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1 blood


3 Constituents of blood water(90%) others blood blood plasma (55%) cell
(45%) blood Ery Leu Blood platelet

4 staining method:Wright or Giemsa.
(erythrocyte,red blood cell,RBC) staining method:Wright or Giemsa.



7 Erythrothyte size:Diameter7.5-8.5 um. shape:biconcave circular disc
morphology:no nuclei& other organelles, varieties. ABO Antigen: blood group. contents:haemoglobin(Hb)。 amount: 35-55lakh/mm3。

8 Reticulocyte premature RBC:left some ribosome in the cytoplasm.
Amount:0.5%-1.5%. Can synthesize Hb.

9 leukocytes (white blood cell, WBC)
neutrophils(60-70%) eosinophils(3%) basophils(1%) granulocytes Agranular leukocytes WBC lymphocytes(20-30%) monocytes(5%) Depending on what?

10 (LM) amount:60-70 %. Dia : 10-12um.
nuclei:variable. roddish & several lobes(2-5). Granules: fine, stain lightly. functions:chemotaxis & phagocytosis. (LM) Neutrophilic granulocyte

11 (EM) Neutrophilic granulocyte Azurophilic granules Nuclear lobes
specific granules

12 granules:large, stain brightly with acid dyes.
amount:0.5-3%. Dia:10-15um. nuclei:two-lobes. granules:large, stain brightly with acid dyes. Functions:chemotaxis & amoeban movement. *inhibit allergic reaction. *kill parasite. (LM) Eosinophilic granulocyte

13 (EM) Eosinophilic granulocyte crystalloid

14 ( LM ) amount:0-1%. Dia:10-12 um. nuclei:irregular, shaped “S”.
granules:metachromatical, purple-blue,ir- regular in size & distribution. ( LM ) Basophilic granulocyte

15 ( EM ) Basophilic granulocyte

16 TC BC KC NKC (LM) Amount:20-30%. Dia: virable.
nuclei:large,spherical,indentation on one side,stain densely. cytoplasm:scanty, clear blue. Classification: TC BC KC NKC (LM) Lymphocyte

17 (EM) Lymphocyte

18 (LM) Amount:5%. size:the biggest cells in blood.,
nuclei:kidney,horse-shoe. cytoplasm:abundant,basic, grey blue. Mononuclear phagocyte system. (LM) Monocyte

19 (EM) Monocyte Azurophilic granules microvili

20 (LM) Are small masses of cytoplasm shed from megakaryocyte.
Irregular disc, biconvex. No nuclei,In groups . A granular central part. A clear outer zone. Functions: blood clotting & coagulation. (LM) Blood platelet

21 (EM) Blood platelet 特殊颗粒 Granular part Clear area


23 Review!!

24 LM ??? ???

25 EM Neutrophil!!!

26 LM Large Horseshoe nucleus

27 LM monocyte!!!

28 LM

29 EM Eosinophil!

30 LM ???

31 EM Lymphocyte!!!

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