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Shiphandling Mishaps and Lessons Learned

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Presentation on theme: "Shiphandling Mishaps and Lessons Learned"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shiphandling Mishaps and Lessons Learned
LT Hagee 02 Nov 00

2 Overview FFG entering port grounding LSD unrep near collision
T-AE unrep near collision Yukon/Denver collision Discussion (throughout)

3 FFG Entering Port FFG entering foreign port for bilateral ex
Language barrier Diplomatic clearance delayed 9 hour delay getting into port Stationed Sea and Anchor 1657: proceed to pilot pickup

4 FFG (cont) Pilot boat skips them Proceed out of channel
Sunset observed Note: Avoid entering port later than 1700 Made second approach No pilot available Permission not granted -- clear channel

5 FFG (cont) CO/XO: Anchor outside the channel CO went to CIC
XO (conn) maneuvered to port Nav informed XO it was a different set of buoys -- standing into shoal water XO disagrees -- full rudder turn to port

6 FFG (cont) Ship ran aground Sonar dome damaged
One propeller blade sheared

7 FFG - findings Tripwire (NLT 1700) ignored
No one assumed responsibility of oversight Language barrier anticipated? Committed to channel w/out permission Nav advised shoal water -- stop ship to investigate LACK OF SUPERVISION --> MISHAP

8 Discussion

9 LSD Near Collision Conducting UNREP operations
Approach conducted 2 hours of approaches and breakaways (6) -- no lines Ship approached -- dry hookup Intent was to hookup again -- 50k gals fuel

10 LSD (cont) Approach ship alternated helmsman Conn passed to new Ensign
Dept Head OOD Dept Head coach for Conning Officer Qualified OOD was Helm Safety CO and XO were both on the bridge

11 LSD (cont) Maintained station 160-180 ft
Rudder: 5 deg, occasionally 10 deg Rig was passed for final hookup Permission to tension granted Word passed “Standby to tension aft” Spanwire not tensioned immediately

12 LSD (cont) Rudder: Conn coach: shift your rudder Right 15 deg
Moving toward amidships Approaching amidships from >10 deg left Past right 15 deg to right full Conn coach: shift your rudder

13 LSD (cont) CO assumed conn Conn coach formally took the conn
Rudder amidships Left standard rudder Various combinations Conn coach formally took the conn Spanwire parted 10-40 ft CPA at stern

14 LSD - findings Helm/Safety Officer Helm Safety Officer
Prematurely and erroneously compensated Failed to maintain ordered course Did not advise conning officer of situation Helm Safety Officer Did nothing to correct when helmsman lost ctrl Helmsman unconfident due to overbearing nature of helm safety officer

15 LSD - findings Confusion with regard to conn

16 Discussion

17 T-AE Near Collision Preparing for UNREP
3 things noted prior to approach Headed into sunrise (start was 0750) Rigs 4 and 6 both well forward of pivot point Noise level high due to simultaneous vertrep Base cse: 080 Using 081/082

18 T-AE (cont) Ship approached 160 flag Conn saw paddle signal to tension
On course 081 Ordered 083 Stations 4 and 6 stationed simultaneously Ships closed to 120 feet w/in seconds

19 T-AE (cont) Rudder: Stabilized at 100 ft separation
Right 5 degrees Right 10 degrees Stabilized at 100 ft separation Right 15 degrees rudder Opened distance Stern CPA of 60 feet

20 T-AE (cont) Ships opened to 200 feet
Rudder amidships -- coasted to 300 feet Weak links parted at 300 feet

21 T-AE - Findings Conning officer unprepared for sudden tension
Highlines tensioned w/out permission

22 Discussion

23 Yukon / Denver

24 USNS YUKON (TAO 202) Underway Replenishment Oiler
Henry. J Kaiser Class Length: 650 ft Beam: 97 ft Draft: 35 ft Displace: tons Speed: 24 knots

25 USS DENVER (LPD 9) Amphibious Transport Dock Austin Class
Length: 570 ft Beam: 100 ft Draft: 23 ft Displace: tons Speed: 21 knots

- Approach Ship USNS YUKON- RED SHIP Delivery Ship Guide Steadies on Romeo Corpen & Speed

27 1645

28 1652

29 1700

30 1703

31 1705

32 1708

33 1709

34 1710

35 1710’

36 1711

37 1711

38 1645

39 1652

40 1700

41 1703

42 1705

43 1708

44 1709

45 1710

46 1710’

47 1711

48 1711






54 Discussion

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