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Technology prompt This is a useful prompt to ensure that technology is covered and taught effectively towards the early learning.

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1 Technology prompt
This is a useful prompt to ensure that technology is covered and taught effectively towards the early learning goal.

2 Technology
Ensure that the setting is well equipped with a variety of technology which is available in all areas. For example:- Construction- wind up toys, pulleys, programmable /remote control toys Home corner- telephone, microwave, cooker. Small world- walkie talkies, magnifiers, telescope, cameras, metal detectors Writing- phones, key boards, Maths- calculators, phones, till Reading- cd player, headphones Make sure that there are books within the setting which support the ‘critical thinking’ of technology. Foe example in the construction area provide information texts about wheels, cars, trains. This will develop their language and understanding of how different types of technology works. To extend the use of the classroom computer set weekly challenges to complete on a certain program. Create an interactive tick list so that children can manage their own learning. e.g. draw a picture of your family selecting different appropriate colours. Type a message to your friend. Technology Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes. Allow the children to explore with different types of technology by providing them with old (not working) resources. Such as computers, key boards, type writer, washing machines., televisions , watches and mobiles. Can they take them apart? Use a variety of tools to let the children explore the technology and take it apart to see various functions and materials.

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