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2017 Llano Estacado Regional Water Plan Planning Group Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Llano Estacado Regional Water Plan Planning Group Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Llano Estacado Regional Water Plan Planning Group Meeting
October 17, 2013 Lubbock, Texas

2 Project Team Andy Donnelly, P.G. (Project manager) Amy Ewing, P.G.
David Harkins, P.E. (RPS Espey) Neil Blandford, P.G. Others

3 Project Update The Region O projections for population and water demand are being presented to the TWDB Board for approval today The next deliverable will be the evaluation of water source availability and existing water supplies Availability methodology will be discussed at this meeting Existing water supplies are being evaluated

4 Agenda Item 10 The Task 4D scope of work and budget have been provided to the TWDB for the first three water management strategies Irrigation conservation Local groundwater development Municipal water conservation The planning group needs to approve the methodology for selecting water management strategies (Agenda item 12)

5 Agenda Item 11 Status report on the existing water source availability
Review of draft letters addressing surface water availability groundwater availability extending the groundwater availability estimates through 2070 Request approval to submit the three letters to the TWDB

6 Agenda Item 11 Surface water availability
a. The latest available versions of the TCEQ WAMs for the Canadian, Red, Brazos, and Colorado River basins will be obtained from TCEQ. b. These WAMs will include the official TCEQ assumption of full consumption of existing water rights with no (zero) return flow.

7 Agenda Item 11 Surface water availability
c. Evaluations of re-use will be performed consistently with TCEQ evaluations, incorporating appropriate return flows for consideration of such permits to adequately represent existing supplies derived from re-use.

8 Agenda Item 11 Surface water availability
d. For the Brazos and Colorado River Basins, updated WAMs reflecting TCEQ’s most recent modifications and implementations of adopted environmental flow standards have not been made available by TCEQ. If updated WAMs are made available, subsequent analyses of WMSs will employ these updated WAMs.

9 Agenda Item 11 Surface water availability
e. If discrepancies are found between the presently available WAMs and any new WAM released by TCEQ during the present planning process, such discrepancies may be identified. f. Each of the WAMs will be updated with Year 2020 through Year 2070 elevation-area-capacity information for all reservoirs for which there are available volumetric survey data. Original capacities will be used if no additional data is available.

10 Agenda Item 11 Groundwater availability
MAGs not provided for several aquifers Dockum (Dawson and Garza counties) “Other Aquifers” For “Other Aquifers”, historic groundwater use indicates a significant amount of use for irrigation Request that the TWDB approves the availabilities estimated

11 Agenda Item 11 Methodology for extending the groundwater availability estimates to 2070 Existing DFCs and MAG estimates only extend through the year 2060 2070 volumes will be calculated based on linear interpolation of all prior decades If decadal volumes are repeated and followed by a changing volume, a linear interpolation using the last repeated volume and all latter non-repeated decades will be applied

12 Agenda Item 12 - Proposed WMS Selection Process
1. Develop a comprehensive list of potentially feasible strategies 2. Obtain survey responses from municipal WUGs to determine current strategies under consideration 3. Define groups or common areas with supply deficiencies 4. Prepare qualitative rating based on cost, reliability, environmental impact, and political acceptability for the various strategies 5. Select one or more additional strategies for each area, if appropriate 6. Present proposed shortlist during Region O Planning Group meeting for modification and/or approval The comprehensive list is being put together using - Recommended and alternative strategies from 2011 Region O Water Plan - Strategies documented in local plans - Other suggestions

13 Agenda Item 13 Preliminary identified needs
Based on preliminary data Provided on large table handout Discussion of the deficits identified to date Discussion of the current list of water management strategies Some Strategies required by statute (next slide) Drought management measures including demand management must also be considered per Rule 31 TAC (f)

14 Agenda Item 13 Strategies required by statute improved conservation
reuse management of existing water supplies conjunctive use acquisition of available existing water supplies development of new water supplies developing regional water supply facilities or providing regional management of water supply facilities voluntary transfers of water emergency transfers

15 Agenda Item 13 Required strategies to add to draft WMS list
drought/demand management management of existing water supplies conjunctive use developing regional water supply facilities or providing regional management of water supply facilities

16 Agenda Item 13 Need to ensure all potentially feasible strategies have been identified Develop scope and budget for all remaining potentially feasible WMSs for approval at the next meeting

17 Action Items Summary Approval of WMS selection methodology
Approval of three letters addressing surface water availability groundwater availability extending the groundwater availability estimates through 2070 Approval of the potentially feasible strategies to develop Task 4D scopes and budgets for

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