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Competency Model Clearinghouse:
Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools October 22, PM ET
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Presenter: Moderator: Presenters
Laura Putnam, Research Assistant, Aguirre Division of JBS International, Inc. Moderator: Pam Frugoli, O*NET Lead, Employment and Training Administration Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Competency Initiative Overview
Agenda/Objectives Competency Initiative Overview Demonstrate New Competency Model Clearinghouse Tools: Build a Model Career Ladder/Lattice Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
ETA Investments in Talent Development for Regional Economies
ETA has made a series of investments in job training for targeted industry sectors, community-based initiatives, and overall talent development for regional economies Goal to prepare workers to take advantage of job opportunities in economically vital industries and sectors of the American economy. Industry competency models are one of several workforce solutions business and industry proposed to communicate their skill needs. In support of this workforce solution, ETA has undertaken and continues to engage in three key activities: Promoting the development of industry-driven competency models based on research on existing skill standards, curricula, certifications and other resources Convening industry representatives to revise and validate draft industry competency models; and Serving as a broker of information for competency model resources. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Competency Model Uses Develop curricula and training models;
Develop position descriptions and hiring criteria; Develop assessment and testing instruments; Evaluate training programs; Provide a basis for development of foundation, cross-industry certifications; and Serve as the foundation for career guidance tools such as career ladders and lattices Industry competency models provide a common framework to discuss skill needs intermediate between the detail of: Education curriculum and learning objectives Business position descriptions Applications to Education Human resources applications And the application we want to introduce to you today Generally, industry competency models provide a common framework to drive the dialogue on regional talent development among the workforce investment system, businesses, economic developers, and the education community. Specifically, industry competency models can be used in focused ways to support individual industry goals. Provides Business and industry with a comprehensive set of foundational skills and competencies so they know they are hiring workers who can succeed in the 21st century economy. Education and training providers have a set of competencies to train to and the assurance that those competences are directly relevant to industry requirements. The public workforce system can know that the training programs they support are producing workers who will find employment. Prospective workers learn what skills they need to take the first step towards successful careers in critical industries. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Competency Model Clearinghouse
The Competency Model Clearinghouse Web site is part of a site sponsored by ETA and hosted by the state of Minnesota. This site brokers information about competency models and offer developers and users of competency models a variety of resources, tools, and links including: A Technical Assistance Guide: Developing and Using Competency Models, available to be read online or downloaded for easy reference. At Find Resources there is a searchable database of competency-based resources, including all of the ones used in constructing the various models and new ones that we learn of later. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Database of Resources The database contains over a thousand resources found on the Internet that describe foundational, industry, or occupational competencies required for success in the workplace. The search tool enables you to find resources easily in a variety of ways. You may browse resources by keyword or filtered by: industry O*NET occupation family Resource Type (competency models, skill standards, certifications, assessment instruments, apprenticeship work process schedules, curricula, or educational program standards). You can use the keyword search feature to search either by the name of the resource or the developer. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Competency Model Clearinghouse
The Competency Model Clearinghouse Web site is where you can find all of the completed industry models that have been validated by ndustry partners Both industry models and a generic Building Blocks Model of widely used competencies. Each competency is linked to definitions and key behaviors making this an easy to use reference for developing competency models. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Industry Competency Models
To date competency models have been developed, validated, and posted on the site for: Advanced Manufacturing Financial Services Retail Industry Hospitality/Hotel and Lodging Energy/Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Information Technology—just released on the site on October 3 There are a number of competency models currently in the process of being researched or validated by industry, educators and workforce system partners: Residential Construction Heavy/Highway & Civil Construction Long-Term Health Care Aerospace Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Entrepreneurship Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model
ETA convenes leading industry organizations who also reach out to member partners to modify the model to reflect their skill needs. To develop the Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model, ETA brought together the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the National Council for Advanced Manufacturing (NACFAM) along with other industry representatives. NAM has committed to working with industry partners to keep this tool current. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Competency Model Framework
To support the process of competency model development, ETA worked with industrial/organizational psychology experts to develop a generic competency model framework as a starting point for constructing the specific industry models. The generic competency model is depicted in a graphic consisting of nine tiers. At the base of the model, Tiers 1 though 3 contain Foundation Competencies, which form the foundation needed to be ready to enter the workplace. Employers have identified a link between foundational skills and job performance, as well as the fact that foundational skills are a needed prerequisite for workers to be able to learn new industry-specific skills. These foundational competencies are essential to a large number of occupations and industries. Many states are adopting various types of work readiness credentials that assess foundational competencies and certify individuals as having them. The content competencies for these credentials would be an example of a foundation model. Tiers 4 and 5 contain Industry Competencies, which are specific to an industry or industry sector. Cross-cutting industry-wide technical competencies make it possible to create career lattices within an industry wherein a worker can move easily across industry sub-sectors. Rather than narrowly following a single occupational career ladder, this model supports the development of an agile workforce. Tiers 6 through 9 represent the specialization that occurs within a specific Occupation within an industry. Subsequently, we have refined and expanded that concept to reflect the emphasis not on single occupations—but on a series of jobs or occupations arranged in a Career Ladder or Lattice. (Note: Next slide shows a career ladder/lattice) Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
What are Career Ladder/Lattices?
Sample Career Ladder Sample Career Lattice Here are samples: One a career ladder in Health Care, and the other of a Career Lattice in Financial Services. Career ladders and lattices are devices that help people visualize and learn about the job options that are available as they progress through a career. Career ladders display vertical movement between jobs. In contrast, career lattices contain both vertical and lateral movement between jobs and may reflect more closely the career paths of today's work environment. The competency model Web site displays 8 such samples from 8 different industries. The site also provides a tool to build these yourself—which we will demonstrate in a moment. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Collaborative Process to Build a Career Ladder/Lattice
What are the key industries in our region? What careers are priorities for talent development in these industries in the region? What jobs make up those careers? What are the job titles used by employers in the region? What are key characteristics of the jobs? Job Title Work Experience Job Level Certification Job Description Licensure Education Salary/Wages Workforce Preparation Employment Outlook Members of strategic partnerships between business and industry, education, and workforce investment professions should meet and confer with each other about careers in a specific industry. Various partners will identify elements such as: important characteristics of these jobs, how people progress through these jobs, and the crucial differences among jobs in this career. This information will actually be captured as part of the Career Ladder or Lattice and included in the final document that is produced. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Competency Model Clearinghouse
To get to this new feature you go to the Build a Model link on the clearinghouse homepage There are actually two new tools that permit strategic partners to: Customize industry competency models for regional economies or build new models Create career ladders/lattices on the foundation of industry models. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
CMC Tools When you click on Build a Model it takes you to this screen.
The first tool enables users to customize national industry competency models to reflect specific workforce needs of regional economies. For example, a user can start with the framework for Advanced Manufacturing and customize it to reflect the competencies for pharmaceutical manufacturing in a region. Users can then start with a national or customized industry competency model and employ the Career Ladder/Lattice tool to identify the sequence of jobs or occupations within specific careers in that industry. The tool produces 1) a graphic that illustrates the progression and advancement potential in the career ladder/lattice and 2) contains documentation of the requirements for each job and the critical developmental experiences needed to move between them. I would now like to turn it over to our presenter, Laura Putnam, who was a member of the design team that worked to create this tool to walk you through a demonstration of the tools. Laura is also the voice you will hear if you visit the site and watch and listen to the animated video demonstrations of the tools. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
User_name ********** Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
The main menu let’s you manage your account
The main menu let’s you manage your account. Initially, the only menu option is to Add New Model. Once you have added a model, you can view, edit, or delete it. You can also then use that model as the foundation to develop a career ladder/lattice. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Getting Started provides an overview of the tool
Getting Started provides an overview of the tool. The navigation bar at the top of the screen highlights the section of the tool in which you are working.
The first step to customizing a competency model is to choose an existing model to serve as the starting point for selecting competencies. You can select either the Generic Building Blocks or one of the high-growth industry models. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
After you select a starting framework, name your model and click next.
Sample Model Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Tier 1 contains personal effectiveness competencies
Tier 1 contains personal effectiveness competencies. Often referred to as "soft skills," personal effectiveness competencies are generally learned in the home or community and reinforced and honed at school and in the workplace. You can include only certain competencies by checking individual key behaviors. Or you can include all of the listed competencies in your model by checking the Include All box
You can also add additional key behaviors or additional competencies
You can also add additional key behaviors or additional competencies. For example, if you would like to add Interpersonal Skills to the model, you would click on Add Competency.
Demonstrate respect for the opinions, perspectives, and individual
Interpersonal Skills Demonstrate respect for the opinions, perspectives, and individual differences of others. Then enter the name of the competency. A definition is optional, but you have to add at least one key behavior. When you are finished, click Done.
The competency you add will be displayed at the bottom of the list
The competency you add will be displayed at the bottom of the list. When you finish customizing Tier 1, click Next. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Tier 2 contains academic competencies
Tier 2 contains academic competencies. Academic Competencies are critical competencies primarily learned in a school setting. They include cognitive functions and thinking styles and are likely to apply to all industries and occupations. The plus signs next to the key behaviors let you see descriptions of the behaviors – which you can then edit if necessary. As on tier 1, you can select certain competencies and key behaviors or select all.
When you finish customizing tier 2, click Next.
Tier 3 contains Workplace competencies
Tier 3 contains Workplace competencies. Workplace Competencies represent motives and traits, as well as interpersonal and self-management styles. They generally are applicable to a large number of occupations and industries. The available options are the same as on previous tiers.
When you finish customizing tier 3, click Next.
Grid View When you finish customizing Tiers 1 through 3–-the foundational tiers—a preview screen appears. The grid view shows the names of the competencies on each tier. The detail view shows full descriptions and key behaviors for each competency. After reviewing your model, click Select Tier 4 Competencies to continue building your model. Detail View
Tier 4 contains Industry-Wide competencies
Tier 4 contains Industry-Wide competencies. Industry-Wide competencies represent the technical knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for successful performance in all occupations in an industry. If applicable to the selected model, key behaviors may be separated into levels such as entry-level and technician level as in this example. Include either entry-level or technician-level, or both. To keep Tier 4 as is, check Include All
And then click Next.
When you finish customizing Tier 4, a preview screen appears
When you finish customizing Tier 4, a preview screen appears. After reviewing your model, click Select Tier 5 Competencies to continue building your model.
Tier 5 contains Industry-Sector competencies
Tier 5 contains Industry-Sector competencies. Industry-Sector competencies represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for successful performance in a particular industry sector. To create Tier 5, select a sector from the list or enter your own industry sector name.
All the functionality that exists on previous tiers, is available again on Tier 5.
When you finish customizing tier 5, click Next.
When you finish building Tier 5, a preview screen appears
When you finish building Tier 5, a preview screen appears. After reviewing your model, you may return to earlier tiers, Stop & Save, or begin Building a Career Ladder. To download your completed model in a Word document, click Stop & Save.
Your completed model is saved in your account
Your completed model is saved in your account. If any changes are needed, you can log in again to make changes in the tool. If you make changes to the downloaded Word document, they WILL NOT be saved in your account. Click Build a Career Ladder/Lattice to begin building a career ladder/lattice for your industry.
The Introduction page provides an overview of the structure and use of career ladders and also introduces the capabilities of the tool. Click Next to continue.
Getting Started Getting Started introduces you to the important pieces of information to include about each job in your career ladder: Job Title, Job Level, Job Description, Education, Workforce Preparation, Work Experience, Certification, Licensure, Salary/Wages, Employment Outlook. You will be able to fill in fields with this information later in the tool. It’s okay if you do not have all of this job information at hand before building the career ladder. The tool is designed to assist you in collecting and compiling relevant job information. To continue, click Next. 43
To begin, select one of your previously built competency models to serve as the foundation for the career ladder.
Name the career ladder and click Build Career Ladder/Lattice.
Sample Career Ladder
Job Information On the Job Information screen, you can enter job information for a job in the career ladder. Job information can be typed directly into the job fields, selected from drop down multiple choice options, and/or copied and pasted from other websites and documents. Open a new browser window to search other web sites or click on the Research Job Information tab to access information from CareerOneStop and O*NET. 46
Health Aide To search for job information, enter a key word and select the state in which the job is performed or use United States as the default region. We will type in Health Aide. 47
And select Virginia. 48
Research Job Information
From the list of jobs displayed, select up to five jobs for which you want to view job information by checking the boxes next to the job codes and clicking Select Jobs. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 49
Research Job Information
Jobs you choose to review are saved in the Selected Jobs box at the bottom of the screen. You can do multiple searches using new keywords. Once you have selected all the jobs you are interested in, click Show Job Profiles. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 50
Research Job Information
Job Profiles show you detailed information from O*NET and CareerOneStop. You can print these out for future reference. Click Enter Job Information to use the data to fill in job information fields. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 51
Enter Job Information Copy and paste or type relevant information from the job profile into the job information fields. Use the drop down boxes provided to populate the Education, Workforce Preparation, Duration, and Work Experience fields. You can also search for certifications related to the job. Document any resources you use in the References field. When you have completed entering in the necessary information, click Save Job. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 52
Enter Job Information Continue adding jobs until all the jobs in the career ladder are included in the Job Titles box at the top of the screen. When you’ve finished adding jobs, click Place and Link Jobs. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 53
Notes for slides 55-58: The jobs you added in the previous step are listed in the Job Titles box at the top of the screen. Arrange job titles on the grid to establish the relationships between jobs in the career. To add a job to the grid, click on the job you would like to place in the grid, the destination grid cell, and then the down-facing arrow. To move a job back to the Job Titles box, click on the grid cell containing the job title you would like to move and then click the up-facing arrow. 54
Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Continue this process until all jobs have been placed in the grid
Continue this process until all jobs have been placed in the grid. If needed, you may add columns and/or rows to the grid by clicking on the Add Row/Add Column links. 58
Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
A1 A2 Link jobs on the grid using the Create Ladder/Lattice function box on the left side of the screen. Type the cell labels into the From/To boxes and click Link Jobs. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
A single-sided arrow between the corresponding grid cells will be displayed to represent movement in one direction between jobs. You can also illustrate movement in either direction – to do so make a double-sided arrow by creating two single-sided arrows. Continue linking all the jobs in your career ladder/lattice. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Linked Jobs Once you have linked jobs, add important information on experiences needed to move from one job to another by clicking Add Critical Developmental Experiences. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 64
Add Critical Developmental Experiences
A new option to add critical developmental experiences now appears in the function box. Critical developmental experiences are the important differences between jobs that individuals should seek out as they prepare to move from one job to another. Some CDEs represent concrete differences between jobs, such as in education or licensure requirements. Other CDEs reflect more subtle differences that exist between jobs, such as in skills or abilities. To add critical developmental experiences, click on the arrow that connects the two jobs or type the cell labels into the From/To boxes and click Add Critical Developmental Experiences. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
Add Critical Developmental Experiences
A text box appears at the bottom of your screen where you can include critical developmental experiences. Click on the Details of Linked Jobs above the text box to display job information you entered in Step One of the tool. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 66
Compare Details of Linked Jobs
Identify important differences between the linked jobs. Incorporate this information as needed by typing or copying and pasting information into the text box. Once you have finished adding critical developmental experiences, click Save. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 67
Continue adding critical developmental experiences to all of the linked jobs. The detail is not displayed on screen, but is available to download along with all the job information entered earlier. When you have added all the critical developmental experiences, proceed to the last step by clicking on View Career Ladder/Lattice. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
This screen present your finished career ladder/lattice graphic along with your competency model foundation. After reviewing your career lattice, you can return to earlier steps or, if your work is complete, click save to download your career ladder/lattice. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 69
Download Career Ladder/Lattice
You can download your work as either a PDF Document that includes your job descriptions and the ladder diagram OR as a Word Document that includes your job descriptions without the diagram. If you edit the downloaded Word document, the changes WILL NOT be saved in your account. However, you can return at any time to make changes to your ladder using the tool. This concludes the demo portion of the presentation. I’d like to mention that we also have video demos located in the green helpline box that provide tutorials on the tools. For additional direction, you can also print copies of the general instructions and descriptions of the collaborative process if you plan to develop materials with strategic partners. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 70
Contact Information If you would like more information about the Competency Initiative or the Competency Model Clearinghouse tools, please send information to: Pam Frugoli Division of Workforce System Support USDOL Employment & Training Administration Laura Putnam Aguirre Division JBS International, Inc. Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools 71
Question and Answer Period
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Competency Model Clearinghouse: Build a Model & Career Ladder/Lattice Tools
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