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Status Reports & Monitoring

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2 Status Reports & Monitoring
Tennessee Highway Safety Office FY17 Grant Orientation Workshop

3 Status Reports

4 The Basics for All Grantees
– This is where you submit your report Deadlines Monthly - due 5th of following month Quarterly - due 15th of month following last month of each quarter ONE EXCEPTION September/4th quarter report AND Final status report due November 1 Status Report = Reimbursement

5 Law Enforcement Program Grants vs. High Visibility Enforcement Grants
REPORTING Law Enforcement Program Grants vs. High Visibility Enforcement Grants

6 LE Program Grants (Non HVE grants)
Monthly or Quarterly Status Report (2 sections now required) 1. Goals/Objectives/Task (same as last year) a. Specific to your grant application b. Enforcement efforts on alcohol, impaired driving, speed, seatbelt, etc. 2. Data collection form (NEW) a. This is new b. Includes all activity efforts, not just grant funded

7 HVE Grants Monthly or Quarterly Status Report (1 section required) 1. Data collection form a. This is new b. Includes all activity efforts, not just grant funded

8 New Data Collection Form
1. Easy to complete 2. Only 6 fields for violations 3. Grand total is automated once user “saves” 3. One field for total number of officers 4. Data can be entered throughout the quarter and saved


10 Law Enforcement Program Grants & High Visibility Enforcement Grants
Report stats for specified NHTSA campaigns Holiday Reporting Campaign (Christmas / New Year’s Day) Booze It and Lose It Memorial Day Campaign Click It or Ticket Labor Day Campaign

11 What do we look for? Quality reports: Timely
Detailed Goals/Objectives/Tasks Progress/strengths/weaknesses/obstacles Contain relative docs/attachments

12 Status Report – 2 Sections
Goals/Objectives Tasks

13 Goals/Objectives - Example
Goal - Reduce the number and severity of crashes/fatalities in Tennessee Town Objectives: A. Decrease the number of fatalities 20% from 100 to 80 B. Decrease the number of impaired driving injury crashes by 10% from 500 to 450

14 Poor Quality Report A. Decrease the number of fatalities 20% from 100 to 80. Through aggressive enforcement we are decreasing the number of fatalities. B. Decrease the number of impaired driving injury crashes by 10% from 500 to Alcohol related crashes have increased.

15 High Quality Report A. Decrease the number of fatalities 20% from 100 to 80. Update: YTD - FY13 (10) vs. FY14 (8) Reduction of 2 fatalities or 20% reduction B. Decrease the number of impaired injury crashes by 10% from 500 to 450 Update: YTD crashes FY13 (100) vs. FY14 (150). Increase of 50 impaired driving injury crashes YTD or 50% increase. Details are provided in the Task category.

16 Tasks – Example Task 1: Conduct 5 saturation patrols and 1 impaired driving check point in the first quarter

17 Tasks Poor Quality High Quality
Volunteerburg PD held two saturation patrols during the first quarter. Due to an outbreak of the flu, there was a shortage of officers to conduct the remaining 3 saturation patrols. A checkpoint was scheduled for November 16 but was canceled due to inclement weather. It poured, baby! Of the two saturation patrols, which lasted 4 hours each, a total of 8,000 DUI arrests were made, 187,000 speeding citations were issued and 1 citation for texting was issued. Saturation patrols were conducted in quarter 1 and there was no checkpoint.

18 Monitoring

19 You have a program manager

20 Why Monitor? Required by federal and state regulations
Detects critical problems Measures progress Transparency, proper usage, and timeliness of expenditures

21 TYPES OF MONITORING On Site Visit 10K and above Annual
Scheduled/Unscheduled NHTSA Regional Program Manager may attend Desk/Phone Less than 10K Annual A random sample will receive an on site visit

22 What to Expect Prior to: Day of: Notified minimum two weeks in advance
Tip/prep sheet Provide a copy of the Title VI Assessment Day of: Meeting of grant staff File review

23 During the Visit Review progress on… Job descriptions
Goals Objectives Tasks Job descriptions Timeliness of reporting 3rd Party Contracts Equipment Personnel Bids Fiscal file Title VI Grant Funded Personnel Certification – THS 16 Overtime

24 Title VI The THSO looks for… Completion of Title VI Assessment
Title VI poster Prominent placement for public to view English/Spanish version Must include local Title VI contact Non compliance can lead to loss of funds

25 Post Visit Follow-up Letter
Within 2 – 3 weeks Reviewed by: Program Manager Program Administrator Director Types Without Required Actions With Required Actions (Non-finding related) Findings (misuse of funds, equipment/supplies, falsifying of documents, etc.)

26 Red flags

27 Red Flags Failure to respond Late project start Low activity
Slow expenditure rate Late reports Discrepancies on reports Frequent personnel changes Frequent revisions No records/sloppy records Evasive answers Low morale/poor attitude

28 Questions?

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