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United Way Workplace Giving

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1 United Way Workplace Giving
Employee Campaign Coordinator’s Guide United Way of Northeast Mississippi

2 Table of Contents TOPIC PAGE United Way Workplace Campaigns 3
About United Way of Northeast Mississippi 4-5 The Workplace Campaign 6 Employee Campaign Coordinators 7 Conducting the United Way Campaign 8-15 Leadership Giving 16 Online & Mobile Giving 27 Campaign Timeline 19-20 Resources & Materials 21-25 United Way of Northeast Mississippi

3 United Way Workplace Campaigns
United Way of Northeast Mississippi

4 About United Way of Northeast Mississippi
United Way of Northeast Mississippi fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Northeast Mississippi. We do this by investing in programs and organizations that create impact in the areas of Academic Success, Family Stability, and Health & Wellness. We cover the seven counties of Chickasaw, Itawamba, Lee, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Tishomingo, and Union, and funds raised here stay here to impact over 125,000 individuals each year. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

5 About United Way of Northeast Mississippi
United Way of Northeast Mississippi is one of 1,200 United Ways across the United States. Each local United Way is autonomous and governed by local volunteers. United Way of Northeast Mississippi supports 64 nonprofit organizations and community initiatives covering 7 counties: Chickasaw, Itawamba, Lee, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Tishomingo, and Union. Raised here, stays here: 99¢ of every dollar donated remains in Northeast Mississippi. Funds donated to United Way of Northeast Mississippi only support the organizations listed in the campaign brochure. Donors can choose to designate their investment to any county within the U.S. or to a specific United Way agency listed in the campaign guide. Funding decisions are made per county by a Community Investment Committee within each county. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

6 The Workplace Campaign
The United Way workplace campaign is the backbone of United Way’s fundraising, comprising over 75% of funds raised. A workplace campaign is a coordinated fundraising effort that takes place over a set period of time. a way for employees to give through payroll deduction and create a bigger impact with their giving. a great way to engage employees and coworkers and promote team-building. an opportunity to thank current workplace campaign partners, volunteers, and donors for their efforts. a chance to share the impact donors’ gifts have had over the past year. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

7 Employee Campaign Coordinators
The Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) is a volunteer within the workplace who coordinates the United Way campaign drive. ECC responsibilities include becoming educated about United Way and our programs working with company management and United Way staff developing a campaign plan including dates, goals, incentives, etc. recruiting a team to assist with the campaign coordinating employee meetings and United Way presentations distributing United Way materials promoting the United Way campaign within your workplace educating coworkers about United Way and our programs collecting employee pledges and reporting to United Way staff distributing United Way t-shirts thanking your coworkers for participating United Way of Northeast Mississippi

8 Campaign Planning Worksheets
Click on the images to download these handy worksheets. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

9 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 1: Get Management Support
Management support is the key to a successful United Way workplace campaign. Gain approval for recruiting a campaign committee and holding campaign meetings and activities on company time.  Ask for visible support from company leadership during the campaign.  Discuss strategies for corporate support, i.e. corporate gifts or a corporate match.  Discuss options for engaging senior staff through a focused Leadership Campaign within your workplace campaign.  Discuss options for incentives that can be used to encourage participation and increased giving. Invite United Way staff to talk with your leadership to answer any additional questions they may have. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

10 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 2: Recruit a Campaign Team
Consider recruiting a team to coordinate the workplace campaign, especially if you are in a larger workplace. Recruit a diverse team that includes people from different departments and levels (i.e., management, operations, etc.) within the company.  Invite both new and previously involved committee members to participate.  Set a schedule of committee meetings and distribute to members.  Ask everyone on the campaign team to lead the way by making a personal contribution to United Way. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

11 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 3: Develop a Plan
Invite your United Way staff representative to your campaign planning meetings to answer questions and offer ideas. Discuss strategies that fit within the company culture.  Arrange for delivery of your campaign materials from your United Way representative.  Determine the campaign timeline, including the pledging timeline and any presentations and activities that will be taking place. The best campaigns last no longer than two weeks.  Outline campaign activities and determine which team members will be responsible for implementing them. These may include a campaign kickoff, distributing and collecting pledge forms, arranging for incentives, etc.  Evaluate past results and identify areas for potential increases in dollars raised or participation. Set a goal to focus on these areas. Consider inviting a United Way partner organization to speak during your campaign. Choose an agency that will resonate well within your workplace and among your colleagues. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

12 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 4: Implement the Plan
Promote Ask your United Way representative for posters or other promotional materials to advertise the upcoming campaign. Place information in high traffic areas around your workplace, such as entryways and break rooms, letting employees know about the upcoming campaign.  Use multiple methods of communication: posters, , announcements during staff meetings, payroll stuffers, social media, etc.  United Way of Northeast Mississippi

13 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 4: Implement the Plan
2. Kick Off the Campaign If possible, hold a kickoff event or meeting to let everyone know the campaign is underway. Make the kickoff event fun and engaging for employees and communicate campaign goals, timeline, activities, and incentives.  Providing a meal can be a big draw for participation! Invite leadership to the kickoff to communicate management support of United Way.  Express your (and your team’s) support for United Way and encourage participation. Invite your United Way representative to speak at the meeting(s).  Invite a United Way partner organization to speak at the meeting(s) as well. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

14 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 4: Implement the Plan
3. Make the Ask Make sure that everyone has an opportunity to give. The number one reason people say they didn’t give is because they weren’t asked!   Set up multiple meetings to cover all shifts, departments, etc., if needed. Personally distribute and collect pledge forms. Ask everyone to fill out a pledge form, even if they choose not to give.  Be prepared to answer questions about United Way. Many common questions are addressed in this guide, and your United Way representative can address any other questions or concerns.  Show employees the impact of their contributions. Share stories of individuals and families helped by United Way agencies. Show the United Way video. Share personal stories.  Send out reminders to encourage people to turn in their pledges.  United Way of Northeast Mississippi

15 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 4: Implement the Plan
4. Wrap Up the Campaign Collect all pledges and one-time payments.  Contact your United Way representative to finalize the campaign and turn in pledges, receive t-shirts, etc.  Report your results to employees and leadership.  Thank everyone! Send s, ask the CEO for a thank you message for employees, hang posters. And be sure to thank the committee for their help.  Hold a final campaign meeting to evaluate your efforts and discuss ideas for next year.  United Way of Northeast Mississippi

16 Conducting the United Way Campaign Step 5: Year-Round Engagement
The campaign is only a couple of weeks of the year, but you can stay engaged with United Way all year. Join United Way’s list. Visit or text JOIN to Join United Way’s text message list. Text UWNEMS to Follow United Way on Facebook, Instagram, and Share United Way updates and stories with employees throughout the year.  Volunteer at the Back 2 School Resource Fair or other United Way events.  Include United Way information in new employee packets or invite United Way representatives to employee orientations.  Become a United Way t-shirt sponsor. Your logo will be printed on over 8,000 t-shirts. Have United Way t-shirt days where everyone wears their t-shirt to work. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

17 Leadership Giving The Leadership Giving Society is comprised of three levels The Emerging Leaders Society – annual gifts of $500 or more The Pillar Society – annual gifts of $1,000 or more The Tocqueville Society – annual gifts of $10,000 or more Leadership Givers receive special recognition for their generous gifts and set an example for others in the company and community. Consider a targeted Leadership Giving campaign within your workplace campaign, targeting management and executives. Letters or s from your campaign team or leadership who are already giving are an easy way to ask for these special gifts. As little as $10 per week moves a donor into the Leadership Giving Society. Spouses’ contributions can be combined toward Leadership levels. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

18 Online & Mobile Giving We now have options for online and mobile giving through our MobileCause platform. To donate online, visit To donate via mobile, text GIVEUW to These options require a credit or debit card to complete the transaction. Online campaign pledging is available. Talk with your United Way staff contact about setting up a custom online campaign for your company. MobileCause can also be used for special events (softball tournaments, etc.), both as a method for registration, sponsorships, and participation fees, and as a way to give during the event with a custom text-to-give keyword. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

Meet with and obtain CEO commitment for your upcoming campaign. Ask your CEO to issue a letter to employees announcing campaign dates and details. Schedule campaign dates on the calendar. Limit your actual campaign to two weeks or one payroll period. Notify all department supervisors of campaign dates and ask for their support in having employees attend campaign meetings. Solicit incentive items. Review previous year’s campaign and decide what ideas to repeat and which to re-evaluate. 4 WEEKS BEFORE KICKOFF Establish a campaign timeline so everyone is on the same page. Establish a campaign committee from each department within your company. Set goals for participation and for funds raised. Contact your United Way representative for campaign materials. Schedule company meetings. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

Hold company Leadership Giving and supervisor meetings prior to employee meeting. Hold an organization-wide event to build enthusiasm and start the campaign. Work with United Way to arrange speakers. Distribute pledge forms and promote 100% pledge form return. Promote the campaign by hanging posters on bulletin boards, issuing s, and distributing flyers. Post campaign tracking charts and update them daily. Include a campaign stuffer with one or two paychecks or employee mailings leading up to the campaign. Make sure to follow up with past contributors who have not yet responded. Publish information about the upcoming campaign and incentives in company newsletter. Schedule company activities to promote awareness and excitement of campaign. Post a friendly message to everyone alerting them to the upcoming campaign. Display your support and excitement of the campaign by the committee wearing United Way t-shirts or displaying United Way promotional items. Purchase/order refreshments in preparation for your kickoff. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

Tally final campaign results. Fill in any missing hourly rates for Fair Share givers. Ensure that all pledge forms have employee signatures. Meet with your CEO and report results. Announce final report to employees and thank them for their support. Conduct final meeting with campaign committee and choose a chairperson for next year. Send yellow copies of pledge forms to your United Way staff contact, along with any extra information needed (pay rates, pay frequency, etc.). Include a rollover report if your company does rollover deductions. Distribute t-shirts to donors who qualify, if they were not already distributed during meetings. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

22 Resources & Materials United Way of Northeast Mississippi

23 Campaign Materials Visit to download promotional materials. Campaign Guides Posters ECC Guide United Way logos Videos Help Guide Request any of these materials from your United Way staff contact. Have another idea or need? Ask! We are happy to provide customized materials for your workplace campaign. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

24 Campaign Planning Worksheets
Click on the images to download these handy worksheets. United Way of Northeast Mississippi

25 Sample Letters & Emails
Pre-Campaign Letter to Employees from CEO/Manager: Dear (Employee Name): United Way is (insert company’s name)’s partner in caring for our community. United Way brings the community together to focus on our most pressing issues and helps develop solutions so that everyone in our community can lead stronger, healthier lives. An investment in United Way is an investment in our children, our families, and our future. I hope you will join me in giving generously to United Way of Northeast Mississippi. With many thanks, (CEO/Manager) Sample Messages:  To: All Staff  Subject: United Way of Northeast MS Campaign  Partnering with United Way enables us to make the greatest impact in improving peoples' lives – right here in our community. That’s why I invest in United Way, and why I volunteered to lead our company’s campaign. I know you share my desire for achieving real and measurable results, like increasing self-sufficiency and building safe neighborhoods. On (date), we will be kicking off (company’s name)’s United Way campaign. This is a great opportunity to get involved and make a difference in our community. I will be contacting you soon with more details. Thanks in advance for your participation.  Subject: 2017 United Way Campaign Meeting  (Add date, time, and location of meeting). Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how you can make a lasting impact in our community! United Way of Northeast Mississippi

26 Key Links & Resources United Way of Northeast Mississippi social media accounts to follow & tag: LinkedIn: YouTube: United Way Worldwide Social Media Accounts to Follow and Tag: Facebook: LinkedIn: /unitedwayworldwide Key Links and Resources: United Way Website United Way Workplace Campaigns Page United Way List United Way Worldwide United Way of Northeast Mississippi contact info: Website: Phone: Campaign Staff Russ Wilson, Campaign Director Mike Mitchell, Campaign Director United Way of Northeast Mississippi

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