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A New Look to Statistics in the Classroom

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1 A New Look to Statistics in the Classroom
Professor Laura Shick, Hayden Campbell, and Genevieve Watkins

2 “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Albert Einstein

3 Service Learning and Critical Thinking:
Service Learning and Critical Thinking: Introductory Statistical Inference Work with a community partner Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Assistance with analysis of effectiveness of Family Life Skills class Pre-post measures of participant knowledge of parenting “skills”

4 Service-Learning Fosters Civic and Community engagement
Builds students awareness of community issues Needs, challenges, opportunities for involvement Allows students to apply classroom learning to real-world issues in the community

5 Critical Thinking Encourages Students to…..
Challenge their assumptions about an issue Child Abuse is……. Analyze a multi-dimensional problem Synthesize alternative solutions to multi-dimensional challenges and communicate those results

6 The Community Partner The organization has been serving since the early 1990’s Goal is to educate parents on successful parenting practices Keeping children safe Keeping families together

7 Working with the Community Partner
Immediate real-world application with Statistical Analysis We encountered: Lack of a representative population size Ambiguous questionnaire Statistical significance vs. practical significance A real problem in our society: Child Abuse Not just physical abuse (emotional, psychological, verbal)

8 Results and Conclusions Drawn
Matched-Pair Testing Showed significant, positive change Seemed to show improvement, but lacked practicality


10 The Classroom Experience
Approach to statistics was a success Brought application to the classroom Enabled students to gain a real-world perspective on statistics Great learning opportunity for both client and students Mention ongoing Creative Inquiry

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