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Prolonged labour
Definition The labour is prolonged when the combined duration of the first and second stage is more than the arbitrary time limit of 18 hours. [ D.C.Dutta] Prolonged labour is defined when the first and second stage of labour last more than 24 hours, currently duration is taken as more than 18 hours. Duration of labour is calculated from mother’s subjective estimate of labour onset [Dawn]
Prolongation due to Protracted cervical dilatation in the first stage
Inadequate descent of the presenting part during the first or in the second stage Labour considered prolonged when the cervical dilatation rate is < 1 cm/hr and the descent of the presenting part is < 1 cm/hr for a period of minimum 4 hours observation.
Types of prolonged labour
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction: due to low intensity uterine contractions. general factors local factors Elderly primi gravida over distention of uterus Anemia developmental anomalies Nervousness, anxiety myomas of uterus and fear Hormonal mal presentations, CPD Improper use of malpositions analgesics full bladder and rectum
Cont… Hypertonic uterine dysfunction: it can be
Incordinate uterine action colicky uterus Asymmetrical uterine dysfunction Hyperactive lower segment Constriction ring dystocia Cervical dystocia: cervix becomes thin and fails to dilate within a reasonable time inspite of good uterine contractions.
In coordinate uterine action
Cervical dystocia
Incidence Primi gravidae 25% Multi gravidae 2%
Risk factors of prolonged labour
age and parity: commonly primigravidae, more in elderly one CPD and fetal malposition Uterine distention- twins, hydramnios Uterine defect- fibroid, malformation Nervousness, fear and emotion injudicious use of analgesia in labour injudicious induction of labour by ARM and oxytocin drip. unknown cause.
Causes of prolonged labour
Faults in power [commonest cause] *inefficient uterine dysfunction *constriction ring *cervical dystocia *over dose of sedative and analgesics * epidural analgesia *improper use of oxytocics
Cont… Faults in passage: PROM Contracted pelvis CPD Cervical stenosis
Fibroid or carcinoma Ovarian tumor Uterine fibroid 20%
Engagement & descent of the foetal head -
presence of cephalopelvic disproportion
Engagement & descent of the foetal head -
presence of cephalopelvic disproportion
Cont… Faults in passenger: Occipito posterior positions of vertex
Other malpresentations Twins Hydramnios[ 30%]
Labour disorders due to inefficient uterine action
prolonged latent phase beyond 12 hours Hypotonic or hypertonic dysfunction Predisposing factors are sedation, anaesthesia , false labour,unknown cause. Prolonged active phase[ protraction disorder] Slow rate of cervical dilatation below 1cm/hr in nullipara and 1.5 cm/hr in multipara Caused by hypotonic dysfunction, hyperactive lower segment. Predisposing factors :CPD,fetal malpositions and sedation
secondary arrest of cervical dilatation or head descent
Cont… secondary arrest of cervical dilatation or head descent Arrest of cervical dilatation is taken when there is no cervical change for 2 hrs. there is head descent less than 1cm/hr in nullipara or less than 2cm/hr in multipara and no head descent for one hour. Due to hypotonic dysfunction and incordinate uterine dysfunction. The causative factors are occipito posterior positions [70%], pelvic contraction ,excessive sedation.
DIAGNOSIS Clinical features Hypertonic dysfunction
[ less frequent] Hypotonic dysfunction [more frequent] 1. Timing of dysfunction [more frequent] At latent phase from start of labour usually running to active phase Latent phase from start of labour Severely painful ,prolonged lasting, frequent pain as abdominal colic or as backache ,desire to bear down during contraction with incompletely dilated cervix. Less painful, short lasting, infrequent abdominal pain and no back ache 2.Labour pains
Cont… 3.membranes Remains intact Ruptures early 4.Cervical dilatation
Slow .it hangs thick lipped without pressure of head. slow 5.Fetal head Caput develops late Caput develops even before rupture of membranes 6.Fetal distress Appears late Appearing early
Cont… She becomes distressed in pain, goes to dehydration and acidosis early. 7.Maternal effect little 8.Difficult labour Same in both groups
Cont… Other measures such as : radiography, CT or MRI
Abdominal and vaginal examination. partograph
Cont… First stage: is considered prolonged
When the duration of labour is more than 12 hrs The rate of cervical dilatation is < 1 cm / hr in a primi and < 1.5 cm/ hr in a multi when the cervicograph crosses the alert line and falls on zone2 Intervention is required when the cervico graph crosses the action line and falls on zone 3
Cont… Secondary arrest : is defined when the active phase of labour ( cervical dilatation ) commences normally but stops or slows significantly for 2 hrs or more prior to full dilatation of the cervix. It is commonly due to malposition or CPD
Cont… Second stage: is considered prolonged
When it lasts for more than 2 hrs in primi and 1 hr in multi. Diagnosis : Sluggish or non descent of the presenting part even after full dilatation of the cervix.( failure of head descent within 1 hr of full dilatation is called protraction of descent.) Variable degrees of molding and caput formation in cephalic presentation. Identification of the course of prolongation.
Maternal effects: Distress PPH Trauma to genital tract Increased operative delivery Puerperal sepsis Sub involution.
Cont… Fetal effects : Hypoxia Intra uterine infection
Intra cranial stress or hemorrhage Increased operative delivery
Management Prevention :
Antenatal or early intra natal detection of the factors likely to produce prolonged labour. Use of partograph Selection and judicious augmentation of labour by low rupture of the membranes followed by oxytocin drip. Change of posture in labour, other than supine to increase uterine contractions, avoidance of dehydration in labour and use of adequate analgesia for pain relief.
Cont… Actual Rx: Careful evaluation to find out
Cause of prolonged labour Effect on the mother Effect on the fetus
Cont… Definitive Rx : First stage
patient is referred to level 11 care without any solid food. Only water is allowed orally. Maintain partograph Identify or diagnosis of hypotonic and hypertonic labour dysfunction. Monitor maternal vital signs and FHS Identify CPD or fetal mal position. Maintain I.V line with 5% DW/RL Antibiotics ( cefazoline ) 1 gm I.V and repeated after 6 hrs on PROM
IN CASE OF PROM GROUP B: Hypertonic uterine dysfunction
Os 3 cm at 12 hrs labour since admission; i.v. 5% DW and RL is set up Nothing by mouth Inj. Pethedine 100 mg, phenergan 25mg, continuous epidural or caudal analgesia if available.CPD is evaluated FHR monitoring done on recovery from sleep , her hypertonic dysfunction may improve. Uterine hyper tone Uterus Persists, fetal distress relaxes AROM C.S oxytocin, wait for Vaginal delivery CS GROUP A: Hypotonic uterine dysfunction Os 3 cm on 12 hrs labour since admission on vertex presentation.CPD excluded.FHS normal Artificial rupture of membrane , if liquor shows meconium CS. If liquor clear wait for 60min. for improvement of contractions Otherwise – oxytocin 5 units. 500ml 5% dectrose in primi or 2 units in 500ml DW in multi. Fetal monitoring is done. If failure to progress or fetal distress CS
Cont.. Group A:Second stage Group B:Second stage
Cervical dystocia, Duhrssen’s incision is made at 3 o’ clock and 9 o’ clock position on cervical lip by applying forceps or vacuum extractor, thus delivery is done. For constriction ring, vaginal delivery can be done under deep general anaesthesia if fetus is not distressed Head at outlet,FHS normal; AROM. If membranes present followed by oxytocin drip for uterine dysfunction Failure to progress Low forceps/ vacuum extraction if late referral/ dead fetus/malformed fetus Oxytocin drip Craniotomy delivery
Cont… Third stage actively managed
Neonatal care is important due to meconium aspiration
Nursing diagnosis Risk for injury to mother and fetus
Fatigue and exhaustion related prolonged efforts and pain Anxiety related to process and outcome of labour Knowledge deficit related to labour process
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