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International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Vienna

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1 International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Vienna
The person’s inner consent as a central source for mental health Keynote address at the Mental Health Congress in Moscow Oct. 8, 2016 Alfried Längle International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Vienna

2 1. Mental health and existence

3 1. Mental health and existence
Basis: Mental health → must refer to the conditions of human life in its totality → only fulfilling existence can lead to or maintain psychic health

4 Consequence: Mental health
1. Mental health and existence Consequence: Mental health → needs an anthropology (concept of man) for knowing how existence can come to fulfillment

5 2. Key for fulfilling existence

6 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Basis for fulfillment in life: Not being forced – to be free. To direct one‘s life with one‘s own decisions = one‘s will

7 2. Key for fulfilling existence
→ makes oneself present in one‘s life, harmonizing one‘s actions with one‘s real self and real values

8 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Key for fulfillment in life: Inner consent to what one does (or let be)

9 2. Key for fulfilling existence
What is: Inner consent (approval)?

10 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Consent – a complex activity: = experienced as an inner „yes“ to what one does (or let be)

11 2. Key for fullfilling existence
Consent – a complex activity: = experienced as an inner „yes“ to what one does (or let be) ► must be felt ► feeling of inner accordance ► cognitive understanding

12 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Consent – a complex activity: Based on the four dimensions of existence: Reality (world) Life (values) Person (authenticity) Future (meaning)

13 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Consequences of consent: … it empowers, strengthens … life affirmation … self-acceptance … high intrinsic motivation … less stress

14 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Consequences of consent: → opening up + feel free → commitment → presence → experiencing the value of what one does

15 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Consequences of consent: experiencing the value of what one does … → gives inner fullfillment

16 2. Key for fulfilling existence
Psychopathology arises from a lack of clarity, decisiveness and/or dealing-potentialities – life is not „responded“ (responsibility) because of a blocked „dialogue”

17 3. The existential dynamics

18 “It is life itself that asks questions of man
“It is life itself that asks questions of man. (…) it is not up to man to question; rather he should recognize that he is questioned, questioned by life; (Frankl 1973, 62)

19 he has to respond by being responsible;
“It is life itself that asks questions of man. (…) it is not up to man to question; rather he should recognize that he is questioned, questioned by life; he has to respond by being responsible; and he can answer to life only by answering for his life.” (Frankl 1973, 62)

20 3. The existential dynamics
In other words… Being human means:  being questionned to live means:  giving answers

21 4. The Existential Structure

22 Existence claims clarity with its basic themes:
According to Yalom (1980) : Existence claims clarity with its basic themes: Groundlessness in world Death of life Loneliness as person meaning (absurdity)

23 4. The Existential Structure
The 4 „pilars“ of Existential Therapy They are structuring, helping to be „really there“

24 4. The Existential Structure
Dealing with the reality: → work on being able to accept what is given

25 4. The Existential Structure
acceptance: Perception, taking the reality – instead of keeping up expecta-tions, wishes, interpretations. Development of power, courage, support for being able to trust.

26 4. The Existential Structure
To come to live in it: Work at the turning towards the given.

27 4. The Existential Structure
2. Turning towards: Develop and caring of relationships, pleasure, closeness, to make life valuable.

28 4. The Existential Structure
To be oneself in it: → work at the looking at the (own/other) person

29 4. The Existential Structure
3. Looking at: Development of decisiveness, genuin, responsibility, appreciation, to be able to encounter authentically.

30 4. The Existential Structure
To deal with the future. → work at the tuning with the situation

31 4. The Existential Structure
4. Tuning: Openness for the situation, for the needed, for the offered – instead of looking at programs, fixe aims and rigid plans – for finding meaning.

32 Life is not “something” – it is the chance for something. (V. Frankl)

33 Thank you for your attention!

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