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Language Arts 2 Mrs. Deller

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1 Language Arts 2 Mrs. Deller
Iambic Pentameter Language Arts 2 Mrs. Deller

2 What is Iambic Pentameter?
One type of meter (or rhythm) Iamb (unstressed syllable + stressed syllable) Examples: between, mature, instead In poetry, rhythmic units are called feet. An Iamb is a kind of foot. Pentameter (penta = five, meter = repeated) So, Iambic + Pentameter = Unstressed Syllable + Stressed Syllable x 5

3 What does Iambic Pentameter Sound & Look Like?
da DUM / da DUM / da DUM / da DUM / da DUM Practice Together: My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; ∪ ∕ ∪ ∕ ∪ ∕ ∪ ∕ ∪ ∕

4 Who uses Iambic Pentameter?
Iambic Pentameter is one of the most common meters in poetry (and hip hop!) William Shakespeare is famous for using it in both his plays and his poems. Hip-Hop Shakespeare

5 Example I see the wrinkles in your suntanned brow,
You carried burdens then; you see them now. You’ve heard the cries your people who in pain, Have shed their tears two hundred years like rain. Your sad brown eyes, reflecting now the sky I see the wings of eagles flying by Beside you stands an Appaloosa mare Her spirit one with you now over there. From “Ancient Warrior” by Brenda Meier-Hans

6 Example The old man looked a little out of place
Astride his pony on the carousel A smile from yesterday across his face As if there were entrance in some strange spell A silver knight upon a silver steed A cowboy riding herd out on the range The little boy inside had been set free Between the up and down, we watched him change And when it stopped he sat there deep in thought He pulled the little boy in with a sigh A memory is what his dollar bought I’m sure the price was not what made him cry “The Ride” by Daniel Turner

7 Now on your own: Practice  Craft your own poem! At least 8 lines
Some type of rhyme scheme

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