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Advanced Nursing Practice Shetland

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1 Advanced Nursing Practice Shetland

2 Challenges Skill set required Competence based approach
Individualised needs Skills maintenance Service provision Accessibility Interprofessional support for the role Masters level education Minimal budget available Support and supervision Mixed skills set needed including adult, child, mental health and health improvement Competence based education, training and assessment approaches to individualised TNA’s Multiple models required within the board for different areas Skills decay and maintenance Single person services and the loss to service for provision of education Need for technology enhanced education but IT infrastructure patchy Whilst appreciating the need for masters level modules we spend considerable time, effort and money getting people ready to enrol on a programme of study. The available board funding for training is ever diminishing and advanced practice is our priority Challenges

3 Positives Working relationship with Local and other Universities
Plan to ensure advanced practitioners collaborate in design and delivery of future modules and courses Well used skills bus visits Interprofessional basics courses Increasing use and availability of virtual learning environments including RRHEAL Virtual case load supervision Appreciation of being fit for role as opposed to holding a full qualification Our working relationship with RGU is on a solid footing and is improving , being more collaborative and more responsive. We have an associate lectureship in my post. I can deliver mentor preparation locally and be involved in other modules that are delivered locally e.g. NMP and Clinical history taking for advanced practice and an Alert course in the new year. A visit and discussion from Head of School and Post graduate education lead has taken place with the strategy planners for nursing and midwifery to determine immediate and future needs which fuels widening access and lowering costs to service and travel and accommodation costs. This resulted in a refreshing collaborative response including suggestions that another university might do that better but it could all be wrapped up together into an award. The opportunity for existing ANPs to feedback into future design and delivery is being actioned. Effective, positively evaluated Interprofessional use of the Skills bus visit and BASICS training which includes Nurses, Midwives, AHPs, Doctors Ambulance staff, paramedics and first responders. In a remote area whoever is on the ground in the right place will respond so we should train together wherever possible. This is enabled by a well equipped mobile facility and provision of excellent facilitators. Learning by VC and other learning platforms is becoming more sophisticated, effective and evidence based Positives

4 Can you learn, assess and maintain competence virtually?
Can we build virtual support and supervision and recognise it’s value and make time for it? Will a model of rotation be financially and operationally viable? Size of board can impact funding available without benefit of economies of scale If the advanced nursing roles are supporting a lack of medical staffing posts (through failure to recruit e.g.) can we divert funding streams? Discussion points

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