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Life and Epistles of Paul

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1 Life and Epistles of Paul
Day First and Second Timothy and Titus Martyrdom

2 Likelihood of Release in Rome
He expected to be released (Philippians 1:25-26; 2:24; Philemon 22) Charges against him were mild. Nero at this point under good influences. Evidence that “if a man’s accusers did not come within 2 years time he was set free.” H.J. Cadbury, quoted in New Testament History by Gareth L. Reese Almost unanimous testimony of “fathers” 3 Books cannot be fit into history in Acts

3 Possible Travels of Paul After Release
Philippians 2:24 Philemon 22 1 Timothy 1:3 Spain? Colossae

4 Paul’s First Letter to Timothy
Left Timothy in Ephesus (1:3) Writes to instruct proper conduct (3:14,15) Attitudes toward rulers (2:1-2) Men and women in worship (2:8-15) Elders & Deacons (3) Doctrinal error (4:1-16) Widows (5:1-16) Relations with elders (5:17-22) Master/slave relations (6:1-5) Contentment (6:6-10) Personal Admonitions (6:11-16, 20-21) Counsel to rich (6:17-19) Hopes to return to him shortly (3:15)

5 Possible Travels of Paul After Release
Philippians 2:24 1 Tim. 3:15 Philemon 22 Spain? Colossae Leaves Titus in Crete (Titus 1:5)

6 Paul’s Letter to Titus Uncertain where Paul was when writing
Titus to “set in order” what was lacking and appoint elders in every church” (1:5) Special problems in Crete (1:10-16) Instructions for teaching (chapters 2, 3) Paul sending Artemas or Tychicus to Titus Paul asks Titus to join him in Nicopolis where he hopes to spend the winter.

7 Possible Travels of Paul After Release
Paul is probably arrested in Nicopolis and taken to Rome for trial Nicopolis Titus 3:12 Spain? Colossae

8 2nd Timothy Written from Prison
Circumstances now different -- Nero a mad man -- Christians under vicious persecution -- Paul expects to die Letter very emotional. He remembers: -- Timothy’s tears (1:4) -- Hurts (1:15-18; 2:17-18; 4:10; 4:14-18) -- His life & experiences (3:10-11; 4:6-8) Ready to die (4:6-8; 18) Urges Timothy to come to him (4:21)

9 The Curtain Falls on Life of Paul
“Timothy, the responsibility is now yours. You must be strong. You must not be ashamed of God’s word or of His suffering saints. You must accept hardship. You must preach the word whatever response you experience, for my work is finished. I will no longer be here to help and encourage you. “ - Bill Hall “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it” (3:14). “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you”

10 Third Journey Saul’s Conversion VICTORY Second Journey Comes to Antioch Pentecost First Journey Caesarea To Tarsus Rome AD 30 AD34 AD 37 AD 42 AD AD AD AD 58-60 AD 61-63 AD 63-67 AD 68 1 Corinthians AD 57 Ephesians Colossians Philemon Philippians 2 Corinthians AD 57 Romans AD 58 I Thessalonians AD 52 Galatians (?) 2 Thessalonians AD 52 1 Timothy Titus Paul was probably born about AD 1, so his age would closely match the dates on this chart. 2 Timothy

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