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Nurse Attentiveness: Focused, Sidetracked, Derailed or Misplaced?

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Presentation on theme: "Nurse Attentiveness: Focused, Sidetracked, Derailed or Misplaced?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nurse Attentiveness: Focused, Sidetracked, Derailed or Misplaced?
By: Andrea Platt, RN Education Consultant St.Vincent Indianapolis Hospital

2 Objectives Summarize factors which affect our ability to focus on information and tasks. Describe the potential impact attention issues have on patient safety. Discuss possible strategies for managing challenges to attentiveness.

3 Merriam-Webster Definition of ATTENTION!
the act or state of applying the mind to something. a condition of readiness for such attention involving especially a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity.

4 Inattentional Blindness

5 What Captures Our Attention?


7 Processing Information

8 Conspicuity – Sensory & Cognitive
Obviously it means it’s obvious.

9 Sensory

10 “Cocktail Party Effect”
“blah, blah, blah, blah, Andrea, blah, blah, hehehehehehe..” “Cocktail Party Effect”

11 Mental Workload

12 Multitasking Exercise

13 Occurs when part of our attention is devoted to a secondary task
Mental Workload Occurs when part of our attention is devoted to a secondary task


15 Auditory Attention & Visual Inattentional Blindness
Study by: Silvia Pizzighello & Paola Bressan

16 Ability to focus your attention
Capacity Ability to focus your attention

17 Attention & Patient Safety
Interruptions / Distractions

18 Definition of Interrupt Merriam-Webster
To stop or hinder by breaking in. To break the uniformity or continuity of

19 Definition of Distract Merriam-Webster
To turn aside To draw or direct (as one’s attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time

20 “Going blank…” article Linda McGillis Hall et. al.
“Through a range of studies there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a workplace where staff are constantly interrupted, or asked to switch tasks, is one where there is a greater propensity towards adverse events and corresponding diminished patient safety.”

21 An interruption driven profession

22 Sources Other nurses or health care staff Self Environment Patient
Family member/visitors

23 Types Distractions Intrusions Discrepancies Breaks

24 Potential Causes Communications: questions and information
Need for help Small talk Environmental Noise: Alarms, Pagers Patient needs Telephone Waiting for / searching for patient and/or supplies

25 Activity Interrupted Patient assessments or procedures Documentation
Medication administration Communicating/consulting about a patient Less frequently: performing housekeeping or clerical work.

26 Outcomes - Potential Delay in treatment Loss of concentration or focus
Positive Staff frustrations / ineffectiveness

27 Possible Strategies for Managing Attentiveness

28 Leader Strategies Interruption awareness Orientation – new hires
Staff Interprofessional team Patients & Visitors Orientation – new hires Managing interruptions at critical times Documentation Medication Prep/Admin Procedures Patient Assessment

29 You now have my undivided attention
Questions & Answers You now have my undivided attention

30 Nurse Attentiveness: Focused, Sidetracked, Derailed or Misplaced?
By: Andrea Platt, RN Education Consultant St.Vincent Indianapolis Hospital

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