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Chapter 5 Transfer of Training.

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1 Chapter 5 Transfer of Training

2 Objectives Diagnose and solve a transfer of training problem.
Create a work environment that will facilitate transfer of training. Explain to a manager how he can ensure that transfer of training occurs. Discuss the implications of identical elements, stimulus generalization, and cognitive theories of training transfer. Develop a self-management module for a training program. Discuss the technologies that can be used to support transfer of training. Discuss the key features of the learning organization.

3 Obstacles that Inhibit Transfer
Self (lack of confidence, disinterested) Work Time demands, poor equipment Peers Negative attitudes towards training Managers No reinforcement Poor attitudes No action planning

4 Transfer of Training Theory
Theory of Identical Elements Stimulus Generalization Theory Cognitive Theory of Transfer

5 Self-Management Strategies
Steps Obstacles Lapses

6 Environment Characteristics and Transfer
Climate for Transfer Manager Support Peer Support Opportunity to use new skills Technological Support Learning Organization

7 Key Features of a Learning Organization
Continuous Learning Knowledge Sharing and Generation Critical Systematic Thinking Learning Culture Encourage Flexibility and Experimentation Value Employees

8 Creating a Learning Environment
Learning should be an explicit objective (like productivity & profits) Tolerate difference in learning styles – value the strengths Make time to reflect upon work events and ask “What can we learn from this?” Perceive failure as a feedback loop so that ees are not afraid to experiment and fail

9 Creating a Learning Environment (con’t)
Make available data on performance, quality, customer satisfaction and competitiveness Use cross-functional teams to benefit from different approaches Crete norms that encourage people to question the status quo and assumptions Focus on systems thinking (interrelationships, processes, ago beyond symptoms)

10 Creating a Learning Environment (Con’t)
Avoid allowing elite groups or single points of view to dominate decision making Create a climate of openness and support so that ees feel they can raise questions and new ideas Reward generative thinking Encourage the expression of conflicting ideas and train employees in conflict resolution

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