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Campus Staff inventory

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1 Campus Staff inventory
October/November 2017

2 Why a campus staff member will inventory their room and assigned items?
AWARENESS: A Staff Member is the only person who is in their room every day. Only that staff member will know if an asset has been removed without their knowledge. There is not a better person to help the district maintain its assets for productive use with its students. CONVENIENCE: A Staff Member will always have access to items that are assigned to them. It will not be required to arrange a place and time to bring those items to be inventoried. EFFICIENCY: The average amount of time needed to inventory a typical room is 15 minutes. Rooms can be inventoried simultaneously. Assigned items can be inventoried simultaneously. Technically, all staff members on every campus could inventory their rooms and assigned items at the same time. TIMELINESS: The Controllable Asset Management Department can only inventory 1 to 2 campuses a day. There are 230+ campuses and significantly less than that many school days available. Staff Members can perform 2 audits each year and only use an average of 30 minutes to do it. ACCURACY: Staff Members know where everything is in their room. They have the keys to their file cabinets and storage cabinets. They know the combinations to their computer carts and tablet storage. They know where the bodies are buried.

All Staff Members on your campus will receive an similar to the one pictured. It will state the Staff Member’s name and the instruction that they have been assigned to inventory their assigned (issued) items. The Staff Member clicks on the click here link in the to begin the inventory.

To inventory items assigned to you, you only need to enter the asset tag on each item in the Enter Tag Number box. The items prelisted on the Staff screen are those showing in TIPWeb-IT as assigned to you. Do not base your inventory on that list. All technology items in your possession must be inventoried. A list of those items is included in the following slide.

5 Messages you might receive when entering tags in STAFF inventory
ACTION TO TAKE The tag you entered (######) is not expected to be in your hands. Item was audited previously in a different location and is not assigned to you. Verify the Asset Tag was keyed in correctly. If it was, click Confirm. If not, click Cancel. The tag you entered (######) is currently assigned to [Room]. Item is currently assigned to a Room in TIPWeb-IT and not to a staff member. If the item should be assigned to you, click on Asset is Assigned to Me. If it should be inventoried in the Room and not to you, click on Asset is Assigned to Room. Click on I Don’t Know if you need to check with your CAM Representative. INVALID TAG NUMBER/ TAG NOT FOUND IN SYSTEM Verify the Asset Tag was keyed in correctly. If it was keyed correctly, notify your CAM Representative If an item does not have an Asset Tag Notify your CAM Representative

6 Room Inventory notification
Any Staff Member that is assigned a room on your campus will receive an similar to the one pictured. It will state the Staff Member’s name and the room they have been assigned to inventory. The Staff Member clicks on the click here link in the to begin the inventory.

To inventory your assigned room, you only need to enter the asset tag on each item in the Enter Tag Number box. The items prelisted on the Room screen are those recorded during the last audit. Do not base your inventory on that list. All technology items in your room must be inventoried. A list of those items is included in the following slide.

8 Messages you might receive when entering tags in room inventory
ACTION TO TAKE The tag you entered (######) is not expected to be in this room. Item was audited previously in a different location Verify the Asset Tag was keyed in correctly. If it was, click Confirm. If not, click Cancel. The tag you entered (######) is currently assigned to you. Item is currently assigned to you in TIPWeb-IT. If the item should be assigned to you, click on Asset is Assigned to Me. If it should be inventoried in the Room and not to you, click on Asset is Assigned to Room. Click on I Don’t Know if you need to check with your CAM Representative. INVALID TAG NUMBER/ TAG NOT FOUND IN SYSTEM Verify the Asset Tag was keyed in correctly. If it was keyed correctly, notify your CAM Representative If an item does not have an Asset Tag Notify your CAM Representative

9 WHAT ITEMS TO AUDIT? To Be Audited Not To Be Audited Computers
Projectors Document Cameras Printers Tablets Monitors Overhead District Phones Network Devices Desktop Wall-Mounted Dymo Mimio Laser Kindle All Monitors under 32” 3M All District Phones Access Points Inkjet Laptop Smart Board-Mounted Elmo Canon Copier Galaxy Tab CRT (Picture Tube) MDF/IDF Fax Machine Computer Charging Cart or Box Portable Lumens Large-Format iPad Cabinets Laminators Chrome books Ceiling-Mount Epson Lenovo Digital Classroom Projector Cart Avermedia Dell Speakers (Ceiling) (Smart Board)

10 Asset tag examples

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