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Database and Database Users

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1 Database and Database Users
Database Systems Chapter 1 Database and Database Users 主講人:陳建源 研究室 :法401 日期:99/9/28

2 Outline Introduction Characteristics of the Database Approach
Actors on the Scene Workers behind the Scene A Brief History of Database Applications When Not to Use a DBMS

3 1. Introduction Basic Definitions Database Data
A collection of related data Data Known facts that can be recorded and have an implicit meaning Mini-world (Universe of Discourse, UoD) Some part of the real world about which data is stored in a database E.g., student grades and transcripts at a university

4 1. Introduction Database Management System (DBMS) Database System
A software package/ system to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a computerized database Database System The DBMS software together with the database Sometimes, the applications are also included Defining a database Specify the data types, structures, and constraints of the data to be stored

5 1. Introduction Meta-data Manipulating a database
Database definition or descriptive information Stored by the DBMS in the form of a database catalog or dictionary Manipulating a database Query and update the database miniworld Generate reports

6 1. Introduction Sharing a database Application program Query
Allow multiple users and programs to access the database simultaneously Application program Accesses database by sending queries to DBMS Query Causes some data to be retrieved

7 1. Introduction Transaction Protection includes:
May cause some data to be read and some data to be written into the database Protection includes: System protection Security protection Maintain the database system Allow the system to evolve as requirements change over time

8 1. Introduction

9 1. Introduction Example of a Database
Mini-world for the example: Part of a UNIVERSITY environment Some mini-world entities STUDENTs COURSEs SECTIONs (of COURSEs) (academic) DEPARTMENTs INSTRUCTORs

10 1. Introduction Some mini-world relationships
SECTIONs are of specific COURSEs STUDENTs take SECTIONs COURSEs have prerequisite COURSEs INSTRUCTORs teach SECTIONs COURSEs are offered by DEPARTMENTs STUDENTs major in DEPARTMENTs

11 1. Introduction

12 1. Introduction Phases for designing a database:
Requirements specification and analysis Conceptual design Logical design Physical design

13 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Database v.s. File-processing Self-contained nature A DBMS catalog stores the description of the database (called meta-data) This allows the DBMS software to work with different databases Program-data independence Allows changing data storage structures and operations without having to change the DBMS access programs

14 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
For example, a STUDENT record If add another field, Birthday File-processing: needs to rewrite the program Database system: only change the STUDENT description, no change to DBMS program

15 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Data abstraction A data model is used to hide storage details and present the users with a conceptual view of the database Support of multiple views of the data Each user may see a different view of the database, which describes only the data of interest to that user A view may be materialized (stored) or virtual (definition)

16 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Different database views reveal different combinations of data

17 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Student transcript view Course prerequisite view

18 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Sharing of Data and Multiuser Transaction Processing Allow multiple users to access the database at the same time The DBMS must include concurrency control software (On-line transaction processing,OLTP) e.g., Air-line reservation is an executing program or process

19 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Additional Advantages Controlling redundancy In file-processing approach, every user group maintains its own files e.g., Course registration, Accounting office Problems: inconsistency, wasted storage In database approach, all user groups are integrated, no redundancy But in some cases, redundancy is useful; need redundancy controlling to prohibit inconsistency 例如mirror設計可加快查詢

20 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Controlled redundancy Uncontrolled redundancy

21 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Enforcing integrity constraints Data type constraint e.g., Grade: A, B, C, D, E Relationship constraint e.g., every section record is related to a course record Uniqueness constraint e.g., CourseNumber Note: errors may occur even if integrity constraints hold e.g., a student’s grade A is wrongly entered C

22 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Restricting unauthorized access Sharing of data among multiple users Providing multiple user interfaces Representing complex relationships Providing backup and recovery Potential for enforcing standards Reduced application development time Flexibility to change data structures

23 2. Characteristics of Database Approach
Availability of up-to-date information Economies of scale

24 3. Actors of Database Systems
Database administrators (DBA) are responsible for: Authorizing access to the database Coordinating and monitoring its use Acquiring software and hardware resources Database designers are responsible for: Identifying the data to be stored Choosing appropriate structures to represent and store this data

25 3. Actors of Database Systems
End users People whose jobs require access to the database Types Casual end users Naive or parametric end users Sophisticated end users Standalone users

26 3. Actors of Database Systems
System analysts Determine requirements of end users Application programmers Implement these specifications as programs

27 4. Workers behind the Scene
DBMS system designers and implementers Design and implement the DBMS modules and interfaces as a software package Tool developers Tools are optional packages, e.g., GUI Operators and maintenance personnel Responsible for the actual running and maintenance

28 5. A Brief History of Database Applications
Early database applications using hierarchical and network systems Large numbers of records of similar structure Providing data abstraction and application flexibility with relational databases Separates physical storage of data from its conceptual representation Provides a mathematical foundation for data representation and querying

29 5. A Brief History of Database Applications
Object-oriented applications and the need for more complex databases Used in specialized applications: engineering design, multimedia publishing, and manufacturing systems Interchanging data on the Web for e-commerce using XML Extended markup language (XML) primary standard for interchanging data among various types of databases and Web pages

30 5. A Brief History of Database Applications
Extending database capabilities for new applications Extensions to better support specialized requirements for applications Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Customer relationship management (CRM) Databases versus information retrieval Information retrieval (IR) Deals with books, manuscripts, and various forms of library-based articles

31 6. When not to use a DBMS Main costs of using a DBMS
High initial investment and possible need for additional hardware Generality that a DBMS provides for defining and processing data Overhead for providing generality, security, recovery, integrity, and concurrency control

32 6. When not to use a DBMS When a DBMS may be unnecessary
The database and applications are simple, well defined, and not expected to change There are stringent real-time requirements that may not be met because of DBMS overhead Multiple-user access to data is not required

33 Summary Database DBMS Several categories of database users
Collection of related data (recorded facts) DBMS Generalized software package for implementing and maintaining a computerized database Several categories of database users Database applications have evolved Current trends: IR, Web

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