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Presentation on theme: "PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING"— Presentation transcript:

Ismail abumuhfouz | CS 170

2 CS 170 Description Brief Summary:
This course covers introductory skills in computer programming using Python programming language. The course assumes NO programming experience, but you should already have basic computing skills, like being able to copy files from one place to another, renaming files, making folders. You should expect to spend an average of 6-9 hours per week outside class on this course. Lectures: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Section 013 meets from 08:00 am- 08:55 am in SH B103 Section 001 meets from 09:10 am- 10:05 am in SH B103 Labs: Friday (Same location and time) Lab meets every two weeks on Friday Prerequisites: Eligibility for MATH 116. Credits: 3 hours

3 Instructor Contact Information Office hours: 01:00-02:00 pm every Monday & Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Every Tuesday. Or by appointment. Location: 4135 COHH. Other people: TA: Do, Manh TA Tutoring Class web page:

4 Required Materials Reading Text Book:
Starting Out with Python, Student Value Edition (4th Edition). Written by Tony Gaddis. ISBN: , ISBN-13: Check this link to buy it Class Webpage: Technology/Tools Software: Python (Link) IDE: WingIDE 101 (link) Make sure it is the 101 version and not the professional version.

5 Course Objectives Course Outcome
To acquire an understanding of computer architecture and data representations (variables, representation of numbers and character strings) To learn basic algorithmic problem-solving techniques (decision structures, loops, functions, etc.) To be able to use and understand objects used in programming. To be able to design, document, implement and test solutions to programming problems using Python.

6 Instructional Methods
In this class we will use a mix of instructional methods Lectures (Mainly Whiteboard -with few slides-). Demonstrations for programs and examples. Class discussion. Individual projects. Labs assignments.

7 Assessment Criteria Lab Attendance and Assignments 25%.
Programming Assignments(Projects) 30%. Midterm Exam 10%. 2 Lab Tests 20%. Final Exam (Comprehensive) 15%. Bonus: Class attendance and participation. Bonuses given during labs, projects and exams.

8 Lecture Attendance Students are expected to come to class on time and stay for the whole period. If you miss a lecture where attendance is taken, a test or any lab period, you are responsible for contacting me within one week of the absence. If the absence is excused and you have documentation for the absence, credit will be given for attendance or a makeup for the missed test will be arranged without penalty.

9 Lab Attendance and Assignments 25%
Deadline: By Sunday midnight. (No Extension) for all sections. Submission: Through Blackboard.

10 Program Assignments 30% (Submission Through Blackboard).
10% Sunday Oct 1st By Midnight Program 2 Oct 29th Program 3 Nov 26th Program 4 (Bonus) 10% Friday Dec 1st By Midnight Program 4 is an optional program. If you choose to work on it, then you can use to compensate the lowest grade of one of your previous 3 programs. Program 4 should be demonstrated personally in my office.

11 Lab Tests 20 % (Open Book& Notes)
10 % Friday Oct 13th Same Section Time Lab Test 2 Wednesday Nov 29th

12 Lecture Exams 25% Paper Version (Closed Book and Notes)
Midterm 10% Monday Oct 9th During the class Final 15% Sec 013 Friday, Dec 8th from 08:00 am-10:00am. Sec 001 Monday, Dec 4th from 08:00 am-10:00am

13 Grading Scale

14 Plagiarism / Cheating

15 Plagiarism / Cheating Using other people's code as your own.
Attempt to make code appear to work when it does not. NO assistance from someone else on tests –lab and lecture-, individual Labs, individual project, or Homework. Only talk in GENERAL TERMS about program assignments, not specifics Do NOT "work together" on the source code of a program

16 Practice … Practice.. Practice..
Resources Web & Software Tools Class web site Google, YouTube, others Practice … Practice.. Practice.. People Instructor TA Tutors Labs, Study Groups Labs Study groups

17 Important Info Email me Withdraw Deadlines
I check my several times a day Give me at most 36 hours to reply I don’t check on Saturday Withdraw Wednesday October 11 Deadlines Not negotiable

18 Email (Electronic Communication)
The best way to communicate in this class is through For a prompt response, put the course number, and class time in the subject of the . I check my several times a day during the weekdays, Give me at most 36 hours to response to your . I don’t check my that often on Saturday. Class announcements other than those published on the class schedule are done through , please check your regularly! If you don't want to use your University account, forward it to somewhere you DO read. YOU are responsible for all sent to your University account. Check your often!

19 Lecture Polices

20 Laptop Polices Lecture
Studies show most students with laptops open in front of them are NOT paying attention to the lecture IF you insist on using a laptop in lecture, you MUST sit in the very BACK row of the classroom, so that you distract only yourself and not other students. If I feel that you are distracting yourself or other students a lot then I will ask you to leave the class. Lab There are sufficient computers in each lab for every student but you can use your own laptop if you wish, even for lab tests

21 Mythbusting about CS 170 It's a 100-level course, it's EASY! or not much work! or trivial! (It’s not) You can cram the night before the tests and get through the course ok (you can’t) You can wait until the day the programs are due to start work on them (you can’t) You can just memorize code (you can’t) It’s mostly CS majors! (it isn’t), lets watch this.

22 Excuses

23 Seeking Help



26 What to do next class Read Chapter 1 (General Introduction) for next Friday. There is no lab this week, our first lab will be on Friday (Sep 1st).

27 Questions


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