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Windows Server 8 beta og Windows PowerShell 3.0

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1 Windows Server 8 beta og Windows PowerShell 3.0
Jan Egil Ring Lead Architect, Windows PowerShell MVP

2 Agenda Introduksjon Lab Windows Server 8 PowerShell 3.0
Automatisert oppsett av egen labmaskin Automatisert oppsett av Windows Server 8 filcluster

3 Windows Server 8 Server Manager Active Directory

4 Disclaimer This presentation is based on a beta version of the product. Features and behavior are likely to change before the final release.

5 Management – Server Manager
Total overhaul of UI “Tile” health view of all servers which are auto grouped True remote server management Remote server performance monitoring Remote server health monitoring

6 Management – Server Core
There are now three UI levels ServerCore – Traditional Server Core – no GUI “Minimal Server Interface” – Server Core plus UI management tools Control panel apps MMC Many more Full Server – Includes the Desktop

7 Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell
Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell

8 Management - Active Directory
Fully integrated into Server Manager NO MORE DCPROMO Functionality loaded in Server Manager AD Deployment PowerShell Module 100% scripted remote deployment supported, no answer files required.

9 PowerShell – Administrasjon av Active Directory
Quest PowerShell Commands for Active Directory (PowerShell 1.0/2.0) 95 kommandoer Kommandoer for å administrere sertifikater Microsoft Active Directory modul (PowerShell 2.0) 76 cmdlets i Windows Server 2008 R2, 134 Windows Server 8 beta ADSI og .NET Mindre brukervennlig Typisk brukt i tilfeller hvor man ikke vil/kan ha avhengighet mot snapins/moduler

10 New Enhancements in ADAC
ADAC moving to replace ADUC New functionality implemented in ADAC No new functionality in ADUC 100% based on PowerShell AD Provider Samples AD PowerShell History Password Settings Objects Recycle-Bin Claims and DAC

11 PowerShell History Records all “actions” as cmdlets that can be copied
Commands can be grouped for easy creation of scripts Basis for AD scripting

12 Introducing Windows PowerShell 3.0

13 Availability «Windows 8 beta» Windows Management Framework 3.0 CTP 1

14 Windows Management Framework
Windows PowerShell Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Windows Remote Management (WinRM) Windows Management Framework Community Technology Preview (CTP) #2

15 New features in PowerShell 3.0
Workflows Workflows that run long-running Robust Sessions Robust sessions that automatically recover from network failures and interruptions Scheduled Jobs Scheduled jobs that run regularly or in response to an event. Delegated Administration Commands that can be executed with a delegated set of credentials Simplified Language Syntax Where-Object and Foreach-Object can be used without a scriptblock Cmdlet Discovery Improved cmdlet discovery and automatic module loading Show-Command Show-Command, helps users view Cmdlet parameters in a dialog box, and run it. Some of the new features in Windows PowerShell 3.0 include: Workflows Workflows that run long-running activities (in sequence or in parallel) to perform complex, larger management tasks, such as multi-machine application provisioning. Using the Windows Workflow Foundation at the command line, Windows PowerShell workflows are repeatable, parallelizable, interruptible, and recoverable. Robust Sessions Robust sessions that automatically recover from network failures and interruptions and allow you to disconnect from the session, shut down the computer, and reconnect from a different computer without interrupting the task. Scheduled Jobs Scheduled jobs that run regularly or in response to an event. Delegated Administration Commands that can be executed with a delegated set of credentials so users with limited permissions can run critical jobs Simplified Language Syntax Simplified language syntax that make commands and scripts look a lot less like code and a lot more like natural language. Cmdlet Discovery Improved cmdlet discovery and automatic module loading that make it easier to find and run any of the cmdlets installed on your computer. Show-Command Show-Command, a cmdlet and ISE Add-On that helps users find the right cmdlet, view its parameters in a dialog box, and run it.

16 Microsoft Connect (

17 Windows PowerShell Web Access
The PowerShell console exposed as a website Use PowerShell from mobile devices Available in «Windows Server 8»

18 Windows PowerShell Workflow
Windows PowerShell Workflow lets IT pros and developers apply the benefits of workflows to the automation capabilities of Windows PowerShell. Getting Started with Windows PowerShell Workflow A workflow is a sequence of automated steps or activities that execute tasks on or retrieve data from one or more managed nodes (computers or devices). These activities can include individual commands or scripts. Windows PowerShell Workflow enables, IT pros and developers alike, to author sequences of multi-computer management activities — that are either long-running, repeatable, frequent, parallelizable, interruptible, stoppable, or restartable — as workflows. By design, workflows can be resumed from an intentional or accidental suspension or interruption, such as a network outage, a reboot or power loss. Download the Getting Started guide here:

19 Microsoft Script Explorer
Script Explorer helps scripters find Windows PowerShell scripts and how-to guidance in online repositories such as the TechNet Script Center Script Repository, PoshCode, and the local file system. Can run both standalone and as an Add-on to PowerShell ISE

20 Microsoft Script Explorer Features
Search for Windows PowerShell scripts, and get details about Windows PowerShell scripts from online repositories and the local file system. Search for Windows PowerShell snippets from local file system. Search for how-to guidance from online repositories. Select available repositories to refine search. Filter based on technology or product. See item details, including rating, author, script code, and source information. Copy script or snippet code to the Clipboard, and insert it in the Windows PowerShell ISE editor. Save script or snippet code to the local file system. Browse scripts that are organized following a categorized topology. Explore community resources for getting started on Windows PowerShell. The above listing is copied from the Microsoft Script Explorer Readme document.

21 Microsoft Script Explorer Availability
Currently in beta More information: Jeremy Kelly from Microsoft announced the Script Explorer on the PowerScripting podcast last year:

22 Lab

23 Linker og ressurser

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