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HYDROSPHERE Resource Consultants

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Presentation on theme: "HYDROSPHERE Resource Consultants"— Presentation transcript:

1 HYDROSPHERE Resource Consultants
Severe and Sustained Drought July 30, 2004 29th Colorado Water Workshop

2 The Project The beginnings Objectives Hydrology Impacts Responses
Harold Fritts, Laboratory for Tree Ring Research, U of Arizona— Noted that there had been more extreme and extended droughts in the tree ring record than have been observed in recent records. Gilbert White, University of Colorado Urged study of the impacts of extraordinary drought First phase report by Frank Gregg, David Getches. Structure Hydrology Institutions Engineering Impacts Gaming Objectives Responses

3 What is a drought? Hydrologic drought System drought
Consecutive flows below the mean flow Depends on mean Mean depends on period of record System drought Low-flow conditions that cause distress Depends on storage, deliveries, policy

4 The Drought System context is c. 1992 38-year scenario (1579-1616)
Re-arranged to increase onset intensity Low flow period, recovery period –year return interval “Probable extreme drought”

5 SSD Drought Trace

6 Impacts Reservoir storage Water availability Power and energy
Water quality Social Economic Environmental

7 Reservoir Contents

8 Water Availability

9 Energy

10 Water Quality

11 Mitigation Actions identified in gaming Intrastate actions
Interstate actions Reverse equalization Relaxation of compact

12 Lee Ferry Deliveries

13 Powell

14 Mead

15 Depletions

16 You are here

17 Powell: SSD vs. Current

18 Lee Ferry: SSD vs. Current

19 Mead: SSD vs. Current

20 The Wisdom of Chairman Yogi
It’s like déjà vu all over again. It ain’t over till it’s over. Making predictions is hard, particularly about the future. The future ain’t what it used to be. It appears that we’re in situation similar to the SSD drought Webb USGS analysis Don’t know the nature of a drought until it’s over Betting man—it won’t develop But, rules of the game may have changed. What happened--Possibilities SSD analysis is optimistic Physical models understate losses Lower basin policies have delivered more water to CA We envisioned this drought in the distant future, and assumed all parties would be within contractual/compact limits SOI is using different surplus/shortage criteria for Mead State’s allocation—variable, depends on last 10+ years of hydrology If there is a compact call, quantification of PPRs will be important Preserving PPRs is important


22 Upper Colorado River Compact Issues
Quantification of states’ depletions Quantification of PPRs Quantification and allocation of channel losses Quantification and allocation of reservoir evaporation Overdrafts

23 Intrastate Issues Quantification of entitlement Quantification of PPRs
Avoidance of overdrafts Administration of curtailment Mechanisms for Subordination/Offsets

24 Modeling Issues Colorado River Compact Upper Colorado River Compact
Mexico Treaty Intrastate rights Present Perfected Rights Physical models Probabilistic Forecasting

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