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Regulated Material Review and Environmental Site Assessments

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Presentation on theme: "Regulated Material Review and Environmental Site Assessments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulated Material Review and Environmental Site Assessments
Categorical Exclusion Training Class

2 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
What’s the Purpose? Identifying properties that pose a liability risk from an ownership perspective when acquiring new ROW. (Due Dilligence) Identifying properties that pose a materials management concern during construction. (Due Care) Based on Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring and three major environmental disasters – Cuyahoga River on fire, Times Beach and Love Canal Categorical Exclusion Training Class

3 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Federal Laws CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 Amended RCRA to establish land bans and regulate Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Categorical Exclusion Training Class


5 Regulated Materials Review
Documents RMR Guidance Document Appendix A - RMR Flowchart Appendix B – RMR Review Form Appendix C – Remote Enviornmental Property Form Categorical Exclusion Training Class

6 Regulated Materials Review – Step 1
First step in the process. Prerequisites: Known project limits Known, if any, ROW acquisitions Known, if any, Deep Excavations (Greater than six feet below surface grade) FIRST OFF RAMP If Project does not involve ROW acquisitions or deep excavations, no further action required. Categorical Exclusion Training Class

7 Regulated Materials Review – Step 2
FOR PERMANENT ROW ACQUISITIONS ONLY Is the entire Property limited to one of the following land uses? Forested Land or Cemetary Occupied by a park or other recreational land Used only for residential purposes Used only for agricultural purposes Previously undeveloped If the project meets one of the above requirements, document this on Appendix A, Question 2. Upload the form to EnviroNet. Project is exempt from further evaluation. Categorical Exclusion Training Class

8 Regulated Materials Review – Step 1
In addition to uploading the form, justification must be provided for using one of these off ramps. Acceptable justifications include: Aerial Photographs Historic Photographs Sanborn Maps Other maps (OEPA, BUSTR, USEPA, etc.) Categorical Exclusion Training Class

9 Regulated Materials Review – Step 3
Perform an Environmental Database Search (EDS) ODOT has created a GIS Commercial Database searches After running the search, note the tables on page 8 of the RMR Guidance. If there are no concerns of regulated materials within the search parameters, document this on the RMR Review form, questions 3 and 4, and upload to EnviroNet. No further evaluation required. Categorical Exclusion Training Class

10 Regulated Materials Review – Step 3
If the EDS reveals a concern that is not contiguous or within the project limits, but is still within the search parameters, Appendix C is required. This Appendix only applies to NPL, Solid Waste Facilities, CERCLIS/CERLIS NFRAP, RCRA CORRACTS, or RCRA TSD that was not contiguous and is located upgradient from the project. Categorical Exclusion Training Class

11 Regulated Materials Review – Step 4
Create a Property Inventory. This is a list of all regulated material concerns for the project. Classify each remaining property as “high-risk” or “low-risk”. Categorical Exclusion Training Class

12 Regulated Materials Review – Next Steps
Phase I/Phase IIs Outcome of RMR will determine if Phase I/Phase II is warranted. Follow the current ODOT ESA Guidance. Categorical Exclusion Training Class

13 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Non-NEPA Issues Non-NEPA items not addressed in the environmental document Asbestos on bridges or in buildings Heavy metals in bridge or building paint 12 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

14 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Commitments Negotiated actions with a regulatory agency Identifies type of plan notes needed Establishes waste management issues Non-NEPA items are not included Asbestos, heavy metals Categorical Exclusion Training Class

15 CE Document

16 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
ESA Tab - ENVIRONET Categorical Exclusion Training Class

17 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Remarks Brief summary of each investigation Include date studies were submitted to ODOT Include coordination dates Reference where documentation can be found Emphasis is on the last ESA investigation Single outcome for each ESA investigation which is documented in an IOC from ODOT-OES OES, Districts, and consultants are same entity Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Discuss any coordination with regulatory agencies and the resulting outcome/commitments Unless coordination occurs with a regulatory agency, do not use the following words: Coordination Consultation Concurrence When a plan note is warranted, state the type of plan note and the location it applies to DO NOT INCLUDE PLAN NOTES Categorical Exclusion Training Class

19 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Points to Remember OES provides recommendations Based on results of studies OES is not a coordinating agency Consultant prepared reports are ODOT documents Coordination with OES is part of the collaborative effort between ODOT and the consultant Categorical Exclusion Training Class

20 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Contacts Matt Perlik-Assistant Environmental Adminstrator Larry Hoffman-Major Project Coordinator Julie Denniss-ESA Specialist 3 Ross Irvine-Attorney Categorical Exclusion Training Class

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