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Characteristics of Living Things

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1 Characteristics of Living Things

2 Living things are made up of cells
Cells themselves are “alive”, they can grow, reproduce and respond to their surroundings Some organisms have only one cell – unicellular Many are multi-cellular and contain hundreds, thousand or even a trillion cells

3 Living Things Reproduce
Sexual reproduction – two cells from different parents (egg and sperm) unite to form the first cell of the new organism Asexual – a new cell has a single parent – in some the parent cell divides in half forming the new organism

4 Living things are based on a genetic code (DNA)
Flies produce flies, dogs produce dogs, etc. The parent’s DNA is passed on to the new cell which is why the new organism has similar traits.

5 All Living Things Grow and Develop
All living things grow during at least a part of their life. Multicellular things also develop over time – the original cell reproduces making more, the cell differentiate into specialized cells (heart cells, liver, cells, blood cells) and often changes occur from youth to adult (puberty, metamorphisis, etc)

6 Living things obtain and use materials and energy
Organisms need materials (food, water, nutrients) and energy that comes from the breakdown of these materials - called metabolism – to grow and develop

7 Living things respond to their environment
A stimulus is a signal to which an organism responds External stimuli – come from outside sources, temperature, light, etc. A plant will bend toward light from a window for example Internal stimuli – your body produces more insulin after you eat something high in sugar

8 Living things maintain a stable internal environment
Temperature and water content need to be fairly constant within an organism for survival. The process by which organisms regulate this is called homeostasis (homeo – same; stasis – state)Homeostasis – maintain a stable internal environment

9 As a group living things change over time.
Evolution occurs over time for a species. Over a few years the changes seem insignificant over hundreds or thousands of years they become more obvious

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