF module: resource_management_characterized
Required_resource_characterized Resource_management_characterized Resource_item_characterized alias identification approval certification contract date_time date_time_assignment identification_assignment multi_linguism_arm person organization person_organization_assignment project security_classification And CLASSIFICATION ap239_management_resource_information PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Implementation module: AP239_task_specification_resourced
ap239_product_definition_information AP239_Task_specification_resourced ap239_mri ap239_document_management Required_resource Task_specification Condition State_observed Work_output Condition_evaluation State_definiton Condition Type_of_person probability Qualifications probability_distribution Experience location Organisation_Type location_assignment Position_in_organisation justification PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Implementation module: Ap239_work_definition
Ap239_work_definitiion Scheme Activity Resource_management Product_as_individual Activity_method Individual Type Ap239_Task_specification_resourced ap239_product_definition_information Condition Required_resource Task_specification PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
AP module: Ap239_product_lifecycle_support
Ap239_product_status_recording Ap239_activity_recording Observation Product_as_individual Ap239_work_definitiion State_observed Activity_as_realized work_request_chr ap239_properties work_order_chr Resource_as_realized Scheme Individual Type Ap239_Task_specification_resourced Condition Activity_method_chr Ap239_product_definition_information` PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Activity domain - Express Schema Diagram (from MS Visio/Graphical Express)
PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Implementing PLCS based solutions
Implementing PLCS PLCS (a standardized information model) can be implemented in 3 ways: As an integration architecture for a new product life cycle support management system (c.f. PIPPIN, EPISTLE, ISO 15926, NPDM) As a mapping between systems (APIs) (LITS to RR CM system) As a standardized data exchange capability (plus compliant software) STEP technology supports all three and is language independent (Cobol, Java, C++, XML) STEP is in production use, with proven benefits, for CAD, CAM and PDM systems STEP has mainly been used to standardize data exchange PLCS can also be used to promote further standardization via Reference Data (e.g. fault codes, skill grades) PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Implementing PLCS on a new program
Use PLCS/STEP formats to capture design information as it is generated in a way that support engineers can re-use Develop Support Information in PLCS format Less duplication – single assured source Easy to present/deliver in any required form (e.g. Spec 1000D, XML, PDF) Improved management of effectivity/applicability Deliver a PLCS enabled maintenance management capability Automatic upload from single assured source The right data is available for maintainers (can be tailored to serialized item) Improved feedback collection (report in the language used to specify, auto-complete) Better in-service metrics Faster learning PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
Implementing PLCS for an existing program
Identify current information shortfalls or problems Use the PLCS Activity Model to identify relevant data exchanges (arrows) that cross IT system boundaries, within and beyond your company Implement appropriate DEXs, where there is a valid business case Consider adopting PLCS for new data generated (changes, modifications, upgrades etc.) N.B. Most current formats can readily be delivered from a PLCS integrated source. The latter is cheaper to build and easier to maintain. What NOT to do – abandon current systems (and standards) that meet business needs PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
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