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Vision for an education that respects diversity

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1 Vision for an education that respects diversity
Presentation by Ministry of Education Science and Technology of Kosovo at the Regional Conference “Embracing Diversity through Education”, 6 November 2013 Drita kadriu, MEST Note: The objective of this presentation is to describe very briefly what is the vision for inclusive education your country. The vision needs to have a timeframe such as year Please note, that the objective is not on what is the current situation, what has been done until now and what are the successes or failures. This session is about describing, depicting and focusing on what the country wants to achieve, on the vision that the country wants to reach. Please focus on the most important topics that are relevant for your country. Please see the model in this presentation. Kindly note that this is just an example and that the situation of inclusiveness varies from country to country therefore adjustments, changes, adaptations are required. The presentation is maximum 6 minutes, three slides of two minutes each.

2 Kosovo education strategic plan 2011-2016
To create an inclusive education system and to provide all citizens in Republic of Kosovo with equal access to quality education at all levels; a system which provides the people of Kosovo with life-long skills for an advanced knowledge integrated into European society and to contribute to the long term sustainable development of the country through job creation and enhanced social cohesion. (KESP ) INCLUZION : This principle refers to the right of every child to have equal access to quality education. Guided by this principle, the Kosovo Curriculum Framework (KCF) provides customized solutions to address students’ diversity and their special needs in the learning process, contributing in this way to the full development of the learning potential of every child. Bearing in mind individual needs and different learning styles, learning experiences at school will foster the student’s motivation to learn as a precondition for improving school attendance, as well as raising the student’s level of achievement.

3 Quality of education- Implementation of new curriculum
Pilot curriculum in 10 schools in the school year The inclusion of 111 new schools in piloting the curriculum in the school year Involvement of all schools in the implementation of new curriculum (!) The principles of the curriculum framework: Inclusion Development of competences Integrated and coherent teaching and learning School-level autonomy and flexibility Responsibility and accountability

4 Teacher training based on Curriculum principals and students competencies
Trainings will be based on the needs of teachers in the implementation of new curriculum Building competencies of students Integrated and coherent teaching and learning competency in communication and expression; ‰competency in thinking; ‰competency in learning; ‰competency in life, work and environment-related areas; ‰personal competency; ‰civic competency.

5 Good environments for teaching and learning
Equipping schools in Kosovo, with the standard package of appropriate learning resources for the implementation of the new school curriculum All children feel comfortable in the physical space of the school. Children are protected from any kind of violence. Children learn in a safe, secure and healthy environment. Schools have sufficient space, lighting, hygiene, facilities, warming, outdoor facilities, entertainment spaces. Education for sustainable development Index for inclusion (MEST, Save the Children) is approved Mësimdhënës mbështetës -Teaching support (38 teacher support / new profile in system of education in regular schools operate in support of the teachers and all children with learning difficulties).


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