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Spas and Hot Tubs Background and Overview

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1 Spas and Hot Tubs Background and Overview

2 Thousands of years ago even before the first tub that held water in it was handmade, the early humans were probably using natural hot springs as a source of soul enrichment. Still the same is today and has been ever since then, the use of hot bubbling waters as a way of relaxing and healing our mind and bodies. Romans, Greeks, Japanese and many other countries were known to use tubs filled with hot water for therapeutic, social and private use. It wasn’t until the Jacuzzi brothers came around that the spa hot tub took a giant leap in design and manufacturing for he public market. The Jacuzzi brothers are famous for many other innovative works and took their expertise from these and put it to use to give us what we know as today being our modern day hot tubs. The first spa model was just a water pump that was placed into a bathtub, allowing the user to experience from their own home. Following this came fully enclosed tubs with the piping in them, then eventually came heated water with filtration systems. The Jacuzzi brothers incorporated the Venturi effect and made a venture air injection jet which allows for water to mix with the water before being jet into the main tub. The venture air injector is really just a small odd T shaped pipe which sucks air into the water by changing the size of the piping, therefore changing the water pressure and creating a vacuum. The water flow sucks air directly into it and releases it allowing for a more the more full massage effect. Later on some companies used electric air pumps or hot tubes to put air into the water, but these had some issues with the piping becoming backed up, not only that but they ran on their own electricity. The Venturi injector introduced by Roy Jacuzzi was the most efficient and productive way for water and air to mix. Modern day hot tubs are becoming bigger, more powerful. Some high grade models are coming equipped with full sound systems, flat screen monitors, and LED lighting, waterfalls and water spouts. There are many shapes and sizes to choose from, some as big as small swimming pools, some that you can lift with a small dolly others are just small and inflatable allowing you take them with you where ever you go.

3 Spas and hot tubs are a great way to relax and cut down on stress
Spas and hot tubs are a great way to relax and cut down on stress. The warm water and massaging jets relaxes your blood vessels allowing more blood to flow through and bringing with it important nutrients. The relaxed state releases endorphins in your brain which is your body’s natural form of morphine. Doctors recommend hot tubs for anyone with and arthritis condition, diabetes, sprained or pulled muscles, sleeping disorders, stress and/or anxiety attacks and also just as a mood booster. People taking prescription medications or who have heart disorders should check with their doctor first before starting to use a hot tub.

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