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Reception class news at Home Learning activities

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1 Reception class news at Home Learning activities
Week Ending: Friday 23rd June Reception class news at Ysgol y Ddraig This week… In Dosbarth Derbyn this week we have been bees creating our own class sound dictionary’s. We went hunting around our classrooms to find objects that begin with the sounds, took pictures of the objects and even recorded our voices. Visit twitter to see and hear our hard work #ogwr #hensol. In maths we have been adding on numbers using a number line to help us. We have learnt to jump on the numbers to find the total. We have also been very busy investigating into how we can keep ourselves and our world healthy. We have created our own healthy lunchboxes that we filled with lovely healthy foods and we explored why recycling is important. We learnt that to keep our world healthy and safe we can recycling lots of different items and objects. We sorted items that we could reycling into metal, plastic, paper and glass bins! Reduce, reuse, recycle! Reminders Sun safety- As we have had very hot and beautiful weather could all children be applied with suntan lotion before school and bring in hats and water bottles to help them stay hydrated and safe in the day. Thank you. Reading records (yellow reading booklets)- It would be lovely to see parent/ carers comments in the children’s reading record to see how your child is getting on with their reading at home. It is also an opportunity for you to note down any reading concerns, areas of struggle etc during that weekly read to help us target on Friday reading. Home Learning activities As we have been learning to add numbers this week using a number line, your home learning this week is to find the total using a number line. Show your family how roarsome you are by frog jumping. Enjoy the weekend sunshine and be safe in the sun! Thank you for your continued support. Miss Whelan and Miss Cogbill.

2 5 + 3 = 10 + 6 = Can you add the numbers together to find the total?
Remember to frog jump to find the correct answer. 5 + 3 = =

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