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Andrew Brandt University of Texas at Arlington

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1 Andrew Brandt University of Texas at Arlington
Diffraction at DØ Andrew Brandt University of Texas at Arlington E h f Run I Run II Low-x Workshop June 6, 2003 Nafplion, Greece

2 Run I Gaps Pioneered central gaps between jets, 3 papers, 3 Ph. D’s
Observed and measured forward gaps in jet events at s = 630 and 1800 GeV. Rates much smaller than expected from naïve Ingelman-Schlein model. Require a different normalization and significant soft component to describe data. Large fraction of proton momentum frequently involved in collision. Observed jet events with forward/backward gaps at s = 630 and 1800 GeV Observed W and Z boson events with gaps

3 Run II Improvements Larger luminosity allows search for rare processes
Integrated FPD allows accumulation of large hard diffractive data samples Measure , t over large kinematic range Higher ET jets allow smaller systematic errors Comparing measurements of HSD with track tag vs. gap tag yields new insight into process

4 Run II Rapidity Gap System
VC: 5.2 < h < 5.9 LM: 2.5 < h < 4.4 Use signals from Luminosity Monitor and Veto Counters (designed at UTA) to trigger on rapidity gaps with calorimeter towers for gap signal Work in progress (Mike Strang UTA, Tamsin Edwards U. Manchester); no time to present in this talk

5 Summary and Future Plans
Full 18 pot FPD will start taking data after shutdown (12/03) Still work to do on detector and trigger commissioning Manpower at Fermilab is the key issue Detectors work as designed Elastic Data analysis is moving towards publication Integrated data is moving towards physics results Full 18 pot FPD system now installed. After commissioning, data analysis with full system will be forthcoming Elastic cross section is used in measurement of luminosity (discrepancy between D0 and CDF)

6 Forward Proton Detector
P1U P2O D S A1 Q2 Q4 Q3 Q2 D2 D1 A2 Q3 Q4 S P1D P2I Veto 59 57 33 23 23 33 Z(m) 9 momentum spectrometers comprised of 18 Roman Pots Scintillating fiber detectors can be brought close (~6 mm) to the beam to track scattered protons and anti-protons Reconstructed track is used to calculate momentum fraction and scattering angle -> Much better resolution than available with gaps alone Cover a t region (0 < t < 3.0 GeV2) never before explored at Tevatron energies Allows combination of tracks with high-pT scattering in the central detector

7 DØ Run II Diffractive Topics
Soft Diffraction and Elastic Scattering: Inclusive Single Diffraction Elastic scattering (t dependence) Total Cross Section Centauro Search Inclusive double pomeron Search for glueballs/exotics Hard Diffraction: Diffractive jet Diffractive b,c ,t , Higgs Diffractive W/Z Diffractive photon Other hard diffractive topics Double Pomeron + jets Other Hard Double Pomeron topics Rapidity Gaps: Central gaps+jets Double pomeron with gaps Gap tags vs. proton tags Topics in RED were studied with gaps only in Run I E <100 W boson events in Run I, >1000 tagged events expected in Run II

8 Tevatron Modifications
Bypass BEFORE: Sep Sep Sep p Sep Girder Tunnel Floor Pit Floor Run I Girder Configuration Bypass Sep Pot Sep Girder Pit Floor Hole in Floor Run II Girder Configuration AFTER: p Modifying accelerator takes time and money in this case: 2 years and $300k Elastic cross section is used in measurement of luminosity (discrepancy between D0 and CDF)

9 Castle Design Worm gear assembly 50 l/s ion pump Detector Beam
Thin vaccum window Constructed from 316L Stainless Steel Parts are degreased and vacuum degassed Vacuum bettter than 10-10 Torr 150 micron vacuum window Bakeout castle, THEN insert fiber detectors Detector Beam Step motor

10 installed in the beam line.
Castle Status All 6 castles with 18 Roman pots comprising the FPD were constructed in Brazil, installed in the Tevatron in fall of 2000, and have been functioning as designed. A2 Quadrupole castle installed in the beam line.

11 Acceptance x Quadrupole ( p or ) Dipole ( only)
MX(GeV) 450 400 350 280 200 GeV2 20 x Geometric (f) Acceptance Dipole acceptance better at low |t|, large x Cross section dominated by low |t| Combination of Q+D gives double tagged events, elastics, better alignment, complementary acceptance

12 FPD Detector Design 6 planes per detector in 3 frames and a trigger scintillator U and V at 45 degrees to X, 90 degrees to each other U and V planes have 20 fibers, X planes have 16 fibers Planes in a frame offset by ~2/3 fiber Each channel filled with four fibers 2 detectors in a spectrometer 17.39 mm V’ V Trigger X’ X U’ U 17.39 mm 1 mm 0.8 mm 3.2 mm

13 Detector Construction
At the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA), scintillating and optical fibers were spliced and inserted into the detector frames. DON’T SPLICE The cartridge bottom containing the detector is installed in the Roman pot and then the cartridge top with PMT’s is attached.

14 Detector Status 20 detectors built over a 2+ year period at UTA.
In , 10 of the 18 Roman pots were instrumented with detectors. Funds to add detectors to the remainder of the pots have recently been obtained from NSF (mostly for MAPMT’s). During the shutdown (Sep-Nov. 2003), the final eight detectors and associated readout electronics were installed. A2 Quadrupole castle with all four detectors installed

15 This slide was made before Dec. 4 CDF accident
Pot Motion Software Pot motion is controlled by an FPD shifter in the DØ Control Room via a Python program that uses the DØ online system to send commands to the step motors in the tunnel. The software is reliable and has been tested extensively. It has many safeguards to protect against accidental insertion of the pots into the beam. This slide was made before Dec. 4 CDF accident

16 Operations Currently FPD expert shifters inserting pots and Captains removing pots and setting system to standby Pots inserted every store Commissioning integrated FPD Have some dedicated diffractive triggers, more when Trigger Manager operational Combine shifts with CFT, since similar readout system Working towards automated pot insertion (CAP)

17 FPD Trigger and Readout

18 FPD Readout Front View of PW08 (11/10/03)

19 TPP (Transition Patch Panel)
Interface to connect flat ribbon cables to AFE flex cables. Decouples tunnel and platform grounds. Discards extra charge to work within dynamic range of AFE. Mimics shape of VLPC signals.

20 Resolution of Noise problem
Old board- 1 cable attached 10.0 Large rms pedestsal values with TPP/AFE setup (not seen in test stand) Traced to a capacitive coupling between grounds Isolating one of the grounding planes fixes the problem Required redesign, very tight schedule; new board also has optimized dynamic range S/N=7 4.0 New board- 1 cable attached

21 New TPP/AFE Pedestals

22 Fall Shutdown Work Always a lot of work to do in tunnel: access and
Primary Goals: Installation of final 8 detectors and full readout system (new TPP and AFE boards) Tunnel: 1) ***Installation and testing of final 8 detectors 2) ***Pot motion tests 3) New 12V LVPS installation 4) Amp/shaper tests+repairs for new detectors 5) LVDT tests 6) Radiaton shielding ; Camera+light work 8) Extension cord work for ORC 9) TLDs installed Collision Hall: 1) ***Installation and testing of new TPP boards and AFE's 2) Cable repairs 3) HV for final detectors 4) DFE installation Control Room/Fixed Counting house: 1) Automatic pot insertion tests 2) Uncabling small control room 3) FPD_LM commissioning in progress 4) ACnet+rate watcher mods 5) Pots in/out dispaly switch 6) TM commissioning X Lab 3 1) ***Detector assembly Always a lot of work to do in tunnel: access and reliable robust detector, electronics and pot motion system essential

23 Elastic Trigger A1U A2U P2D P1D P Pbar Halo Early Hits LM VC In-time hits in AU-PD detectors, no early time hits, or LM or veto counter hits Approximately 3 million elastic triggers taken with stand-alone DAQ About 1% (30,000) pass multiplicity cuts Multiplicity cuts used for ease of reconstruction and to remove halo spray background

24 Elastic Data Distributions
After alignment and multiplicity cuts (to remove background from halo spray): =p/p dN/dt Acceptance loss Residual halo contamination Events are peaked at zero, as expected, with a resolution of  = 0.019 The fit shows the bins that will be considered for corrected dN/dt

25 FPD Integration Status
Full 18 detector system in readout. Software in place and tested, FPD included in all DØ events. FPD_LM TDC boards installed, being commissioned by Manchester; Vertex board for triggering still a few months away. DFE boards complete, firmware has been implemented and is being tested. Thresholds to be tuned with new AFE/TPP setup. Trigger manager commissioning in progress, first triggers using DFE within a couple months. NIM/CAMAC trigger still in place for special runs.

26 Spectrometer Alignment
P1D x vs. P1D x (mm) P1D y vs. P2D y (mm) DØ Preliminary Good correlation in hits between detectors of the same spectrometer but shifted from kinematic expectations 3mm in x and 1 mm in y

27 Elastic Data Distributions
After alignment and multiplicity cuts (to remove background from halo spray): =p/p dN/dt Acceptance loss Residual halo contamination Events are peaked at zero, as expected, with a resolution of  = 0.019 The fit shows the bins that will be considered for corrected dN/dt

28 “Final” dN/dt Results After unsmearing and acceptance corrections,the data points were normalized to the points obtained by the E710 experiment The results are in excellent agreement with the model of M. Bloch showed in the figure Warning: error bars need the contribution of the unsmearing errors  in progress Dr. Jorge Molina, (LAFEX, Brazil) defended his thesis on these results 10/31/03 (first FPD thesis!)

29 Dipole TDC Resolution p D2 TDC Can see bunch structure of both proton and antiproton beam Can reject proton halo at dipoles using TDC timing CDF does not have this capability p halo from previous bunch D1 TDC

30 Standalone Readout vs. AFE Readout
Uses a trigger based on particles passing through trigger scintillators at detector locations No TDC cut this cut removes lower correlation (halo) in y plot Diffracted pbars fall in upper correlation of y plot AFE readout Similar correlations Uses trigger: one jet with 25GeV and North luminosity counters not firing This trigger suppresses the halo band

31 Dipole Diffraction Results
Geometrical Acceptance 14σ (Monte Carlo) Data Flat-t distribution 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0. |t| (GeV2 ) |t| (GeV2 )

32 Run II Diffractive Z → µµ
Event Display MZ all gap MZ gap muons Tagged Z event in FPD

33 Summary and Future Plans
Early FPD stand-alone analysis shows that detectors work, will result in elastic dN/dt publication (already 1 Ph.D.) FPD now integrated into DØ readout (detectors still work) Commissioning of FPD and trigger in progress Full 18 pot FPD will start taking data after shutdown (12/03) Tune in next year for first integrated FPD physics results Elastic cross section is used in measurement of luminosity (discrepancy between D0 and CDF)

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