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CMHC Ontario Region CEAP Update

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1 CMHC Ontario Region CEAP Update
OFNTSC 14th Annual Conference & Tradeshow Canada’s Economic Action Plan (CEAP) Update Tuesday August 25, 2009 Sault Ste. Marie

2 Agenda Canada’s Economic Action Plan (CEAP) On-Reserve Housing Initiatives Background Overview of Applications Received Review and Scoring Process Conditional Allocations Status Update and Next Steps Challenges Questions??

3 Canada’s Economic Action Plan On-Reserve Housing Initiatives
New Construction Initiative – will build new social housing units utilizing the Section 95 Program with an Energy Efficiency Component Retrofit Initiative – will repair and renovate existing CMHC social housing units. Applicants must have a current operating agreement to be eligible

4 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Energy Efficiency Components
New Construction Plans and specifications must meet the EneryGuide for Houses (EGH) 80 rating or an equivalent standard Post-construction – First Nation confirmation that units where built according to specifications (in addition to and similar to National Building Code confirmation) Submitting blower door test results to CMHC not a program requirement

5 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Energy Efficiency Components
Retrofit Initiative Renovation components being replaced must be energy efficient (windows, furnaces, etc) For energy retrofits – energy assessment/ audit must be completed by NRCan licensed energy advisor

6 Canada’s Economic Action Plan On-Reserve Housing
$400 million over the next two years: $250 M through CMHC $150 M through INAC Of CMHC’s $250 million over two years: $125 M for new construction $125 M for retrofit initiative

7 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Ontario Region
Approximately $40 million delivered through CMHC Ontario Region over the next two years: $25 M for new construction $15 M for retrofit initiative

8 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Overview of Applications
4 information sessions held in Ontario (2 north and 2 south) prior to application deadline Applications due June 4th at midnight 17 First Nation’s submitted an Expression of Interest for New Construction (requesting total of 236 units and 58.7M) Received Retrofit applications from 51 First Nations (125 CMHC projects/phazes, 1038 units and approx. $19M )

9 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Review and Scoring
Regional Housing Liaison Committee delegated allocation recommendation decision making to AWG High Volume of applications resulted in need to pre-score applications (based on established scoring criteria) Ontario Allocation Work Group (AWG) met June to review scoring and recommend project allocations AWG made recommendations for both INAC and CMHC CEAP Initiatives

10 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Conditional Allocations
CMHC National Office reviewed and approved all regional allocation recommendations Conditional allocation letters went out to First Nations on July 7 for New Construction and July 15 for Retrofit New Construction = 8 projects for an estimated 59 units Retrofit = 57 projects/phazes for an estimated 506 units - $15,630 avg allocation per unit

11 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Status Update & Next Steps
First Nations and CMHC Advisors working towards final commitments - commitment documentation due August 28, for both initiatives - includes inspection reports/ work descriptions, work plan and minimum of 2 contractor bids for Retrofit - New Construction requirements similar to regular Section 95 Final Commitment Documentation Preparation

12 Canada’s Economic Action Plan Challenges
Timelines Retrofit applications Addressing the concerns of remote communities (longer building cycle) Internally – fluid development process Inspection resources – need to work together First Nation level – potential number of projects being completed??

13 Challenges Continued Focus on CEAP has contributed to a slower completion of RRAP Projects this year MOST IMPORTANTLY……… Make effective change for next years budget, application process and program delivery

14 Program Delivery Contacts
Sudbury: Craig Brown Lise Gagnon Tim Young Joann Santi (RRAP) Thunder Bay: Lori Rice Mervin Spence Dale Morrisseau Gayle Dorey

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