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Personal Packages Jess Haslam & Lisa Abel.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Packages Jess Haslam & Lisa Abel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Packages Jess Haslam & Lisa Abel

2 What is a personal package?
A personal package is a bespoke learning programme which has been set up to meet an individuals needs and aspirations. A personal package may include at alternative providers or home education. A personal package will also include a personal budget.

3 When should you consider a Personal Package?
For YP with a statement or EHCP (has element 3 funding) For YP with a high level of need For YP whose placement is at risk of breaking down or who has very limited access to the curriculum due to their needs. For YP with high levels of anxiety and/or complex autism.

4 Who can put together a personal package ?
SEN Team Danesgate You! (with support from the SEN Team)

5 How do we put together a Personal Package?
It starts with the young person and their family, focusing on their hopes and aspirations for the future.

6 How do we put together a Personal Package?
Make contact with the SEN Team (Jess or Lisa) to work with you to pull the package together.

7 How do we put together a Personal Package?
Meet with the young person and their family to discuss what they would want from a personal package. Jess or Lisa should be invited to this meeting.

8 How do we put together a Personal Package?
Explore what is available that meets the aspirations of the young person. BE CREATIVE!!

9 How do we put together a Personal Package?
The Education, Health and Care Plan will need to be reviewed to finalise the package and ensure that the outcomes & provision fit the aspirations of the young person and their family.

10 What outcomes could be met through a personal package?
communication planning for transition community participation literacy skills physical health and well-being personal and social development Friendship play and leisure independence.

11 How do we put together a Personal Package?
The Education, Health and Care Plan will then be submitted to the SEN Team who will finalise the plan and personal budget.

12 Personal Budgets Direct payments 3rd party folds the funding
Deemed personal budget where LA hold the funding, but family ad young person are fully engaged in the planning Any combination of the above

13 Example 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM
Reduced timetable in mainstream school. Tool Box Individual cookery. ASDAN 1:1 YILTS Speech and language therapy PM Extended sport session Mainstream lessons Social skills group

14 Example 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM
Reduced timetable targeted lessons Individual time with ELSA Boxing Club Reduced timetable in mainstream school. Reduced timetable ASDAN curriculum Small group PM Sport at Energise

15 Example 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM
Teaching session at mainstream secondary school Horse Riding Session and work experience in a stables. Teaching at mainstream school Therapy Session arranged by Health (this session was in the middle of the day so took a whole day of the timetable) Bilbrough Country Classroom PM Sports Session Art Session Home learning

16 Activity Think about a young person you are working with that possibly fits the criteria of a personal package? What are their hopes and aspirations? What type of activities could you include in a personal package?

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