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1. Get out Spirals 2. Turn to page 3 3. get out 5 photos

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Presentation on theme: "1. Get out Spirals 2. Turn to page 3 3. get out 5 photos"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Get out Spirals 2. Turn to page 3 3. get out 5 photos
Warm Up: Cut out 5 photos & tape or glue them on pg. 3 Next to the photo (in complete sentences) explain why this career interested you. Then update your table of contents You will have 10 min

2 Turn to page 5 1. Write a general definition for the following:
Hypothesis Independent Control Dependent 2. Then create your own of a question you solved with the scientific method 3. and identify the variables

3 Turn to page 8 in spirals Title it “Identifying variables”
Write these definitions again, yes again! Hypothesis: If (independent variable), then (dependent variable) Ind. Variable – What I change Dep. Variable – What is measured or observed Control Group- What is unchanged (typically opposite of Independent) Constants – What is kept the same between the control and independent group

4 Turn to page 8 in spirals Title it “Identifying variables”
Create a hypothesis and identify the variables: A student wanted to test how the mass of a paper airplane affected the distance it would fly. One paper clip was added before each test flight. As each paper clip was added, the plane was tested to determine how far it would fly. Hypothesis: If (independent variable), then (dependent variable) Ind. Variable – What I change Dep. Variable – What is measured or observed Control Group- What is unchanged (typically opposite of Independent) Constants – What is kept the same between the control and independent group Hypothesis: If ______, then_____ Independent variable: The weight of the plane Dependent variable: the distance the plane flies Control variable: the plane with no paper clips Constants: how you throw then plane the starting point of where you throw

5 Complete the identifying variables worksheet
This will go on the left hand side of your variable notes

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