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Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 The Scientific Method is a series of steps that is used to answer a question or solve a problem.

3 Steps of the Scientific Method

4 Problem/Question: Develop a question or problem that can be solved through experimentation. Observation of the natural world lead to questions and problem.

5 2. Make Observations/Conduct Background Research: OBSERVATIONS using the 5 senses to recognize or note facts or occurrences.

6 Make Observations/Conduct Background Research:
AVOID INFERENCES = conclusions based on observations or prior knowledge Observations VS Inferences WS

7 Make Observations/Conduct Background Research:
RESEARCH information that will help you answer the question/help to solve the problem.

8 3.Form a Hypothesis An “educated guess” = explanation of how the independent variable will affect the dependent variable Example: The rate of plant growth is affected by the temperature of the soil.

9 Experiment to test the hypothesis.
*Develop a procedure. *Identify materials to be used. *Be sure the results are measurable (mass, length, # of times, change in temperature). *Identify the variables.

10 A. Independent Variable
The independent, or manipulated variable, is a factor that is intentionally changed by the experimenter.

11 b. Dependent Variable The dependent (=responding variable) is the factor that may change as a result of changes made in the independent variable. This will be the source of the data. .

12 c. Determine the Control
*The control is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group, except for the variable being tested. *The control serves as the standard for comparison.

13 d. Determine the Constants
The constants are all the factors that the experimenter attempts to keep the same.

14 e. Trials Replication of the groups that are exposed to the same conditions in an experiment

15 5. Collect & Analyze Data *Record data
*Modify the procedure if needed. *Confirm the results by retesting. *Use tables, graphs, and photographs to represent the results.




19 Example of a Data Table

20 Examples of Figures A Photo A Map A Diagram

21 *Include a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis.
6. Form a Conclusion: *Include a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis. *Retest *Form a new hypothesis



24 Scientific Method Simulation
*go to Moodle – Lloyd Honors Biology OPEN the Scientific Method On-line Simulation READ the page – do not write on worksheet Click on the link at the top of the page. Conduct 2 simulations with the plants by selection the conditions you want to use on the 2 pictures. COMPLETE both sides of the worksheet – 1 side per simulation. Use a different variable, other than soap, the 2nd time.

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