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František BULAVA E-mail:, 2015 Current standardization documents search on useful internet sites Defence standardization.

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Presentation on theme: "František BULAVA E-mail:, 2015 Current standardization documents search on useful internet sites Defence standardization."— Presentation transcript:

1 František BULAVA E-mail:, 2015
Current standardization documents search on useful internet sites Defence standardization experts course Kyiv, September 7 – 9, 2015 František BULAVA 2015

2 Applicability and verified internet information sources for defence standardization documents search
Applicability: verification of links to def. stand. documents in following types of CZE contractual documents: Technical Specifications (according to MoD Bylaw No. 19/2009) Purchase Contract (according to Business law No. 513/1991) Technical Conditions (according to ČOS , Ed2, Rev 3) Web Information Sources: DSD (Defence Standardization Department of DSCGQAA) (CZE) NSDD (NATO Standardization Documents Database) (NATO) Others (USA) DSD for routine verification prefer use of information system at INTRAnet, but listed sources are recommended for users out of CZE MoD structures

3 DSD (Defence Standardization Department of DSCGQAA)
(CZE) Assets Codif. web link STANAG STANREC APs CDS (ČOS) POL Mil. Qual. Spec. GQA web link

4 Promulgated Edition, DOP Last Ratified Edition, RD
List of active STANAGs STANAG, WG Promulgated Edition, DOP Last Ratified Edition, RD AP Implemented Edition

5 Useful web links

6 Publicly available part of NSDD (NATO Standardization Documents Database) (NATO)

7 Number of documents 7

8 Search criteria 8

9 Allocation according to number of MIL-HDBK
Publicly available to over USA Military, DoD, Federal, NASA, DOE and government specifications, standards, handbooks and publication at Allocation according to number of MIL-HDBK

10 Allocation according to number of MIL-STD
e.g. search MIL-STD-461 10

11 Title, short description

12 Comprehensive pictorial (and short videos) database provides wide variety of images for the selection of free datasheets on screws, bolts, studs, nuts, washers, rivets, inserts, clamps, aircraft fittings, terminal boards, and such Comprehensive pictorial (and short videos) database provides wide variety of images for the selection of free datasheets on screws, bolts, studs, nuts, washers, rivets, inserts, clamps, aircraft fittings, terminal boards, and such. Norms are mostly in „pdf“ format

13 Allocation of USAF standards
Google search Allocation of USAF standards


15 Thank you for your attention. Questions, comments?

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