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Public Bodies Climate Change Duties: Presentation to EAUC Forum

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1 Public Bodies Climate Change Duties: Presentation to EAUC Forum
20 September 2017

2 Keep Scotland Beautiful
SSN part of KSB Might not be aware of all the areas we cover

3 Sustainable Scotland Network
Funded by Scottish Government Membership open to the public sector Guided by Steering Group Website resources KHub member forum Member events Annual conference Fortnightly Newsletter

4 Section 1 - Profile Key info about the reporting body
Metrics, FTE, budget Scope of estate, reporting boundary, accountability for emissions Summary of functions, unique functions/services JK

5 Section 2 – Governance, Management and Strategy
Demonstrate robust system of governance & management Hierarchy - where does accountability sit Summary of roles played by the governance bodies / management & how they operate – frequency of meetings, reporting etc How do you monitor, report and take action on climate change? Summary of how CC activity is embedded across departments How have governance and management arrangements been effective in delivering climate change responsibilities? JK

6 Section 3 – Emissions, Targets & Projects
Pointers for Q3a, Q3b & Q3c: electricity, water and biomass Key scope 3 sources: waste, transport, water Completing information on targets and checking progress Overall savings from projects implemented in the reporting year Individual projects – date and behaviour change Changes not related to projects e.g. estate changes (past and planned) JK

7 Section 3 - Example JK

8 Progress towards adapting to climate change
Section 4 – Adaptation Progress towards adapting to climate change Integration into functions & services Many at early stage of assessing climate change risks - report on planned future assessments Focus on 4a & 4b first if early in the journey, and 4g for setting priorities to address adaptation JK

9 Section 4 - Examples 4(a) Has the body assessed current and future climate-related risks? We recommend that you break this question into two parts (i) Assessing current climate related risk and (ii) Assessing future climate related risk (i) Assessing current climate risk  Example: We have started a comprehensive assessment of current climate-related risks, (such as severe weather events and snow and ice) which are assessed in Public Body X’s Risk Register.  (ii) Assessing future climate risk  Example: Through mapping all campuses as part of the Environmental Management System the University has assessed potential risks, including flooding. All trees are assessed regularly and all buildings and equipment are well maintained, utilising the system tool Planon. Emergency Response Procedures are in place covering appropriate aspects such as flooding and weather events. (Edinburgh Napier University) JK

10 Section 4 - Examples 4(g) What are the body’s top 5 priorities for the year ahead in relation to climate change adaptation? Queen Margaret University 1. To carry out a formal climate change adaptation risk assessment as part of the CCAP implementation 2. To develop a biodiversity strategy related to the management of the campus wide SUDS 3. To carry out a detailed assessment of risks associated with the proposed development of Edinburgh Innovation Park 4. To work with partners on integrating localised activities into the wider regional plans/risk assessments 5. To educate and communicate staff and students on the issues arising from adaptation risk assessment as part of a programme of behaviour change

11 Section 5 - Procurement How are public sector procurement policies and activities contributing to the climate change duties (emissions reduction, adaptation, acting sustainably) Define policy objectives Explain how climate change is embedded in procurement practices & decisions Identify specific activities undertaken in the reporting year Quantify impact of activities where possible JK

12 Section 5 - Examples Procurement activities:
Heriot-Watt University: new buildings designed to high energy performance standards, Warp It resource reuse system University of Strathclyde: sustainable labs & reduction in lab emissions Inverness College UHI: purchase of low carbon vehicles (estimated carbon savings of 4.3 tonnes annually, new cycle racks) Fife College: AV Equipment: Specification required Contractor to consider whole life costs including energy consumption & cost of consumables. Energy consumption & estimated carbon footprint provided prior to purchase with an estimated total cost of ownership. JK

13 Section 6 - Validation Demonstrate robust system of internal control and validation of data Explain review and sign-off procedures Document efforts to ensure report is a true & accurate reflection of the body’s climate change activities Other validation options : Peer to peer and External JK

14 Section 7 – Wider Influence
Opportunity to document climate change policies and projects that have an impact beyond your corporate estate Includes projects with students, visitors, research, curriculum, partnership working with other public bodies/3rd sector organisations Enables partnership working and knowledge exchange Designed to capture reporting good practice previously contained within Climate Change reports completed before Complete as much as you can, do not be afraid to leave blank boxes if you only have some of the information JK

15 SSN Conference Keynote speakers: Chris Stark & Professor Jan Webb
Further info and registrations:

16 Reporting team: Jennifer Kaczmarski, Craig Dun, Cara Labuschagne
Key resources & contacts Website: Reporting guidelines and reporting platform information Training slides Populated examples Deadline – 30th November 2017 Reporting team: Jennifer Kaczmarski, Craig Dun, Cara Labuschagne JK

17 Section 1 - Example University of Edinburgh 1(g) Context
Provide a summary of the body’s nature and functions that are relevant to climate change reporting. As a truly global university, Edinburgh aims to make a significant sustainable and socially responsible contribution to the world. The University enables impact through research, graduating students equipped to address global challenges and through sustainable operations. University researchers increasingly focus on global challenges, conducting research with impact that feeds into climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies or that addresses responsible investment for the climate. The University is also a leader in learning and teaching in the area of climate change, with undergraduate offerings as well as postgraduate courses. Student involvement and the student experience will continue to be integral to the success of climate action. The University is embedded in the city of Edinburgh and makes contributions through local partnerships with the city council and other community organisations on climate change issues. University campuses in Edinburgh generate emissions from their operations, and the new Climate Change Strategy addresses both the need for research and teaching in climate change as well as reducing operational emissions. JK

18 Section 2 - Examples University of Edinburgh:
2(b) How is climate change action managed and embedded? University of Edinburgh: Founding member of the Climate Commitment for Scotland Climate Change Strategy Climate Action Plan since emphasis on organisational alignment on climate strategy priorities across existing strategies and policies (recycling and waste management, transport, procurement and food). New Strategic Plan 2016 contains continued emphasis on sustainability. Sub-committee ‘SRS in Learning and Teaching’ continues to ensure that students can access SRS course during their time degree programmes. Establishment of the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRS) Sustainability Awards. Adoption of United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) & Responsible Investment Policy Statement. JK

19 Section 2 - Examples 2(f) What are the body’s top 5 priorities for climate change governance, management and strategy for the year ahead? Glasgow School of Art: - Work towards EcoCampus Silver accreditation by 2018 (Corporate Plan ) - Have full awareness of sustainability values and issues across the curriculum (by 2018) - Increase well-being and our community's personal, inter-personal connections, and their emotional connections to the living planet - Efficient estate refurbishment and redevelopment - Better procurement, minimising environmental impacts by reducing, recycling and reusing more

20 Section 6 - Example Forth Valley College:
Data validation - The Finance department were responsible for validating the source data that formed the basis of the electricity, gas and water information included within section 3b of this report. We reviewed the purchase invoices for each supplier to ensure the information on which the data is based was accurate. Staff mileage information was reviewed by a different member of staff to ensure the accuracy of the figures reported. Management review - The Head of Facilities Management and Health and Safety has reviewed this report, in conjunction with the annual review of the College Carbon Management Plan, to ensure data correlates and priorities correspond with the College Strategic and Operational Plans. Sign-off - Associate Principal and Executive Director - Estates Development JK

21 Section 7 - Examples Q2 – Policy or strategy to influence beyond boundary: Edinburgh College: Sustainability Policy, influence outside boundary = Students, Communities, Contractors University of Strathclyde: - Strategic Plan 2015 to 2020 - Climate Change and Social Responsibility Policy - Sustainable Glasgow and Glasgow's H2020 Bid - Renfrewshire Council Low Carbon Transport Bid Climate Ready Clyde University of Edinburgh: - Climate Change Strategy - Research spanning behavioural and social change, cultural and technology studies, policy, law and business JK

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