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Responding to Student Work

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1 Responding to Student Work
Techniques, Styles, and Teacher-check

2 Techniques On paper Corrections Comments
-Do not use red pen or pencil. Assign one color for positive remarks and another for changes needed. - Use parenthesis instead of crossing out work. Comments - Balance! - Use margins for comments. - Concise and clear direction/ advice. Constructive criticism. - Respond to major points not every sentence. - Conversational comments. Show interest by asking questions. - Encourage strong points and clear thoughts. - Stay neutral. Comment on support statements and strength of argument not on topic choice.

3 Student-Teacher meeting
In Person Student-Teacher meeting - Generally reserved for serious concern. - Discuss topic first. See if there is a disparity between verbal and written communication skills. - Review essay, maybe student can self-correct mistakes.

4 Styles Self-editing Peer editing Individually Groups
- Outlines, brainstorming, drafts. Oh my! - Reading out loud. Peer editing Individually - Random selection or blind. Groups - Allows for group discussion. Connectedness. - Set list of important aspects with students.

5 Teacher-check Preventing favoritism and promoting level grading field…
- Anonymous papers. Assign numbers. - Typed work. - Grading papers. Choose time of day. Divide work load. Halo effect - Race, gender, personality. - Impression of student. - Handwriting. - Manners. Diederich Scale - Division of relevance.

6 A Scale for Grading English Composition The Diederich Scale
1=Poor 2=Weak 3=Average 4=Good 5=Excellent   General Merit Quality and development of ideas:      Organization, relevance, movement:        Subtotal x 5 =     Style, interest:      Wording and phrasing:       Subtotal x 3 =     Mechanics Grammar and sentence structure:        Punctuation:        Spelling:        Format and neatness:         Subtotal x 1 =      Total % =    

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